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Hypnotist Sprite.png
Not aggressive, but causes a weird hypnotic effect nearby.
Main Stats
Health-Healing.png Health 120
Melee.png Melee Damage 0
Melee.png Melee Damage (crit.) 17
Fortune.png Crit. Chance 0%
Crit damage.png Crit. Damage 0%
Speed.png Speed 2
Rage Drop 3
Special Applies Hypnotized to 1-2 Units
Behavior Stats
Agility.png Agility 50
Agility.png Aggression 50
Morale Stats
Icon charisma.png Charisma -8
Charisma Radius 100
Stun Duration 1.5s
Activation Chance 0%

Hypnotist is a frail floating blue infected with torn black pants. A large chunk of its body is completely overtaken by blue energy, most notably the top of its head, which has formed into a gooey substance, similar to Energy Sphere, that swirls around. It has an especially long and thin neck and its torso is especially decayed. its eyes flash white and blue.


Hypnotist cannot directly damage units. Instead, he targets 1-2 units and hypnotizes them, making them unable to move or act. Hypnosis lasts for 10 seconds.


Fighting Hypnotist can be similar to fighting Psy, melee and short-range units are usually unable to get close enough to attack him. Using Empty Barrel or Red Barrel are the most reliable options, as they can be dropped onto Hypnotist directly. Alternatively, Turret can be used to kill him since it can't be hypnotized. hypnotized units stop being hypnotized if they take damage from anything aside from status effects. So, dropping either of the barrels on your hypnotized units isn't a bad idea as long a healing option is available. However, this option should only be done if Hypnotist is behind the barricade and unable to be hit or killed by any units currently on the field, since killing Hypnotist will cause units it hypnotized to stop being hypnotized.


Stage 1 Zombie Fast Zombie Skeleton Tipsy Pooch
Stage 2 Builder (Zombie) Foreman Girl Runner Aidman Cop Ram Fat Zombie Bulletproof
Stage 3 Sergeant Witch One-armed Soldier Epidemiologist Slob Medic (Zombie) Charged Zombie Dark Skeleton Armored Skeleton Policeman (Zombie) Puffer
Stage 4 Sapper Undead Firefighter (Zombie) Demon Necromancer Soldier (Zombie)
Stage 6 Rotten Chinese Rebel Monk Psy Small Insectoid Hypnotist Spiderlimb
Stage 7 Putrid Blue Blue Runner Big Blue Insectoid Egg Energy Sphere Offal Warthog Double-headed Zombie
Stage 8 Crank Prisoner Locust Twins SWAT (Zombie)
Events Pumpkin ZombieFast Pumpkin Zombie
Other Free Hugs Crooked Smoker Abby EMT Forest Firefighter
Naked Rifleman Lubber Robber Crazy Biker Skull
Paramedic Boss Marauder Vehicle Cephalopods