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Cashier Sprite.png
Christmas Cashier Sprite.png
Now he serves smacks instead of snacks
Main Stats
Type Fighter
Rarity Exclusive
Health-Healing.png Health 60
Melee.png Melee Damage 35
Fortune.png Crit. Chance 60%
Crit damage.png Crit. Damage 10%
Speed.png Speed 16
UnitPrep-Duration-Period.png Prepare Time 20
Icon cost.png Courage Cost 20
Behavior Stats
Agility.png Agility 60
Agility.png Aggression 85
Radius.png Detection Range 80
Agility Penalty 10%
Aggression Penalty 10%
Morale Stats
Icon charisma.png Charisma 300
Icon valor.png Valor 350
Charisma Radius 120
Special Ability.png Special Ability Critical hits deal quadruple base damage.
Unlock Requirements
Price Reward for opening Christmas cases
Player Level Any

Cashier is a fast-food worker armed with a spiked bat and dressed in a gray short-sleeve button-down shirt with a red name tag, black pants, and a red branded uniform hat.

Christmas Cashier is Cashier's first exclusive skin. He is armed with a spiked bat and dressed in a gray short-sleeve button-down shirt with a red name tag, black pants, and a Santa hat.

He can be acquired during the Christmas Event by opening a Christmas case with an extremely low chance of obtaining him.


Cashier is a Fighter unit. He has extremely high stats for his class. Cashier's attack speed is moderate, and his criticals are moderately slow.

Cashier is one of the few units to not possess any perks. Some time after dying, he turns into a Tipsy.

Special Ability

Cashier's special ability sets his critical damage to 300%. This value becomes fixed, and can't be modified.

Considering his naturally extreme crit. rate, this perks provides Cashier with a colossal advantage, ultimately being his main selling point. There's generally little reason to use Cashier without his special unlocked, making it a near-essential purchase.


Main Campaign

On paper, Cashier appears to be one of the best, if not the best fighter unit in the entire game, possessing one of the highest DPS, high crit chance, high crit multiplier, moderate prep time and the highest health among his class. This is especially noticeable with his special ability unlocked, as, despite the slightly slower critical hit speed, the unmatched DPS boost this ability grants Cashier makes him an extremely powerful unit to the point he is capable of rivaling Mechanic's additional damage attack. While Cashier can continuously and consistently deal high damage with his weapon, Mechanic relies on his sledgehammer for the same effect and is prone to losing it if he doesn't kill an enemy with it and sometimes at random. Despite this, neither of them can necessarily one-up the other as both have specific roles as fast, expendable units with slight differences in abilities. It should also be noted that barricades do not take critical damage at all, so Cashier's performance remains unchanged against them.

In practice though, albeit not entirely underwhelming, Cashier isn’t a perfect unit as his stats might show. First of all, his most glaring flaw lies on his availability. Even if the chance of getting him in the Gacha form is not mentioned, he is still a unit that requires a lot investments. Otherwise, he is just a slightly bulkier version of Mechanic with a more reusable sledgehammer, in the exchange of lower damage and slower attack speed before level 13. As aforementioned, he only truly shines after unlocking the special ability, allowing him to shift the focus of upgrading items to his other stats, since he no longer has to worry about his crit multiplier.

Another noticeable flaw is Cashier's attack speed which, although not atrociously slow, makes him vulnerable to certain enemies, specially those with high damage and knockback such as Crank, and Small Insectoid, since these enemies can swiftly kill him.

Finally, Cashier has no team synergies, meaning he can’t benefit from most of the positive effects the composition provides while taking up one extra slot like a rage item.

Cashier is often compared to Rogue, the only thing Cashier has to offer is raw DPS, higher crit chance/multiplier and health, in exchange of having higher cost and prep time, no resistances and lower survivability. Even if they can’t substitute one another, if the availability is added, Rogue proves to be slightly more versatile than Cashier overall.


In League, despite his higher than average health, Cashier is very vulnerable to enemy ranged units, as is the case for fighter class units, since he lacks bullet-resistance. While there are the rare few cases where he can land a powerful attack against enemy melee units, especially if his special ability is unlocked, he won't be able to do much outside of being a slightly more costly cannon fodder melee unit.

Item Sets

Gentleman is a rather obvious choice for Cashier, considering his extreme crit. rate, and focus on burst damage. Gambling is inadvisable, as his critical chance is already pretty high.

Cashier gets most use out of prep. time watches, with agility bonuses acquired as secondary buffs. +% Melee buffs are the best for Cashier, as they provide major damage increase at his higher levels. His health, however, can be meaningfully buffed with both flats and percentages. Before his special is unlocked, it's crucial to give him at least some crit. damage buffs. Once it's purchased, though, they become entirely irrelevant due to the stat becoming impossible to modify.

Among books, +% crit. chance proves to be the best choice for Cashier once his SA is unlocked, as it allows him to land massive bursts almost every time. With that in mind, it becomes valid to give him +crit. chance extra buffs, as they allow Cashier to reach 100% crit. rate, guaranteeing that he will always deal quadruple damage. Prior to that, it's valid to give him either crit. damage, or +% melee books, as those will provide roughly equal increase to his total damage output. It's important to mention that melee books are technically a valid option even after Cashier is maxed out, but the only meaningful bonus they provide is ensuring that even his regular swings will deal big damage. In most cases, bringing him to near-guaranteed crit. rate is a better strategy.

Skins and Synergies

Cashier has an alternative skin called "Christmas Cashier." Unlike most other event-related skins, it is earned alongside with him as an extra bonus.

Christmas Cashier
Skin Cashier Sprite.png Christmas Cashier Sprite.png
Unlock Req. Obtain via gacha during
Christmas Event
Obtain via gacha during
Christmas Event
Team - -

Due to him and his respective skin not belonging to any team, there is no noticeable synergy Cashier can make use of.


  • If Cashier's special is unlocked, his criticals will only contribute his regular amount of damage to the "deal crit. damage" mastery missions.


  • Cashier was planned to be in the game as a unit since the original Quarantine version but was ultimately cut from the final game. He would be reintroduced years later with the release of the modern Christmas Event.
  • Cashier's uniform cap appears to display the McDonald's chain logo, the Golden Arches, flipped vertically. This is likely done to avoid copyright issues.
    • Cashier's original sprite had the symbol appear normal.
  • Cashier used to have the highest base melee damage in the game among all units, before being overtaken by Rogue.
  • Cashier is tied with Saw for having the highest base crit chance among all units in the game.
  • Cashier with his Special Ability unlocked has the highest base crit damage in the game.
  • Cashier is the only unit who can't be part of any faction, and thus is the only unit who can't be a Team Power member no matter what.
  • The map tile for Mission 11 depicts a building with a pole sign displaying the same symbol on Cashier's cap.


Base game
Humans Redneck Farmer Builder Mechanic Pepper Chopper Firefighter Sheriff Charlotte Glenn Policeman Diaz Grenadier Gunslinger Private Rodriguez Sniper Polina Welder Carlos Guard Medic Sonya Ranger Willy Light Soldier Carol Paramedic Nancy Builder Abby Rogue Lionheart Juggernaut
Inanimate Empty Barrel Medkit Red Barrel Molotov Generator Nitrogen Turret Drone
Plot Sheriff Bill Minor Characters
TMF Squad Flamethrower Soldier Cap Swat
Circus Saw Berserker Queen
Scientists Dr. Kane Dr. Norman Dr. Miller Drone
Other Jailer SpecOps Austin Agents
Halloween Turbo Andrea
Christmas Lester Cashier Red Hood Maria
Escort Princess