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Jailer Sprite.png
Jailer Prisoner Sprite.png
He may have lost his prison, but he kept his stun gun.
Main Stats
Type Fighter
Rarity Exclusive
Health-Healing.png Health 41
Melee.png Melee Damage 12
Fortune.png Crit. Chance 30%
Crit damage.png Crit. Damage 10%
Speed.png Speed 15
UnitPrep-Duration-Period.png Prepare Time 13s
Icon cost.png Courage Cost 15
Behavior Stats
Agility.png Agility 60
Agility.png Aggression 90
Radius.png Detection Range 80
Agility Penalty 50%
Aggression Penalty 50%
Morale Stats
Icon charisma.png Charisma 150
Icon valor.png Valor 200
Charisma Radius 80
Perks StunAbility.png
Special Ability.png Special Ability Critical hit stuns multiple targets in a small radius
Unlock Requirements
Price Obtained by purchasing the Starter Pack for approximately (in USD) $6, or $2.50 when on sale.
Player Level Any

Jailers logo.png Jailer is a prison guard specializing in close-range combat. He is armed with a stun baton and dressed in a khaki long sleeve prison guard uniform with a black tie, black pants, brown belt with a yellow buckle, and a black prison guard's cap.

Prisoners.png Prisoner is Jailer's first exclusive skin. He is armed with a stun baton and is dressed in a full prisoner jumpsuit with a white undershirt, a brown tool belt, and a black beanie.

To unlock Jailer, players must purchase the Starter Pack using real-world currency, unlike all other unit packs which are bought with in-game money. Every other time Jailer's pack is offered, it will be at a 50% discount. It is highly recommended that players planning to purchase the Starter Pack do so when it is offered at the lower price.


Jailer is a Fighter. He has average stats for his class, with the exception of his mediocre attack speed, and even slower critical swings.

Jailer's critical hits are guaranteed to stun his targets, freezing them briefly. Some time after dying, he turns into a Tipsy.

As an automatically upgrading unit, Jailer's level will increase for free together with the bus' level.

Special Ability

Jailer's special ability makes him fire lightning arcs that stun up to three random nearby enemies when he lands a critical hit.

This perk cements Jailer's role as a support unit, as now he can easily assist teammates in need by detering small hordes, all while being able to avoid enemy fire. There are little scenarios where this perk doesn't cause an impact, therefore it's best to by it if you are using Jailer often.


Main Campaign

Jailer can stun enemies on critical hits. Stun duration will be reset if Jailer crits his target again, giving him the potential to lock an enemy in place long enough to kill them without taking too much damage. This is a rather unlikely outcome since enemies mostly attack in groups, so he will frequently need support from other melee or ranged units since Jailer works much better alongside others to take full advantage of his stun with him.

Jailer has fairly high base health among units in the fighter class, only surpassed by Rogue and Cashier. He also has good damage and movement speed for a low courage cost with only a moderate preparation time. Due to this, he is quite powerful as a starter unit as his unit pack would suggest. However, towards the endgame, he is largely overshadowed by Rogue or Mechanic. His preparation time doesn't allow him to be the most effective spam unit and his stun perk is also a bit underwhelming in later stages of the game due to the tougher enemies encountered as well as his slow critical hit speed making it tougher to stun enemies before they first hit him. His health though fairly high for Fighter standards is outpaced by the raw damage inflicted by late-game enemies, usually netting him an extra hit or two before falling.

Rogue is the direct upgrade of Jailer, having the identical perk of being able to stun enemies, the exact same prepare time and speed, a higher base health and courage cost, a significantly higher base damage, the added perk of not turning into a zombie upon death, as well as not requiring microtransactions in order to purchase. Jailer however does have a higher Crit Chance, which certainly can differentiate him more as a stun centered unit compared to Rogue, and Agility statistic, which certainly helps in lesser investments into the stat overall but otherwise doesn't affect gameplay all that much. He also has automatic bus leveling, which is a nice addition though at later locations performance of the unit dies off. The one benefit Jailer has over Rogue however is his SA being much more useful, as bullet resistance has negligible benefits outside of Stage 3, and is completely useless past Stage 5. This all in combination makes Rogue the much superior unit, meaning purchasing the Starter Pack for the Jailer is ill-advised, even if purchased at a discounted rate. A combination between Jailer and Rogue is possible however, with the mediocre preparation time of both units and better uses for the slots later causes the combo to lose steam, though it can be used to great effect if both units happen to be very lucky with crits.


In League, despite his decent health and fast speed, Jailer suffers from the same issues all fighter class units do: the lack of bullet resistance. His health is hardly an issue for most ranged unit and his slow critical hit speed could be an issue when fighting against enemy melee units who possess faster attack speeds. In the few cases where he does manage to get close to an enemy unit and retaliate, however, he will be able to kill any units just fine as his stun perk can stop them in place, leaving them helpless to a follow-up attack of his own or from another teammate. In most cases though, he can simply serve as a replacement for Private or Redneck if cannon fodder melee units are part of the player's team composition.

Item Sets

Being a crit. focused unit, Jailer gets most use out of Gentleman set since it compliments his intended playstyle. Gambling might be a tempting option, since it allows to boost Jailer's crit. rate to a near-guaranteed level, but it's a risky choice since his crit. wind up lasts longer than the stun debuff he applies, creating a window where he becomes vulnerable.

Jailer gets most use out of prep. time watches, with agility bonuses acquired as secondary buffs. It might be tempting to give him an agility watch, but turning Jailer low-key spammable is a more effective strategy, since he isn't able to cause a high impact in small numbers. +% Crit. chance books work best, as they allow Jailer to capitalize on his stun ability. It's technically possible to get good results with +% crit. damage books too, but there's no guarantee it will matter enough. It's usually better to pursue increase of crit. damage through secondary buffs. Like with most fighters, flat boosts to health and damage provide better value than percentages, and are recommended to be purused.

Skins and Synergies

Jailer is a part of the Jailers team.

Skin Jailer Sprite.png Jailer Prisoner Sprite.png
Unlock Req. Starter Pack purchase 300 money
Team Jailers logo.png Jailers Prisoners logo.png Prisoners

In all of the above teams, Jailer is a good option. However, this is mainly thanks to his role as a spammable melee unit, as both Jailer and Prisoners lack units who could fulfill that niche instead of him.

The above statement is especially prevalent in Jailers team, as it sorely lacks cheap melee units. He is one of the best choices for the 2/2 build, and is an almost essential option for 3/3, even though he gets zero benefits from the 2nd tier power himself. 5/5 power provides the biggest impact on Jailer of all, as it can make him spammable with the use of prep. time watches.

Jailer's situation is better in Prisoners team, as he compliments their playstyle very well by being an easily spammable frontliner. The 50% melee resistance provided by the 1st tier is also highly beneficial for Jailer on his own, as he is naturally fragile, and his stuns can act as a double-edged sword in some situations. All layers of protection provided by Prisoners' powers effectively eliminate that risk.


  • According to Jailer's deleted backstory:
  • Jailer is one of the five Jailers, the others being Sniper Polina, Guard, Gunslinger, and Willy.
  • Judging by Jailer's old concept art, he was originally supposed to be a convict, before becoming a prison officer. This would eventually come full circle, with the Prisoner skin reusing the concept. Having it return as his first skin, looking near identical to the originally scrapped concept.
  • Jailer's description refers to his stun baton as a stun gun. While it can be argued that a stun baton is simply an extended stun gun with a grip to put more distance between its user and the attacker, a stun gun usually refers to an electroshock device the size of a TV remote that has a little more range, such as Willy's weapon.
  • During the 2023 Reddit Developer Q&A, it was stated that, between the "What's next for the game" announcement and then, someone had actually already guessed correctly what Jailer's new Special Ability would be, likely in a comment on an official announcement, but they didn't say who guessed it.


Base game
Humans Redneck Farmer Builder Mechanic Pepper Chopper Firefighter Sheriff Charlotte Glenn Policeman Diaz Grenadier Gunslinger Private Rodriguez Sniper Polina Welder Carlos Guard Medic Sonya Ranger Willy Light Soldier Carol Paramedic Nancy Builder Abby Rogue Lionheart Juggernaut
Inanimate Empty Barrel Medkit Red Barrel Molotov Generator Nitrogen Turret Drone
Plot Sheriff Bill Minor Characters
TMF Squad Flamethrower Soldier Cap Swat
Circus Saw Berserker Queen
Scientists Dr. Kane Dr. Norman Dr. Miller Drone
Other Jailer SpecOps Austin Agents
Halloween Turbo Andrea
Christmas Lester Cashier Red Hood Maria
Escort Princess