Halloween Event

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Screenshot of the event.

Halloween Event is an annual event that is set near Halloween for 14 days. This year's Halloween Event lasted from October 23rd till November 7th.

The main goal is to kill enemies in a unique game mode. Players can also collect pumpkins by manually detonating pumpkin bombs. If any pumpkins remain after all enemies are killed, they will be automatically collected. Collecting pumpkins allows players to exchange them for a unique, event-exclusive prize, the "Halloween Case" at 20 pumpkins each at the Military Kit Shop.

The event is split across 14 days, with each event day lasting in 23 hours and 50 minutes with a buffer of 10 minutes before the next day. Each day will reset the leaderboards, rewards, and the amount of pumpkins that can be collected during gameplay.

For a full list of possible rewards during the event, check the Halloween Event Shop.

Event Gameplay

What makes this event unique compared to the others is the waves system and "process of elimination" gameplay style. Players are tasked with protecting a new vehicle, the van, by using every unit they currently possess. Players must use a 3x3 field grid, functioning close to the one used for Skirmish where players position their units. Similarly, players must strategically position their units down in one of these tiles. The player always starts with 100 courage points. Rage always starts empty and must be earned by killing enemies. Once a wave is finished, players earn 5 courage points (and 10 on certain waves). Players can get additional courage by collecting courage packs randomly dropped during a wave, from Extra Courage buff, and from Generator. In rare cases, an enemy may drop a courage pack.

Every unit can only be placed on the grid once. After they are placed down and enter battle, they will not return to the deck and will fight for every round until they die. Once they are dead, they are gone for the rest of the attempt. Before the next wave, players can strategically move the units around to position them in a more favorable spot, whether to protect an important unit or bring them closer to the action. If the grid is full, i.e., nine separate units have been placed down on the grid, players will be unable to move any of the units until at least one of them dies. Each rage ability can only be used once in one wave only, but can be placed anywhere on the battlefield outside of the grid. Rage abilities destroyed by being run over by the van will not cause any damage to it. Once every one of the player's units are used, the van gets left on its own, allowing enemies to easily attack it and end the current attempt. Rage abilities alone automatically makes the van move forward.

Unlike in the main game, enemies in this event do not pause in between steps and will continue moving towards the van save for marauders wielding a ranged weapon. Only units and rage abilities will temporarily stall them so it's important that units are placed accordingly to avoid them (mainly ranged units) gathering together and face an enemy point blank with a dangerous ability or high damage.

Some waves have pumpkin bombs in them. Most early waves usually contain one, few, or no pumpkins. Some later waves will contain numerous pumpkins. A pumpkin bomb can be manually detonated to inflict damage to its nearby enemies similarly to Red Barrel minus the fire pool. It's highly recommended exploding these pumpkin bombs as not only they can kill or weaken enemies, but also prevent units (mostly fast melee units) from moving past a nearby pumpkin bomb as it explodes. Pumpkin bombs are also capable of harming units as well much like Red Barrel and detonating them early prevents the risk of unnecessary damage. Pumpkin bombs cease to appear once players have collected the maximum amount (160 exactly).

Due to the nature of this event and its gameplay, Fury and Extra Courage are the only buffs that can be used. As mentioned, Extra Courage buff is one of the other ways to get more courage for units. Fury buff's damage-boosting effects can only be applied for the fight it is used in as it will disappear upon entering the next one. However, it as well as Extra Courage buff can be used in several battles throughout the player's attempt.

During the event, the player can go through 89 preset waves. After completing the 89th wave, this particular wave will repeat for the next 11 waves. Upon reaching the 101th wave, the amount of enemies will drastically increase. These waves will repeat until the van is inevitably destroyed.

It is worth mentioning that Carol and Private Rodriguez get a similar buff to the one they have on Skirmish; their abilities starting range is infinite instead of being only activated when at a short distance from their target.

What's more, there is a new stage mechanic in the 2023 Halloween event: After completing the 33th wave, player's units lose 150 valor per wave and this is stackable. It means most of your units will be feared after completing around 10-20 waves. Feared units have longer reaction time and less agression to enemies which is a deadly threat in following waves.

Enemy Waves

Below is a table with the specific enemies fought in each wave. Each wave is predetermined and the enemy lineup will not change, but the placement of enemies on the field will be random every time.

Num. Enemies
1 Zombie Sprite.png x3
2 Zombie Sprite.png x3 Tipsy Sprite.png x2
3 Zombie Sprite.png x3 Tipsy Sprite.png x2 Fast Zombie Sprite.png x1 Pumpkin 1x1.png x0-1
4 Zombie Sprite.png x3 ink=Tipsy x1 Fast Zombie Sprite.png x2 Pumpkin 1x1.png x1
5 Zombie Sprite.png x3 Tipsy Sprite.png x2 Fast Zombie Sprite.png x2 Cop Sprite.png x1
6 Zombie Sprite.png x1 Tipsy Sprite.png x2 Fast Zombie Sprite.png x3 Cop Sprite.png x1 Builder Zombie Sprite.png x1
7 Tipsy Sprite.png x2 Fast Zombie Sprite.png x1 Cop Sprite.png x1 Builder Zombie Sprite.png x1
8 Tipsy Sprite.png x1 Cop Sprite.png x1 Builder Zombie Sprite.png x1 Runner Sprite.png x1 File:Builder Run Sprite.png x1 Pumpkin 1x1.png x1-2
9 Cop Sprite.png x1 Builder Zombie Sprite.png x1 Runner Sprite.png x1 File:Builder Run Sprite.png x3 Pumpkin 1x1.png x0-1
10 Fat Zombie Sprite.png x2
11 Fast Zombie Sprite.png x6
12 Zombie Sprite.png x3 Pumpkin 1x1.png x0-2
13 Zombie Sprite.png x3 Tipsy Sprite.png x2
14 Zombie Sprite.png x3 Tipsy Sprite.png x2 Girl Sprite.png x1
15 Zombie Sprite.png x3 Fast Zombie Sprite.png x2 Tipsy Sprite.png x1
16 Zombie Sprite.png x3 Tipsy Sprite.png x2 Girl Sprite.png x2 Ram Sprite.png x2 Pumpkin 1x1.png x0-2
17 Zombie Sprite.png x1 Tipsy Sprite.png x2 Builder Zombie Sprite.png x1 Girl Sprite.png x2 Ram Sprite.png x1 Pumpkin 1x1.png x0-2
18 Tipsy Sprite.png x2 Pooch Sprite.png x1 Builder Zombie Sprite.png x1 Girl Sprite.png x2 Ram Sprite.png x1
19 Tipsy Sprite.png x1 Pooch Sprite.png x1 Builder Zombie Sprite.png x1 File:Builder Run Sprite.png x2 Ram Sprite.png x1 Pumpkin 1x1.png x0-1
20 Pooch Sprite.png x1 Builder Zombie Sprite.png x1 File:Builder Run Sprite.png x3 Ram Sprite.png x1 Pumpkin 1x1.png x0-1
21 Fat Zombie Sprite.png x2
22 Witch Sprite.png x4
23 Naked Sprite.png x3
24 Naked Sprite.png x3 Rifleman Sprite.png x1 Robber Sprite.png x1 Pumpkin 1x1.png x0-2
25 Zombie Sprite.png x3 Tipsy Sprite.png x2 Girl Sprite.png x1
26 Naked Sprite.png x3 Lubber Sprite.png x2 Biker Sprite.png x1 Pumpkin 1x1.png x0-2
27 Tipsy Sprite.png x2 Pooch Sprite.png x1 Girl Sprite.png x2 Bulletproof Sprite.png x1 One-Armed Soldier Sprite.png x1
28 Tipsy Sprite.png x1 Pooch Sprite.png x1 File:Builder Run Sprite.png x2 Bulletproof Sprite.png x2 One-Armed Soldier Sprite.png x2
29 Naked Sprite.png x3 Rifleman Sprite.png x2 Lubber Sprite.png x1 Robber Sprite.png x1 Biker Sprite.png x1
30 Tipsy Sprite.png x1 File:Builder Run Sprite.png x2 Bulletproof Sprite.png x1 One-Armed Soldier Sprite.png x1 Charged Zombie Sprite.png x1 Pumpkin 1x1.png x0-1
31 Naked Sprite.png x3 Rifleman Sprite.png x2 Lubber Sprite.png x2 Robber Sprite.png x1 Crazy Sprite.png x3 Biker Sprite.png x1 Pumpkin 1x1.png x0-1
32 Fat Zombie Sprite.png x2
33 Crazy Sprite.png x5
34 Zombie Sprite.png x3 Pumpkin 1x1.png x0-1
35 Zombie Sprite.png x3 Epidemiologist Sprite.png x2
36 Zombie Sprite.png x3 Fast Zombie Sprite.png x1 Epidemiologist Sprite.png x2
37 Zombie Sprite.png x3 Pooch Sprite.png x2 Epidemiologist Sprite.png x1 Pumpkin 1x1.png x0-2
38 Zombie Sprite.png x3 Pooch Sprite.png x2 Epidemiologist Sprite.png x2 Slob Sprite.png x1
39 Zombie Sprite.png x1 Pooch Sprite.png x3 Bulletproof Sprite.png x1 Epidemiologist Sprite.png x2 Slob Sprite.png x1
40 Pooch Sprite.png x2 Runner Sprite.png x1 Bulletproof Sprite.png x1 Epidemiologist Sprite.png x2 Slob Sprite.png x1
41 File:Builder Run Sprite.png x2 Bulletproof Sprite.png x1 Slob Sprite.png x1 Epidemiologist Sprite.png x1 Charged Zombie Sprite.png x1
42 File:Builder Run Sprite.png x3 Bulletproof Sprite.png x1 Slob Sprite.png x1 Charged Zombie Sprite.png x1 Pumpkin 1x1.png x0-2
43 Fat Zombie Sprite.png x2
44 Charged Zombie Sprite.png x3
45 Dark Skeleton Sprite.png x3
46 Policeman Zombie Sprite.png x2 Soldier Zombie Sprite.png x3 Pumpkin 1x1.png x0-1
47 Armored Skeleton Sprite.png x1 Policeman Zombie Sprite.png x2 Soldier Zombie Sprite.png x3
48 Armored Skeleton Sprite.png x2 Policeman Zombie Sprite.png x1 Soldier Zombie Sprite.png x3 Pumpkin 1x1.png x0-1
49 Armored Skeleton Sprite.png x2 Sapper Sprite.png x1 Policeman Zombie Sprite.png x2 Soldier Zombie Sprite.png x3
50 Armored Skeleton Sprite.png x3 Sapper Sprite.png x1 Policeman Zombie Sprite.png x2 Firefighter Zombie Sprite.png x1 Soldier Zombie Sprite.png x1
51 Armored Skeleton Sprite.png x3 Sapper Sprite.png x1 Undead Sprite.png x2 Firefighter Zombie Sprite.png x1 Pumpkin 1x1.png x0-1
52 Charged Zombie Sprite.png x1 Armored Skeleton Sprite.png x3 Sapper Sprite.png x1 Undead Sprite.png x1 Firefighter Zombie Sprite.png x1
53 Charged Zombie Sprite.png x1 Armored Skeleton Sprite.png x3 Sapper Sprite.png x1 Firefighter Zombie Sprite.png x1
54 Fat Zombie Sprite.png x2 Undead Sprite.png x4
55 Charged Zombie Sprite.png x3
56 Chinese Sprite.png x3
57 Rotten Sprite.png x2 Chinese Sprite.png x3
58 Rotten Sprite.png x2 Chinese Sprite.png x3 Monk Sprite.png x1 Pumpkin 1x1.png x0-1
59 Rotten Sprite.png x1 Chinese Sprite.png x3 Monk Sprite.png x2
60 Rotten Sprite.png x2 Chinese Sprite.png x3 Rebel Sprite.png x1 Monk Sprite.png x2
61 Rotten Sprite.png x2 Chinese Sprite.png x2 Rebel Sprite.png x1 Monk Sprite.png x2 Twins Sprite.png x1 Pumpkin 1x1.png x0-1
62 Rotten Sprite.png x2 Rebel Sprite.png x1 Monk Sprite.png x1 Twins Sprite.png x1
63 File:Builder Run Sprite.png x1 Rotten Sprite.png x1 Rebel Sprite.png x1 Small Insectoid Sprite.png x1 Twins Sprite.png x1
64 File:Builder Run Sprite.png x3 Rebel Sprite.png x1 Small Insectoid Sprite.png x1 Twins Sprite.png x1
65 Fat Zombie Sprite.png x2 Necromancer Sprite.png x2 Pumpkin 1x1.png x0-1
66 Small Insectoid Sprite.png x4
67 Blue Sprite.png x3 Pumpkin 1x1.png x0-1
68 Tipsy Sprite.png x2 Blue Sprite.png x3
69 Tipsy Sprite.png x2 Blue Sprite.png x3 Blue Runner Sprite.png x1
70 Tipsy Sprite.png x1 Blue Sprite.png x3 Blue Runner Sprite.png x2 Pumpkin 1x1.png x0-1
71 Tipsy Sprite.png x2 Blue Sprite.png x3 Blue Runner Sprite.png x2 Big Blue Sprite.png x1
72 Tipsy Sprite.png x2 Blue Sprite.png x1 Blue Runner Sprite.png x3 Big Blue Sprite.png x1 Insectoid Sprite.png x1
73 Tipsy Sprite.png x2 Blue Runner Sprite.png x1 Big Blue Sprite.png x1 Insectoid Sprite.png x1 Pumpkin 1x1.png x0-1
74 Tipsy Sprite.png x1 File:Builder Run Sprite.png x3 Energy Sphere Sprite.png x3 Big Blue Sprite.png x1 Insectoid Sprite.png x1
75 Energy Sphere Sprite.png x3 Big Blue Sprite.png x1 Insectoid Sprite.png x3
76 Fat Zombie Sprite.png x2 Insectoid Sprite.png x3
77 Energy Sphere Sprite.png x4
78 Blue Sprite.png x3
79 Putrid Sprite.png x2 Blue Sprite.png x3 Pumpkin 1x1.png x0-2
80 Putrid Sprite.png x2 Blue Sprite.png x2 Blue Runner Sprite.png x1
81 Putrid Sprite.png x1 Blue Sprite.png x3 Blue Runner Sprite.png x2
82 Putrid Sprite.png x2 Blue Sprite.png x3 Blue Runner Sprite.png x2 Big Blue Sprite.png x1 Pumpkin 1x1.png x0-2
83 Putrid Sprite.png x2 Blue Sprite.png x1 Blue Runner Sprite.png x3 Big Blue Sprite.png x1 Insectoid Sprite.png x1
84 Putrid Sprite.png x2 Blue Runner Sprite.png x1 Big Blue Sprite.png x1 Insectoid Sprite.png x3 Pumpkin 1x1.png x0-2
85 File:Builder Run Sprite.png x3 Putrid Sprite.png x1 Energy Sphere Sprite.png x3 Big Blue Sprite.png x1 Insectoid Sprite.png x3
86 Energy Sphere Sprite.png x3 Big Blue Sprite.png x1 Insectoid Sprite.png x3
87 Fat Zombie Sprite.png x2 Insectoid Sprite.png x3
88 Blue Sprite.pngUnit lvl 5 enemy.png x3
89 Putrid Sprite.pngUnit lvl 5 enemy.png x2 Blue Sprite.pngUnit lvl 5 enemy.png x3
90 Putrid Sprite.pngUnit lvl 5 enemy.png x1 Blue Sprite.pngUnit lvl 5 enemy.png x3 Blue Runner Sprite.pngUnit lvl 5 enemy.png x1 Pumpkin 1x1.png x0-3
91 Putrid Sprite.pngUnit lvl 5 enemy.png x1 Blue Sprite.pngUnit lvl 5 enemy.png x3 Blue Runner Sprite.pngUnit lvl 5 enemy.png x2
92 Putrid Sprite.pngUnit lvl 5 enemy.png x2 Blue Sprite.pngUnit lvl 5 enemy.png x3 Blue Runner Sprite.pngUnit lvl 5 enemy.png x1 Big Blue Sprite.pngUnit lvl 5 enemy.png x1 Pumpkin 1x1.png x0-3
93 Putrid Sprite.pngUnit lvl 5 enemy.png x2 Blue Sprite.pngUnit lvl 5 enemy.png x1 Big Blue Sprite.pngUnit lvl 5 enemy.png x1 Insectoid Sprite.pngUnit lvl 5 enemy.png x1
94 Putrid Sprite.pngUnit lvl 5 enemy.png x2 Blue Runner Sprite.pngUnit lvl 5 enemy.png x1 Big Blue Sprite.pngUnit lvl 5 enemy.png x1 Insectoid Sprite.pngUnit lvl 5 enemy.png x3
95 File:Builder Run Sprite.pngUnit lvl 5 enemy.png x3 Putrid Sprite.pngUnit lvl 5 enemy.png x1 Energy Sphere Sprite.pngUnit lvl 5 enemy.png x3 Big Blue Sprite.pngUnit lvl 5 enemy.png x1 Insectoid Sprite.pngUnit lvl 5 enemy.png x3
96 Energy Sphere Sprite.pngUnit lvl 5 enemy.png x3 Big Blue Sprite.pngUnit lvl 5 enemy.png x1 Insectoid Sprite.pngUnit lvl 5 enemy.png x3
97 Fat Zombie Sprite.pngUnit lvl 5 enemy.png x2 Insectoid Sprite.pngUnit lvl 5 enemy.png x3
98 Dark Skeleton Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x3
99 Policeman Zombie Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x2 Soldier Zombie Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x3
100 Armored Skeleton Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x1 Policeman Zombie Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x1 Soldier Zombie Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x3
101 Armored Skeleton Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x2 Policeman Zombie Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x1 Soldier Zombie Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x3
102 Armored Skeleton Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x2 Policeman Zombie Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x1 Soldier Zombie Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x3 Sapper Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x1
103 Armored Skeleton Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x3 Sapper Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x1 Policeman Zombie Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x2 Firefighter Zombie Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x1 Soldier Zombie Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x1
104 Armored Skeleton Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x1 Sapper Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x1 Undead Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x2 Firefighter Zombie Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x1
105 Charged Zombie Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x1 Armored Skeleton Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x4 Sapper Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x1 Undead Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x1 Firefighter Zombie Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x1
106 Charged Zombie Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x1 Armored Skeleton Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x3 Sapper Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x1 Firefighter Zombie Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x1
107 Fat Zombie Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x2 Undead Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x4
108 Charged Zombie Sprite.pngUnit lvl 5 enemy.png x3
109 Chinese Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x3
110 Chinese Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x3 Rotten Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x2
111 Monk Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x1 Chinese Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x3 Rotten Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x2
112 Monk Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x2 Chinese Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x3 Rotten Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x1
113 Monk Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x2 Chinese Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x3 Rotten Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x2 Rebel Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x1
114 Rotten Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x2 Monk Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x3 Rebel Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x1 Twins Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x1 Chinese Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x1
115 Rotten Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x2 Rebel Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x1 Monk Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x1 Twins Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x1
116 File:Builder Run Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x1 Rotten Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x1 Rebel Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x1 Small Insectoid Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x1 Twins Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x1
117 File:Builder Run Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x3 Rebel Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x1 Small Insectoid Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x1 Twins Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x1
118 Fat Zombie Sprite.pngUnit lvl 10 enemy.png x2 Necromancer Sprite.png Unit lvl 10 enemy.png x2
119 Small Insectoid Sprite.png Unit lvl 10 enemy.png x4
120 Blue Sprite.png Unit lvl 10 enemy.png x3
121 Tipsy Sprite.png Unit lvl 10 enemy.png x2 Blue Sprite.png Unit lvl 10 enemy.png x3
122 Tipsy Sprite.png Unit lvl 10 enemy.png x2 Blue Sprite.png Unit lvl 10 enemy.png x3 Blue Runner Sprite.png Unit lvl 10 enemy.png x1
123 Tipsy Sprite.png Unit lvl 10 enemy.png x1 Blue Sprite.png Unit lvl 10 enemy.png x3 Blue Runner Sprite.png Unit lvl 10 enemy.png x2
124 Tipsy Sprite.png Unit lvl 10 enemy.png x2 Blue Sprite.png Unit lvl 10 enemy.png x3 Blue Runner Sprite.png Unit lvl 10 enemy.png x2 Big Blue Sprite.png Unit lvl 10 enemy.png x1
125 Tipsy Sprite.png Unit lvl 10 enemy.png x2 Blue Sprite.png Unit lvl 10 enemy.png x1 Blue Runner Sprite.png Unit lvl 10 enemy.png x3 Big Blue Sprite.png Unit lvl 10 enemy.png x1 Insectoid Sprite.png Unit lvl 10 enemy.png x1
126 Tipsy Sprite.png Unit lvl 10 enemy.png x2 Blue Runner Sprite.png Unit lvl 10 enemy.png x1 Big Blue Sprite.png Unit lvl 10 enemy.png x1 Insectoid Sprite.png Unit lvl 10 enemy.png x1
127 Tipsy Sprite.png Unit lvl 10 enemy.png x1 File:Builder Run Sprite.png Unit lvl 10 enemy.png x3 Energy Sphere Sprite.png Unit lvl 10 enemy.png x3 Big Blue Sprite.png Unit lvl 10 enemy.png x1 Insectoid Sprite.png Unit lvl 10 enemy.png x1
128 Energy Sphere Sprite.png Unit lvl 10 enemy.png x3 Big Blue Sprite.png Unit lvl 10 enemy.png x1 Insectoid Sprite.png Unit lvl 10 enemy.png x3
129 Fat Zombie Sprite.png Unit lvl 10 enemy.png x2 Insectoid Sprite.png Unit lvl 10 enemy.png x3
130+ ?x?


See: Halloween Event/Strategies

Event Shop

The Halloween Event Shop as seen ingame

For the duration of the event, the Trader has a special section where you can trade pumpkins to open event-exclusive Halloween Crates. These crates have a chance to give exclusive rewards that can only be obtained during this event.

You are allowed to open 1 crate for 20 pumpkins, or 10 crates for 200 pumpkins.

All possible rewards are listed below. For each reward type, all rewards have an equal probability of appearing.

Reward Type Available Rewards Probability
Unit Andrea.png
Turbo 1x1.png
Resource Clown Chopper Sprite.png
Clown Chopper
Worthy (Redneck)
Court Jester.png
Court Jester (Juggernaut)
Nurse Hirsch.png
Nurse Hirsch (Medic)
Banny Charlotte Sprite.png
Bunny Charlotte
Paint Chicken.png
Bus Skin (Chicken)
Paint Halloween.png
Bus Skin (Halloween)
250 Skincoins.pngTokens,

500 Coins.pngCoins, or 500 Power Points.pngPower Points

Epic Item Any upgrade item of epic quality 5%
Rare Item Any upgrade item of rare quality 35%
Common Item Any upgrade item of common quality 54%


Some reward types are guaranteed to drop after opening a set amount of crates. These guarantees reset whenever you obtain that specific reward type.

  • A unit is guaranteed to appear after opening 100 crates
  • A resource is guaranteed to appear after opening 15 crates


  • Whenever you obtain a unit reward but already have that unit, it is automatically converted into 1250 Skincoins.pngTokens.

Additional Rewards

  • Players can complete goals by killing enemies, which will grant rewards every day.
    • 30 kills - 50 Coins.pngCoins
    • 300 kills - 50 Coins.pngCoins + 50 Power Points.pngPower Points
    • 500 kills - 100 Coins.pngCoins + 2 Cash.pngCash
    • 800 kills - 150 Coins.pngCoins + 100 Power Points.pngPower Points
  • The top 100 players will receive 100 pumpkins by the end of each event day.
  • The top 200 players receive 50 pumpkins by the end of each event day.
  • Other participants receive 20 pumpkins by the end of each event day.


  • There is a multitude of bugs related to the Halloween Event:
    • When the van encounters Fat Zombie and no units are there to kill it, the van will move but when it would supposedly ram into Fat Zombie, both it and the van will just idle, softlocking the game and forcing players to give up.
    • When Glenn gets knocked down in a previous round, he may appear from (or on) the right side of the battlefield and running in the direction of the enemies. Unlike most bugs with the event, this one is quite helpful as he will essentially backstab enemies and force higher health targets to turn around to deal with him. There is also a chance for him to appear in the area near the grid but will be unable to be moved to a different position by the player.
    • Carol will usually be able to deliver a critical hit at the very start before the wave begins. However, she will still be on the grid, safe from harm.
    • There is a bug with Agents. Specifically, the 2nd agent will randomly appear ahead of the grid before being placed back in his spot on the grid. This can sometimes lead to him dealing or taking damage the moment before the wave is suppose to start. In a few cases, he may even stay in that spot out of his position on the grid, likely leading to a swift death.
    • When using rage abilities like Generator or Turret in combination with or without units and them getting destroyed, the van will sometimes freeze and stay in place, easily leading to a loss due to enemies hitting the truck.
    • Enemies moving directly in front of the destroyed van will still get knocked back or die. Obviously, these kills will not be added to the final score.
    • Sapper and Armored Skeleton who have a chance to degrade when killed, Crazy who turns into Fast Zombie on death, and Putrid who releases three Rottens when killed will be ignored by units should they be killed last. Unless directly in front of them, units will not attempt to kill them, meaning the van could take unnecessary and unfairly unavoidable damage in the transition to the next wave.
    • New units and those already placed on the grid cannot move into grid squares that are currently occupied by a courage pack.
    • Units that die from fire or poison moments before the next wave is suppose to start will be unable to be moved. However, the grid square that they were on will still be considered occupied, preventing other units to be placed until the next wave.
    • If Nancy split second revives a unit in the event, the unit will be revived and remain in their previous position while their spot is opened in the grid allowing another unit to be placed where they once occupied, resulting in the ability for more than nine units to be placed.
      • The revived unit however will not respawn in the grid, instead in the position they were in the previous wave meaning they can be placed right next to zombies between waves.
  • When the new Halloween Event was introduced, players who had any pumpkins leftover would have them converted into money at a rate of 10 pumpkins for 1 money. However, this money conversion feature was not repeated the following year.


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Exclusive Halloween Event Christmas Event
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