Policeman (Zombie)

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Policeman (Zombie)
Policeman Zombie Sprite.png
An ordinary zombie with protection against melee attacks.
Main Stats
Health-Healing.png Health 78
Melee.png Melee Damage 24
Melee.png Melee Damage (crit.) 26
Fortune.png Crit. Chance 30%
Crit damage.png Crit. Damage 10%
Speed.png Speed 6
Rage Drop 3
Behavior Stats
Agility.png Agility 20
Agility.png Aggression 18
Morale Stats
Icon charisma.png Charisma -64
Charisma Radius 100
Melee resist.png Melee 90%
Knockback 35%

Policeman is an infected dressed in a policeman's uniform underneath a blue police stab vest, black pants with yellow highlights, and a black police cap.


Policeman is a regular mid-game enemy that boasts a very high level of melee resistance. It's capable of landing critical hits at a moderate rate.


Policeman is an enemy with the intent to discourage the primary use of melee units during missions. Due to his very high melee resistance and significant damage for an early-to-midgame enemy, melee units have very little success in fighting him, even less so in groups. However, Policeman's health is rather subpar, meaning every other source of damage can make quick work with little issue.

Ranged, fire, and explosive damage will prove very effective against Policeman, and several units or rage abilities harnessing these damage types are available to early-midgame players when dealing with him. Although ranged units are plentiful and extremely effective for the most part, their effectiveness can be hindered if Policeman is in the presence of bullet-resistant or high health enemies to soak damage. Grenadier is a damager that can gravely injure him with a well-timed grenade toss. Red Barrel can deal both explosive and fire damage to reduce him to ashes given enough time.

Melee units with the knockback perk and medium-high damage are capable of defeating them in lower quantities, though this comes with inherent risk. It's recommended that those units either have medium-high health as well or are supported by Medkit as Policeman can kill most melee units quite fast with its surprising damage output thanks to its critical hits.


  • Policeman can be found earlier in the game inside a tappable vehicle in stage 3, mission 1. However, this particular Policeman is glitched: he and marauders will not attack each other, but he is somehow capable of damaging other zombies if they happen to be close and in each others' paths.
  • In certain versions of the game, instead of instakilling enemies that the bus ran over at the end of the mission, it merely dealt 500 melee damage. Due to his very high melee resistance, Policeman was the only zombie with less than 500 health capable of surviving this attack.


Stage 1 Zombie Fast Zombie Skeleton Tipsy Pooch
Stage 2 Builder (Zombie) Foreman Girl Runner Aidman Cop Ram Fat Zombie Bulletproof
Stage 3 Sergeant Witch One-armed Soldier Epidemiologist Slob Medic (Zombie) Charged Zombie Dark Skeleton Armored Skeleton Policeman (Zombie) Puffer
Stage 4 Sapper Undead Firefighter (Zombie) Demon Necromancer Soldier (Zombie)
Stage 6 Rotten Chinese Rebel Monk Psy Small Insectoid Hypnotist Spiderlimb
Stage 7 Putrid Blue Blue Runner Big Blue Insectoid Egg Energy Sphere Offal Warthog Double-headed Zombie
Stage 8 Crank Prisoner Locust Twins SWAT (Zombie)
Events Pumpkin ZombieFast Pumpkin Zombie
Other Free Hugs Crooked Smoker Abby EMT Forest Firefighter
Naked Rifleman Lubber Robber Crazy Biker Skull
Paramedic Boss Marauder Vehicle Cephalopods