Dr. Norman

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Dr. Norman
Dr. Norman Sprite.png
A scientist and inventor who used to work at a liquid nitrogen depot.
Main Stats
Type Shotgunner
Rarity Exclusive
Health-Healing.png Health 54
Bullet-Electricity.png Ranged Damage 2
Melee.png Melee Damage 10
Fortune.png Crit. Chance 1%
Crit damage.png Crit. Damage 5%
Speed.png Speed 5
UnitPrep-Duration-Period.png Prepare Time 35
Icon cost.png Courage Cost 25
  • Stun duration: 2s;
  • On death explosion stuns enemies in radius.
Behavior Stats
Agility.png Agility 90
Agility.png Aggression 100
Radius.png Detection Range 200
Agility Penalty 50%
Aggression Penalty 50%
Morale Stats
Icon charisma.png Charisma 300
Icon valor.png Valor 600
Charisma Radius 80
Perks StunAbility.png ResistanceFire.png ResistancePoison.png ExplosionResist.png
Special Ability.png Special Ability Has a 50% to drop Nitrogen on death.
Ranged Data
Ammo Capacity Infinite
Firing Period 2s
Reloading Period None
Radius.png Range 70
Bullet Spread 40°
Fire.png Fire 100%
Poison resist.png Poison 100%
Explosive.png Explosion 50%
Knockback 50%
Unlock Requirements
Price 925Cash.png (Scientists Pack)
Player Level Any

Dr. Norman is a crafty scientist putting his work experience into action. He is armed with a metal nozzle with a red hose connected to a nitrogen tank carried on his back by black straps, and dressed in a yellow hazmat suit with blue gloves, and a fishbowl helmet with traces of nitrogen particles.

He can be purchased from the Scientists Pack for 925 money, alongside Dr. Miller and Dr. Kane.



Dr. Norman is a shotgunner, meaning he will launch a cone of damage upon firing and excels at dealing with weak hordes and single tanky enemies up close.

Dr. Norman has high health for a ranged unit, but has low ranged damage. He has both average courage cost and preparation time for a ranged unit. He moves at a very slow pace.

Dr. Norman fires a burst of freezing nitrogen gas dealing a low amount of damage but in quick succession. When this burst is done, he pauses for a moment before continuing to fire. He has no reload animation which makes him less vulnerable to enemies.

Should be being approached suddenly or after firing his weapon and his opponent is within melee range of him, he will deliver relatively strong melee attacks at a modest rate, either by kicking or bashing with his weapon. His melee strikes are surprisingly powerful compared to how weak ranged unit’s melee bashes usually are.

Some time after dying, Dr. Norman turns into Slob.

Perks and Abilities

Dr. Norman’s ranged attack stuns the enemy, similar to Willy’s ranged attack. His ranged attack also deals true damage, meaning it ignores enemies’ bullet-resistance and melee-resistance. Unlike Willy's ranged attack, however, Dr. Norman's ranged attack also ignores the Egg's ranged damage immunity during its inactive state.

As a scientist unit, Dr. Norman has several resistances; 50% explosive resistance, full fire resistance, and full poison resistance.

Since Dr. Norman possesses full fire resistance, his corpse cannot be burned, forcing the players to deal with him once he turns.

Upon death, his liquid nitrogen tank will explode, stunning units and enemies within a short radius. His body will also launch a short ways forward, putting slight distance between him and the bus for when he turns into a zombie.

Upon reaching level 13, Dr. Norman’s special ability can be unlocked, granting him a 50% chance to drop a Nitrogen shortly after his death. This special ability is far from useless, as it doesn’t add anything to Norman himself. In most cases, having Nitrogen summoned can first result in damage during its drop. Second, freezing any allies that weren't caught in his initial radius when he died, or resetting the freeze length for those that were. In cases where freezing allies isn't an issue, being tied to RNG means there's always a chance where an opportune moment to freeze enemies is taken away due to bad luck. Due to the high risk and low reward on top of not even being guaranteed at least half of the time, it is often better to ignore this ability once Norman reaches level 13. It's better to save the 10,000 coins and skip the trouble of its highly questionable reliability.


Main Campaign

Dr. Norman is a powerful ranged unit thanks to his relatively high health, several resistances, and his ranged attack that stuns the enemy while ignoring all kinds of damage resistance/immunity, making him an excellent option in missions with Egg. Thanks to his relatively constant fire rate as well as not having to reload, it allows him to hold his own adequately.

Despite his strengths, Dr. Norman has some flaws that keeps him away from being a perfect unit. His DPS is not quite high due to his rather short firing period despite not having to reload, discouraging players from using him as the only ranged unit. His very slow movement speed leaves him vulnerable in missions with marauders' ranged weaponry. His presence can also backfires the team, as once he dies, his nitrogen tank will explode as well as turning into a very dangerous Slob, the latter is unpreventable since his corpse cannot be burned by any means due to his fire resistance. Fortunately, this can be avoided by using Paramedic Nancy, with her special ability unlocked, along with him. His special ability's practical usability is also questionable at best due to the nature of him being used alongside with melee units, the dropped nitrogen tank may likely stun friendly melee units, backfiring the front line horribly. While the special ability can be useful in a few situations, it does not improve Dr. Norman's performance as a defensive ranged unit by any means, making it a lackluster special ability in general.

Dr. Norman can be considered as a defensive version of Flamethrower. Both have similar attack patterns and move very slowly, with the difference being Dr. Norman stuns enemies as opposed to Flamethrower burning them. Although Flamethrower’s DPS is considerably higher, Dr. Norman’s ranged attack ignores all kinds of resistance/immunity, as opposed to Flamethrower’s being useless against fire-resistant ones. Dr. Norman also has fire resistance and a much higher health, allowing him to survive many more encounters despite Flamethrower’s bullet resistance perk. All of the aforementioned factors make Dr. Norman overall a superior unit.


On paper, Dr. Norman can prove to be every enemy melee units' bane, as his liquid nitrogen can slow them down while dealing an acceptable amount of damage, rendering them helpless, which allows him to outright kill them on his own, particularly Turbo. His on-death explosion also ensures that any enemy melee units who manage to take him down will become helpless, which in turns allow any other friendly units to finish them. In practice, however, he has some noticable flaws that considerably limit his usability. His base attack range his very short, forcing players to pair him with bullet-resistant units to get the most out of him. He is also very slow and lacks bullet resistance, making him extremely vulnerable to most enemy ranged units, particularly Sniper Polina and Sheriff Charlotte. In most cases, Carol can outright kill him thanks to her unique critical attack without suffering too much. Due to this, players may want to use Flamethrower instead, as his DPS is considerably higher as well as possessing bullet resistance perk, and with his special ability unlocked, it makes him less vulnerable overall compared to Dr. Norman.

Item sets

Dr. Norman benefits most with the Military set, as it can allow Dr. Norman to activate more of the continuous damage of his attack, this is a similar case with Flamethrower who also holds many similar traits. Other sets such as Swissmade will also work but it will be less effective than what was prior recommended. Unlike his counterpart, Dr. Norman has an unusually high amount of base health, so he can benefit from HP% stats.

Skins and Synergies

Dr. Kane is a part of the Scientists team.

Name Dr. Norman
Skin Dr. Norman Sprite.png
Unlock Req. -
Team Scientists logo.png Scientists

In the team above, Dr. Norman is good unit generally. He gains absolutely nothing from any of the synergies, but rather he plays an important support role with stunning enemies.

Level Stats

Base Stat Upgrades
Level Health Ranged Damage Melee Damage
0 54 2 10
1 59 2 11
2 65 2 12
3 72 3 13
4 79 3 15
5 87 3 16
6 96 4 18
7 105 4 19
8 116 4 21
9 127 5 24
10 140 5 26
11 154 6 29
12 169 6 31
13 186 7 35


  • Dr. Norman is one of the three members of the Epidemiologists, the others being Dr. Miller and Dr. Kane.
  • Dr. Norman is the only unit whose body launches forward on death.
    • Among all units, his body travels the furthest from where he dies.
    • If Paramedic Nancy revives Norman when he's the farthest up he can be, he will actually be able to hit the barricade due to the distance his corpse was launched forward.
Base game
Humans Redneck Farmer Builder Mechanic Pepper Chopper Firefighter Sheriff Charlotte Glenn Policeman Diaz Grenadier Gunslinger Private Rodriguez Sniper Polina Welder Carlos Guard Medic Sonya Ranger Willy Light Soldier Carol Paramedic Nancy Builder Abby Rogue Lionheart Juggernaut
Inanimate Empty Barrel Medkit Red Barrel Molotov Generator Nitrogen Turret Drone
Plot Sheriff Bill Minor Characters
TMF Squad Flamethrower Soldier Cap Swat
Circus Saw Berserker Queen
Scientists Dr. Kane Dr. Norman Dr. Miller Drone
Other Jailer SpecOps Austin Agents
Halloween Turbo Andrea
Christmas Lester Cashier Red Hood Maria
Escort Princess