Princess Rescue

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Screenshot of the event.

Princess Rescue is an endless escort mission.

The event takes place in a tightly packed (but surprisingly well-lit) street alley with boarded-up stores and apartment buildings.

The main goal is to escort women fleeing from the zombies by letting them enter the bus. To hold zombies back, players must use several different rage abilities. The event consists of the same waves appearing in a set order, and then repeating again until the bus is destroyed.

What makes this event unique compared to the others is the preset combination of rage abilities players have to use in order to prevent zombies from reaching the bus and killing them. As courage and regular human units are disabled for the event mission, it is up to the player's ability to use their stationary units conservatively and effectively for the most chance of success and most amount of women saved.

Preset units for this event are Empty Barrel, Red Barrel, Molotov, Nitrogen, Turret and Drone. Bill does not have access to his LMG when the rage meter is full, and is instead given a grenade throw ability. All stationary units have the same level equal to that of the player's unit collection. If the player has not yet unlocked one of the listed units they won't be able to use them. The grenade throw deals 50 damage and is always at level 12.

Due to the nature of this event and the preset units for it, Energy Drink is the only buff that can be used.

One run of Princess Rescue may only last for a maximum of 6 minutes.


Enemies will appear in small waves, with each wave containing higher level enemies. The level of the enemies will increase on based on the difficulty. Below is a table containing all of the enemies present, for each difficulty. The difficulty dynamically increases with each goal post reached, staying at the same wave.

Easy <5 Rescues

Wave Repeats Enemies
1 0 Zombie.png x2
2 1 Fast Zombie.png x1 Zombie.png x1
3 1 Zombie.png x3 Tipsy.png x3 Fast Zombie.png x3
4 0 Cop.png x3
5 2 Witch.png x1 Tipsy.png x1 Cop.png x1 Fast Zombie.png x1
6 1 Cop.png x1 Fast Zombie.png x1 Witch.png x1
7 0 Witch.png x1 Charged Zombie.png x1
8 1 Builder Zombie.png x2 Cop.png x1 Fast Zombie.png x1 Runner.png x1
9 0 Witch.png x2
10 0 Cop.png x2 Fast Zombie.png x2
11 0 Runner.png x1 Fast Zombie.png x2
12 0 SoldierZombie.png Icon level 1.png x3 Tipsy.png Icon level 1.png x2 Zombie.png Icon level 1.png x3 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 1.png x1
13 0 SoldierZombie.png Icon level 1.png x3 Tipsy.png Icon level 1.png x2 Zombie.png Icon level 1.png x3 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 1.png x1
14 0 SoldierZombie.png Icon level 1.png x3 Tipsy.png Icon level 1.png x2 Zombie.png Icon level 1.png x3 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 1.png x1
15 0 SoldierZombie.png Icon level 1.png x3 Tipsy.png Icon level 1.png x2 Zombie.png Icon level 1.png x3 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 1.png x1
16 0 SoldierZombie.png Icon level 1.png x3 Tipsy.png Icon level 1.png x2 Zombie.png Icon level 1.png x3 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 1.png x1
17 0 SoldierZombie.png Icon level 1.png x3 Tipsy.png Icon level 1.png x2 Zombie.png Icon level 1.png x3 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 1.png x1
18 0 SoldierZombie.png Icon level 1.png x3 Tipsy.png Icon level 1.png x2 Zombie.png Icon level 1.png x3 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 1.png x1
19 9 SoldierZombie.png Icon level 1.png x3 Tipsy.png Icon level 1.png x2 Zombie.png Icon level 1.png x3 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 1.png x1

Normal <20 Rescues

Wave Repeats Enemies
1 0 Fast Zombie.png Icon level 2.png x2
2 0 Fast Zombie.png Icon level 2.png x2
3 1 Zombie.png Icon level 2.png x2 Tipsy.png Icon level 2.png x2 Fast Zombie.png Icon level 2.png x2
4 0 Cop.png Icon level 2.png x3
5 1 Witch.png Icon level 2.png x1 Tipsy.png Icon level 2.png x4 Cop.png Icon level 2.png x2 Fast Zombie.png Icon level 2.png x2
6 0 Paramedic.png Icon level 3.png x1 Runner.png Icon level 3.png x1 Witch.png Icon level 3.png x1
7 0 Witch.png Icon level 3.png x1 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 3.png x1
8 1 Builder Zombie.png Icon level 3.png x3 Cop.png Icon level 3.png x2 Fast Zombie.png Icon level 3.png x2 Runner.png Icon level 3.png x1
9 0 Witch.png Icon level 4.png x4
10 0 Cop.png Icon level 4.png x5 Fast Zombie.png Icon level 4.png x3
11 0 Runner.png Icon level 4.png x3 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 4.png x4
12 0 Cop.png Icon level 4.png x5 Fast Zombie.png Icon level 4.png x3
13 0 SoldierZombie.png Icon level 4.png x4 Epidemiologist.png Icon level 4.png x2 Armored Skeleton.png Icon level 4.png x5 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 2.png x3
14 0 SoldierZombie.png Icon level 4.png x4 Epidemiologist.png Icon level 4.png x2 Armored Skeleton.png Icon level 4.png x5 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 2.png x3
15 0 Girl.png Icon level 5.png x5 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 4.png x3
16 0 Epidemiologist.png Icon level 5.png x4 OneArmed Soldier.png Icon level 5.png x2 Armored Skeleton.png Icon level 5.png x4 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 5.png x3
17 0 Girl.png Icon level 5.png x8 Demon.png Icon level 5.png x2 Armored Skeleton.png Icon level 5.png x8
18 0 Girl.png Icon level 5.png x8 Demon.png Icon level 5.png x2 Armored Skeleton.png Icon level 5.png x8
19 9 Bulletproof.png Icon level 5.png x4 OneArmed Soldier.png Icon level 5.png x3 Armored Skeleton.png Icon level 5.png x6 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 5.png x2

Hard <35 Rescues

Wave Repeats Enemies
1 0 Cop.png Icon level 6.png x5 Fast Zombie.png Icon level 6.png x2
2 0 Cop.png Icon level 6.png x5 Fast Zombie.png Icon level 6.png x2
3 0 Cop.png Icon level 6.png x5 Fast Zombie.png Icon level 6.png x2
4 0 Witch.png Icon level 6.png x1 Tipsy.png Icon level 6.png x4 Cop.png Icon level 6.png x2 Fast Zombie.png Icon level 6.png x2
5 0 Witch.png Icon level 6.png x1 Tipsy.png Icon level 6.png x4 Cop.png Icon level 6.png x2 Fast Zombie.png Icon level 6.png x2
6 0 Paramedic.png Icon level 7.png x2 Runner.png Icon level 7.png x1 Witch.png Icon level 7.png x1
7 0 Witch.png Icon level 7.png x1 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 7.png x1
8 1 Builder Zombie.png Icon level 7.png x3 Cop.png Icon level 7.png x2 Fast Zombie.png Icon level 7.png x2 Runner.png Icon level 7.png x1
9 0 Witch.png Icon level 8.png x4
10 0 Cop.png Icon level 8.png x3 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 8.png x4
11 0 Runner.png Icon level 8.png x5 Fast Zombie.png Icon level 8.png x3
12 1 SoldierZombie.png Icon level 8.png x4 Epidemiologist.png Icon level 8.png x2 Armored Skeleton.png Icon level 8.png x5 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 8.png x3
13 0 Girl.png Icon level 8.png x4 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 8.png x4
14 0 Epidemiologist.png Icon level 9.png x4 OneArmed Soldier.png Icon level 9.png x2 Armored Skeleton.png Icon level 9.png x4 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 9.png x3
15 1 Girl.png Icon level 9.png x8 Demon.png Icon level 9.png x2 Armored Skeleton.png Icon level 9.png x8 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 9.png x4
16 1 Bulletproof.png Icon level 9.png x4 OneArmed Soldier.png Icon level 9.png x3 Armored Skeleton.png Icon level 9.png x6 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 9.png x4
17 1 Girl.png Icon level 9.png x3 Witch.png Icon level 9.png x5 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 9.png x3
18 1 Girl.png Icon level 9.png x3 Witch.png Icon level 9.png x5 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 9.png x3
19 9 Twins.png Icon level 9.png x3 Locust.png Icon level 9.png x3 Monk.png Icon level 9.png x3 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 9.png x3

Nightmare >35 Rescues

Wave Repeats Enemies
1 0 Witch.png Icon level 10.png x1 Tipsy.png Icon level 10.png x4 Cop.png Icon level 10.png x2 Fast Zombie.png Icon level 10.png x2
2 0 Witch.png Icon level 10.png x1 Tipsy.png Icon level 10.png x4 Cop.png Icon level 10.png x2 Fast Zombie.png Icon level 10.png x2
3 0 Paramedic.png Icon level 10.png x2 Runner.png Icon level 10.png x1 Witch.png Icon level 10.png x1
4 0 Runner.png Icon level 10.png x3 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 10.png x4
5 0 Cop.png Icon level 11.png x5 Fast Zombie.png Icon level 11.png x2
6 0 Cop.png Icon level 11.png x5 Fast Zombie.png Icon level 11.png x2
7 0 Witch.png Icon level 11.png x1 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 11.png x1
8 1 Builder Zombie.png Icon level 11.png x3 Cop.png Icon level 11.png x2 Fast Zombie.png Icon level 11.png x2 Runner.png Icon level 11.png x1
9 0 Witch.png Icon level 11.png x4
10 0 Cop.png Icon level 12.png x5 Fast Zombie.png Icon level 12.png x3
11 0 Runner.png Icon level 12.png x3 Fast Zombie.png Icon level 12.png x4
12 0 SoldierZombie.png Icon level 12.png x4 Epidemiologist.png Icon level 12.png x2 Armored Skeleton.png Icon level 12.png x5 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 12.png x3
13 0 Girl.png Icon level 12.png x4 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 12.png x4
14 0 Epidemiologist.png Icon level 12.png x4 OneArmed Soldier.png Icon level 12.png x2 Armored Skeleton.png Icon level 12.png x4 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 12.png x3
15 1 Girl.png Icon level 12.png x8 Demon.png Icon level 12.png x2 Armored Skeleton.png Icon level 12.png x8 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 12.png x4
16 1 Bulletproof.png Icon level 13.png x4 OneArmed Soldier.png Icon level 13.png x3 Armored Skeleton.png Icon level 13.png x6 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 13.png x4
17 2 Girl.png Icon level 13.png x3 Witch.png Icon level 13.png x5 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 13.png x9
18 0 Twins.png Icon level 9.png x3 Locust.png Icon level 9.png x3 Monk.png Icon level 9.png x3 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 9.png x3
19 9 Big Blue.png Icon level 14.png x3 SWAT Zombie.png Icon level 14.png x2 Armored Skeleton.png Icon level 14.png x3 Monk.png Icon level 14.png x2 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 14.png x3


Read more: Princess
Princesses are women who run away from zombies. In order to rescue them, the player must let princesses reach the bus and protect them from zombies with their abilities, and try not to hurt them in the process.


See: Princess Rescue/Strategies


  • Players can complete goals based on total bags collected, which will grant extra rewards:
    • 5 rescues - 100 Coins.png Coins
    • 20 rescues - 250 Coins.png Coins + 250 Skincoins.png Tokens
    • 35 rescues - 10 Cash.png Cash + 250 Power Points.png Power Points
    • 50 rescues - 1000 Coins.png Coins + 1000 Power Points.png Power Points
  • Top 100 players receive 10 Blue keys.png Blue Keys by the end of the event.
  • Top 200 players receive 2,000 Coins.png Coins by the end of the event.
  • All other participants receive 500 Coins.png Coins by the end of the event


  • Princess, who was introduced with this event, is the first ever neutral entity. This is done by classifying her as a marauder that rage abilities do not target directly. Outside of normal gameplay, if Princess is spawned in the presence of other human units, they will attack her.
  • Grenadier's grenade throw was reworked and introduced as an additional ability for Bill in this event.
  • During the day of its introduction, the event's page was glitched and had code name shown instead of proper title. Due to this, during the first few days, it was referred to as "Rage Event", likely stemming from the fact that only damaging rage abilities could be used to fight enemies.
  • Drone is the only unit ever to be added as usable to the event.
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