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Andrea Sprite.png
The only thing more precise than a bullet is my arrow. Inspired by Reddit user u/Advanced_Ad_1422
Main Stats
Type Sniper
Rarity Exclusive
Health-Healing.png Health 30
Bullet-Electricity.png Ranged Damage 40
Melee.png Melee Damage 5
Fortune.png Crit. Chance 10%
Crit damage.png Crit. Damage 20%
Speed.png Speed 12
UnitPrep-Duration-Period.png Prepare Time 45
Icon cost.png Courage Cost 25
Behavior Stats
Agility.png Agility 70
Agility.png Aggression 90
Radius.png Detection Range 200
Agility Penalty 50%
Aggression Penalty 50%
Morale Stats
Icon charisma.png Charisma 750
Icon valor.png Valor 1000
Charisma Radius 40
Perks Silent.png HighAccuracy Icon.png Knockback.png
Special Ability.png Special Ability Critical attacks fire exploding arrows
Ranged Data
Ammo Capacity Infinite
Firing Period 1s (bow charge)
Reloading Period None
Radius.png Range 150
Bullet Spread
Unlock Requirements
Price Reward for opening Halloween Cases
Player Level Any

Northerners logo.png Andrea is a huntress skilled in the art of archery. She is armed with a compound bow with a pair of short blades attached to the limbs, and dressed in a green tank top, a brown scarf, a brown belt, and dark pants. A brown quiver is attached to her hip behind her. There is a gray pin in her hair and some of it is kept in a short ponytail held by a brown hair tie.

She is unlocked from the Halloween Event by opening Halloween Cases.



Andrea is a sniper, meaning she will deliver high damage from long distance with high accuracy.

Compared to other snipers, she wields a mechanical bow which does not have an ammo capacity. Instead, she acts as if she has infinite ammo, never needing to reload in the traditional sense. Her regular melee attack is a swipe with the blades present on the curve of her bow, while her critical melee attack involves her taking the loaded arrow out of her bow and stabbing her attacker.

She has the highest valor and charisma in the game, making her the most Fear resistant unit besides those with the Fear Resist perk.

Some time after dying, she will turn into Girl.

Perks and Abilities

Enemies struck by Andrea's critical melee attacks will be knocked back.

Being a Sniper, Andrea possesses the high accuracy perk, which signifies that she has low bullet spread.

Andrea possesses the silence perk, meaning she won't alert idle zombies on the field when moving and attacking. However, her special ability's explosions will alert the enemies.

At level 13, Andrea's special ability can be unlocked, which allows her attacks to fire exploding arrows on critical hits. The exploding arrows deal 80 damage in a very small area, Additionally a item with %Crit. Chance/Team Power is required to make the special ability usable. Her exploding arrows, due to having fixed damage, struggle to make use outside of weaker hordes.


Main Campaign

As an event unit, players will not be able to obtain her through regular gameplay, and must participate in the Halloween Event to use her. Like all Snipers, Andrea is useful for picking off weak enemies one by one. She can provide long-range support for melee units and extra damage support for other rangers. Her high damage also makes her very effective at slowly chipping away at the health of stronger, tougher enemies from afar, such as Rams and One-armed Soldiers.

Unfortunately for her, she suffers from the same problems as all snipers being slow movement speed and very long preparation time. Due to this, she is only useful on missions which might take long time to finish, so she can at least slightly speed up the completion and provide high damage against certain enemies clogging up the fight, however most units will accomplish this task better and faster. While she only takes five seconds longer to prepare than most shooters, her damage output can often feel inadequate for the time it took to send her out.

Andrea also suffers from competition, as both Sniper Polina and Charlotte can often be better choices to use due to their special abilities being far more useful in the main campaign past low level threats. In addition they have higher base damage and range than Andrea, at the cost of lower health which is fairly redundant considering their role as a Sniper. A smaller and more minor downside is that Andrea barely uses her melee, while not a hinderance in most circumstances it can result in problems when Insectoids are introduced. This is also not mentioning that both other options are not limited units, and are much more accessible than Andrea without potentially having to resort to using money if a player is unlucky enough not to get her. The one advantage Andrea does have over other Snipers is her bullet spread being 5° in comparison to the usual 10°, making her more accurate though this is hardly noticeable.


In League, Andrea's high damage makes her a solid ranged unit, easily picking off vulnerable enemies with the advantage of a greater range. While she fights very similar to Sniper Polina and Sheriff Charlotte, she runs into the issue of her significant wind up time to fire arrows. During this time, it is likely other ranged units that are close enough to hit her will shoot her, as they have no cooldown between attacks granted high enough agility. Even melee units with high speed such as Mechanic, Redneck or Glenn will quickly close the gap on her while she is still preparing to fire.

In addition to her long fire rate, Andrea possesses no bullet resistance penetration like her counterpart Sniper Polina. Due to the abundance of bullet resistant units in Skirmish such as Juggernaut, combined with her lackluster firing speed, her high damage attacks will mostly fall short of expectations for a Sniper.

Andrea will often as well find herself at risk of attacks from Grenadier, as her lower range in comparison to other Sniper units will put her often in dangerous positions, combined with her slow movement speed hampering her ability to move out of harms way. In addition it affects her ability to fight against units using Range% equipment as despite being a Sniper, she may find herself being out-ranged by Specops or Swat.

Item Sets

Because of her design as a single target eliminator that fights from extreme range, Andrea benefits most from the Hunter set. All other ranged unit-oriented options are largely subpar, with Gentleman being the only serviceable alternative once her special ability is unlocked. Even then, it's still not nearly as good as Hunter, which, in comparison, provides a greater buff on average without ties to any conditions.

Like the majority of ranged units, she benefits most from preparation time watches. Andrea is also one of the few units for whom ranged damage books are significantly better than any other options. Andrea can also get great use out of +% ranged dmg. bonuses thanks to her high base ranged damage, making them more preferable than flat boosts. While it might sound enticing to give her a +% crit. chance book, the low damage of exploding arrows makes critical builds a poor choice for Andrea.

Skins and Synergies

Andrea is a part of the Northerners team.

Name Andrea
Skin Andrea.png
Unlock Req. -
Team Northerners logo.png Northerners

While Andrea isn't a bad option in the team, Sonya is often a better pick for 2/2 and 3/3 powers than Andrea, with a higher overall DPS and better late game use. Andrea like all Northerners benefits well from guaranteed critical hits greatly. It significantly increases her damage due to already having a high base ranged damage stat, and can result in her attacks being devastating to higher health enemies. Otherwise, the 5/5 ability isn't particularly useful.

Level Stats

Base Stat Upgrades
Level Health Ranged Damage Melee Damage
0 30 40 5
1 33 44 6
2 36 48 6
3 40 53 7
4 44 59 7
5 48 64 8
6 53 71 9
7 58 78 10
8 64 86 11
9 71 94 12
10 78 104 13
11 86 114 14
12 94 126 16
13 104 138 17


  • The unit is based off a character concept by the user u/Advanced_Ad_1422 on Reddit.
  • Andrea is the only unit in the game with a description written in first person.
    • This is due to the lack of quotation marks around the description. For comparison, Juggernaut's description is also written in first person, but it has them, and is therefore a proper quote.
  • Andrea's name might be a reference to The Walking Dead's sharpshooter; Andrea "the fearless sharpshooter."
  • On release of the unit, Andrea had a special ability where she would ignite enemies on a critical ranged attack. Due to feedback, this was changed to explosions instead.
  • Andrea has the highest accuracy in the game, being 5°.
  • Andrea has the highest Valor and Charisma in the game, being 750 and 1000 respectively.


Base game
Humans Redneck Farmer Builder Mechanic Pepper Chopper Firefighter Sheriff Charlotte Glenn Policeman Diaz Grenadier Gunslinger Private Rodriguez Sniper Polina Welder Carlos Guard Medic Sonya Ranger Willy Light Soldier Carol Paramedic Nancy Builder Abby Rogue Lionheart Juggernaut
Inanimate Empty Barrel Medkit Red Barrel Molotov Generator Nitrogen Turret Drone
Plot Sheriff Bill Minor Characters
TMF Squad Flamethrower Soldier Cap Swat
Circus Saw Berserker Queen
Scientists Dr. Kane Dr. Norman Dr. Miller Drone
Other Jailer SpecOps Austin Agents
Halloween Turbo Andrea
Christmas Lester Cashier Red Hood Maria
Escort Princess