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Epidemiologist Sprite.png
An ordinary zombie in a protective suit. It cannot be set on fire.
Main Stats
Health-Healing.png Health 78
Melee.png Melee Damage 10
Melee.png Melee Damage (crit.) 11
Poison resist.png Poison Damage 5
Fortune.png Crit. Chance 85%
Crit damage.png Crit. Damage 10%
Speed.png Speed 5
Rage Drop 2
Behavior Stats
Agility.png Agility 40
Agility.png Aggression 20
Morale Stats
Icon charisma.png Charisma -8
Charisma Radius 50
Fire.png Fire 100%

Epidemiologist is a Dark Skeleton dressed in a yellow hazmat suit with blue gloves and a cracked fishbowl helmet leaking blood.


Epidemiologist is a regular mid-game enemy. It's immune to fire damage, and can land critical hits at an extremely high rate. Said criticals are guaranteed to apply poison debuff on units struck by them.


Epidemiologist poses a great threat for medium-level players relying on damagers like Grenadier, as almost every of its hits applies incurable poison. The best way to counter it is by using ranged units to shoot it down before it could attack, or poison-immune units like Firefighter. Fighters are also acceptable counters, since they are easily replaceable even if they are poisoned.

Epidemiologists often appear in massive swarms, usually accompanied by Slobs. Both of these zombies are immune to fire, so fire-based damage sources such as Molotov Cocktail and Flamethrower are unusable against them. However, Red Barrel is still applicable, thanks to its explosion. While Medkit is unable to block zombies, it can still be used to extend longevity of any units under attack.


  • In stage 3, mission 17, a cutscene shows two humans wearing the Epidemiologist's hazmat suits. One has the helmet closed while the other has it partially opened.
  • Prior to it being remade in Dark Skeleton's image, Epidemiologist's sprite was based on Tipsy.
  • Internally, Epidemiologist is reffered to as "Yellow".


Stage 1 Zombie Fast Zombie Skeleton Tipsy Pooch
Stage 2 Builder (Zombie) Foreman Girl Runner Aidman Cop Ram Fat Zombie Bulletproof
Stage 3 Sergeant Witch One-armed Soldier Epidemiologist Slob Medic (Zombie) Charged Zombie Dark Skeleton Armored Skeleton Policeman (Zombie) Puffer
Stage 4 Sapper Undead Firefighter (Zombie) Demon Necromancer Soldier (Zombie)
Stage 6 Rotten Chinese Rebel Monk Psy Small Insectoid Hypnotist Spiderlimb
Stage 7 Putrid Blue Blue Runner Big Blue Insectoid Egg Energy Sphere Offal Warthog Double-headed Zombie
Stage 8 Crank Prisoner Locust Twins SWAT (Zombie)
Events Pumpkin ZombieFast Pumpkin Zombie
Other Free Hugs Crooked Smoker Abby EMT Forest Firefighter
Naked Rifleman Lubber Robber Crazy Biker Skull
Paramedic Boss Marauder Vehicle Cephalopods