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Turbo Sprite.png
Every strike brings her closer to the next home run
Main Stats
Type Damager
Rarity Exclusive
Health-Healing.png Health 70
Melee.png Melee Damage 24
Fortune.png Crit. Chance 30%
Crit damage.png Crit. Damage 10%
Speed.png Speed 20
UnitPrep-Duration-Period.png Prepare Time 13
Icon cost.png Courage Cost 25
Behavior Stats
Agility.png Agility 60
Agility.png Aggression 80
Radius.png Detection Range 80
Agility Penalty 50%
Aggression Penalty 50%
Morale Stats
Icon charisma.png Charisma 50
Icon valor.png Valor 150
Charisma Radius 80
Perks Knockback.png ResistanceBullets.png
Knockback Strength 30
Special Ability.png Special Ability Knockback distance is increased by 10 for each 90 points of Valor.
Icon bullet resist.png Bullet 100%
Unlock Requirements
Price Reward for opening Halloween cases
Player Level Any

Northerners logo.png Turbo is a speedster armed with a wooden baseball bat and dressed in a light green jumpsuit with yellow highlights, yellow gloves, a black belt with a silver buckle, red shoes, and a blue and yellow open face motorcycle helmet. Some of her hair is dyed auburn.


Turbo is a Damager. Her stats are above average for her class, and she does moderately fast swings, together with extremely slow criticals.

Turbo has immunity to bullet damage, and causes knockback on her critical hits. Her knockback strength is very high, which is counterbalanced by her critical attacks using a long wind up animation.

Some time after dying, she turns into a Witch.

Special Ability

Turbo's special ability grants her +10 extra knockback strength for every 90 points of valor she has. With her base valor of 150, she is guaranteed to receive one tick of the buff. The maximum possible bonus is +60 KS, totalling to 90.

This perks acts as a nice bonus for players who manage to bring Turbo's valor to an adequate level. Considering that this stat is almost necessary to improve for her, there's generally no downside to getting this perk, in case you use Turbo very often. However, deliberately pursuing it is pointless, as it has rather steep requirements, with the returns being marginal: high knockback strength very rarely plays a role, and focusing too much on Turbo's valor ends up detrimental to her other stats.


Turbo can prove to be a very powerful melee unit in certain missions thanks to her extremely fast movement speed, full bullet resistance and the unique knockback perk. Her speed allows her to get right into the fight with little to no delays. Her full bullet resistance can render Marauder encounters pushovers, taking no damage from their ranged weaponry while quickly taking them out thanks to her movement speed. Her unique knockback perk creates an unbelievably large gaps between herself and an enemy, making her a perfect choice against slow, high health enemies who happen to lack knockback resistance, particularly SWATs (Zombie) and Twins. These strengths are complemented with a slightly longer and wider melee attack range, allowing her to attack enemies she isn't even directly facing. This helps in putting her in a more favorable position with a small bit of space between her target before executing her critical attack.

Despite her immense strengths, Turbo proves to be just a merely specialist unit, mainly because while other damagers can get a lot out of frequent critical hits, Turbo's slow critical hit animation and high base critical chance leaves her vulnerable. Noticeable example is Small Insectoids since they can easily kill her with their repeated knockback effects. In general, Turbo is an underperforming unit apart from the aforementioned circumstances. It may be better to use other damagers such as Grenadier, since these units tend to be overall much more consistent.


In League, Turbo shines as the sole unit with full bullet resistance and proves to singlehandedly decimate teams solely comprised of ranged units (unless the tactical set is factored in) and even those with one or very few melee units. However, she proves to have little versatility in many other setups and often finds herself vulnerable to all other sources of damage. Her super fast movement speed is also a bit of a double-edged sword, being able to close gaps and reach enemies quicker, but in the wake of Mechanic's additional damage attack or Carol's lightning-fast attack, proves to be nothing more than an easy target. Additionally, her critical attack is nearly useless on the account that it is obnoxiously slow (even more so than Chopper's) and that knockback is disabled in Skirmish to begin with. This move simply makes her even more vulnerable to enemy melee units who can likely take advantage of her wind up and eliminate her before she has a chance to strike her opponent out. An enemy Sniper Polina's special ability can further reduce Turbo's usefulness due to her ability being able to bypass 40% of her resistance, meaning enough shots will eventually kill her. Fire is another harmful, albeit more situational, danger for her to be aware of. If caught standing right in front of him, Flamethrower can easily reduce Turbo to ashes. Willy is able to stun and damage her. To some extent, Swat and Carlos with his special ability unlocked can somewhat bypass her resistance by setting her on fire with their incendiary bullets to deal minor chip damage. Enemies that explode on death, including Flamethrower, can deal a lot of damage with the explosion and set her on fire should Turbo unfortunately find herself within range. Finally, with the abundance of Tactical sets, Turbo became one of the greatest victims, as her only perk is essentially nerfed, and her speed that used to help her close the gap between her and range units doesn’t help her to dodge most of the damage inflicted.

Item Sets

Because of Turbo's lowkey crippling critical attack, it's difficult for her to properly take advantage of the Gentleman set. It is the best option in case you strive to use her for nothing but knockback, but it lowers her overall versatility level. Instead, SwissMade and Hunter are better choices because of providing damage increases unconditionally. While the latter is less generous, it also allows Turbo to break down barricades much faster. Surgery is an acceptable alternative in case you focus on improving Turbo's health.

Turbo is perhaps the only unit in the game who requires upgrades to valor, since her base level is dangerously low for a melee unit. It's important to mention that this is not related to Turbo's special ability: the buff provided by it is not impactful enough to deliberately aim for it. Instead, it's needed to prevent Turbo from constantly becoming scared. +100 is the minimum buff you should aim for. The perfect solution is to get a legendary item with a valor buff, and pray that extra buff upgrades will land on it all four times. This guarantees a 150+ buff to valor from just a single item.

Like with most damagers, it's best to equip Turbo with a prep. time watch and seek agility through extra buffs. Percentage increases to health are acceptable, although the most desired extra buffs are flat boosts to melee damage, and cost reduction. The latter is important in case you need to accentuate Turbo's ability to quickly respond to incoming waves. +% Melee book is the best option for use with Swiss and Hunter. +% Health is an acceptable alternative for tanky Surgery builds.

Skins and Synergies

Turbo is part of the Northerners team.

Skin Turbo Sprite.png
Unlock Req. Obtain via gacha during
Halloween Event
Team Northerners logo.png Northerners

Turbo is generally one of the worse units for use with Northerners. While she may be ideal for Skirmish, in campaign her slow critical swings cause the 2/2 and 3/3 synergies to be counterproductive for her. She only sees good use in that team as a member of 5/5 decks, thanks to her 25 courage cost.


  • Turbo's overall appearance is loosely based on Apple, the deuteragonist from the movie Turbo Kid. The movie's title likely inspired her name.
    • Turbo's weapon is also based on Apple's "gnome stick," a makeshift weapon comprised of a wooden baseball bat with a garden gnome duct-taped to the cracked end.
  • Turbo was first teased on the official DA:ZW subreddit on October 2nd, 2019. She was officially revealed nine days later as a brand new unit that could be unlocked during the new Halloween Event of that same year.
  • Currently, Turbo holds multiple stat records among unit. She is tied with Welder for having the fastest movement speed in the game, while also having the highest base knockback strength, and the lowest base valor.
  • Turbo is technically the third event-exclusive unit added to the game. With the release of the modern Halloween Event, she replaced Berserker as a unit reward. Otherwise, she is the first ever unit to be available from event-exclusive lootboxes.
  • Turbo's full bullet resistance was considered to be a bug. In update 2.9.1, she was given the regular 90% damage reduction all other bullet-resistant units have. However, this rework was undone only a few hours later, granting Turbo her full bullet resistance back.


Base game
Humans Redneck Farmer Builder Mechanic Pepper Chopper Firefighter Sheriff Charlotte Glenn Policeman Diaz Grenadier Gunslinger Private Rodriguez Sniper Polina Welder Carlos Guard Medic Sonya Ranger Willy Light Soldier Carol Paramedic Nancy Builder Abby Rogue Lionheart Juggernaut
Inanimate Empty Barrel Medkit Red Barrel Molotov Generator Nitrogen Turret Drone
Plot Sheriff Bill Minor Characters
TMF Squad Flamethrower Soldier Cap Swat
Circus Saw Berserker Queen
Scientists Dr. Kane Dr. Norman Dr. Miller Drone
Other Jailer SpecOps Austin Agents
Halloween Turbo Andrea
Christmas Lester Cashier Red Hood Maria
Escort Princess