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Medkit Sprite.png
The medkit restores health to all friendly units within its area of effect.
Main Stats
Rarity Common
Health-Healing.png Healing
Period 1.5s
Radius.png Radius 65
  • Healing pulses: 10
Icon cost.png Rage Cost 9
Perks AlliesHealing.png DropOnBattlefield.png ResistanceFire.png
Special Ability.png Special Ability Removes poison from friendly units and gives them poison immunity.
Unlock Requirements
Price 330Coins.png
Player Level 5

Medkit is a large red first aid kit box marked with a big white cross.

It can be unlocked for 330 coins after reaching player level 4.


Medkit is a healing Support Item. It can be placed on the battlefield to heal damaged units that stand in its area of effect. The healing is done in pulses, which come with a 1.5 second delay. Medkit is not a solid entity, and enemies can't interact with it. It despawns after making 10 pulses.

Being a support item, Medkit can be dropped on almost any spot of the battlefield, and has most resistances typical for units of that class.


Medkit is a generally useful tool, as it can provide continuous support to any amount of units at once, as long as it's positioned appropriately. This way it becomes possible for melee units to block enemies' path for a longer time, while also having a safety net for advancing should they come out of the encounter alive. Medkit can prove especially useful in missions with Insectoids, allowing your rangers to stay in battle for longer. It can also be used to extend the lifespan of burning or poisoned units, in case it's preferable over sending out new ones.

It must be acknowledged that Medkit shines most in missions which are expected to take a long time to finish. If a mission can be cleared relatively quickly, it becomes a redundant item. It's also a bad choice for missions where optimal strategies treat units as expendables.


  • Despite not being a solid entity, Medkit has fire resistance, presumably to indicate it can be deployed on fire pools.
  • Before the introduction of special abilities, Medkit was the only inanimate unit that could appear in Skirmish as they could be summoned by Medic.
  • Since the International Red Cross emblem (red cross on white background) is protected by international treaties under the Geneva Conventions, Medkit uses a reversed coloration. However, this makes it resemble the flag of Switzerland instead.
Base game
Humans Redneck Farmer Builder Mechanic Pepper Chopper Firefighter Sheriff Charlotte Glenn Policeman Diaz Grenadier Gunslinger Private Rodriguez Sniper Polina Welder Carlos Guard Medic Sonya Ranger Willy Light Soldier Carol Paramedic Nancy Builder Abby Rogue Lionheart Juggernaut
Inanimate Empty Barrel Medkit Red Barrel Molotov Generator Nitrogen Turret Drone
Plot Sheriff Bill Minor Characters
TMF Squad Flamethrower Soldier Cap Swat
Circus Saw Berserker Queen
Scientists Dr. Kane Dr. Norman Dr. Miller Drone
Other Jailer SpecOps Austin Agents
Halloween Turbo Andrea
Christmas Lester Cashier Red Hood Maria
Escort Princess