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Medic Sprite.png
Surgeon Lt Sprite.png
Nurse Hirsch Sprite.png

Field medic.

Skin "Nurse Hirsch" was inspired by a Reddit user u/MicrowaveSon
Main Stats
Type Support
Rarity Common
Health-Healing.png Health 22
Bullet-Electricity.png Ranged Damage 4
Melee.png Melee Damage 6
Fortune.png Crit. Chance 1%
Crit damage.png Crit. Damage 5%
Speed.png Speed 12
UnitPrep-Duration-Period.png Prepare Time 45
Icon cost.png Courage Cost 35
Behavior Stats
Agility.png Agility 80
Agility.png Aggression 100
Radius.png Detection Range 150
Agility Penalty 30%
Aggression Penalty 50%
Morale Stats
Icon charisma.png Charisma 350
Icon valor.png Valor 400
Charisma Radius 120
Perks AlliesHealing.png ResistanceBullets.png ResistancePoison.png
Special Ability.png Special Ability Spawns 2 Medkits on death.
Ranged Data
Ammo Capacity 10
Firing Period 5.5s
Reloading Period 1s
Radius.png Range 75
Bullet Spread 20°
Icon bullet resist.png Bullet 90%
Poison resist.png Poison 100%
Unlock Requirements
Price 11,000 Coins.png
Player Level 10

Emergency logo.png Medic is a field surgeon specializing in first aid and mid-range combat. She is armed with a compensated pistol and dressed in a light gray tank top, red surgical gloves, brown pants with yellow and red highlights, a brown belt with a gray buckle, knee pads, and a gray combat medic helmet. She carries a gray backpack with a red cross logo and a red pouch attached underneath.

IF logo.png Surgeon Lt (Lieutenant) is Medic's first exclusive skin. She is armed with a compensated pistol and dressed in an urban camo T-shirt with a blue insignia, a black armored vest, urban camo pants, blue surgical gloves, a black balaclava, and a blue combat medic helmet. She carries a black backpack with a red cross logo and a gray pouch attached underneath.

Northerners logo.png Nurse Hirsch is Medic's second exclusive skin. She has long brown hair with a red headband. She wears a red sweater, skirt, and carries around a brown backpack. Her gun has a small yellow accessory dangling off it. This skin can only be obtained from the Halloween Event.

She can be unlocked for 11,000 coins after reaching player level 10.


Medic is a ranged Support, who is mainly used for her utility abilities. Her stats are average for ranged supports, with the exception of moderately long preparation time, and extremely high courage cost.

Medic fires her pistol up to 10 times at a medium rate before performing a fast reload. If approached suddenly or without ammo, she does a quick melee attack.

Medic has a unique ability to deploy a limitless amount of Medkits. Upon detecting a unit close to her who is injured, or if she is injured herself, she will reach into her backpack and toss a kit out in front of herself. She can spawn medkits before and after reloading but not while attacking. She also won't summon a new medkit if she is already getting healed by one, including those created by the player or another Medic. The full deployment animation has to be completed before her medkit functions as normal.

Medic's Medkits function separately from the standalone rage ability – upgrading the item will not improve Medic's own kits. Instead, they scale with her level. Medic's kits use the same healing values for all levels as the separate item. For example, level 8 Medic will heal for 17 points, just like a level 8 Medkit.

Medic is immune to poison, and has 90% resistance to bullet damage. Some time after dying, she turns into a Witch.

Special Ability

Medic's special ability makes her spawn two Medkits ~1.5 seconds after her death. The kits are spawned in random positions, in a short radius around Medic's corpse. Their AoEs might overlap.

This perk greatly boosts Medic's usefulness, as it allows her to provide at least some support for her teammates, even if she failed to spawn any kits in her usual way. Even then, it doesn't help with making Medic herself be any more playable, only making it worth buying if you actively use her in any of her teams.


Main Campaign

While Medic's design might make her look like an appealing unit, she is far from being helpful. Her very high courage cost and long preparation time end up restricting her to nothing but slow missions. In most cases, she'll be used to support ranged units against Insectoids. Players will also be forced to run Generator alongside her, so they won't need to worry about resource management too much. Yet so far, the worst part about Medic is her AI's quirkiness, which comes down to her rarely dropping Medkits when they are actually needed. Using the standalone item is a much more reliable way to support units despite its longer cooldown, since players have full control over where it should land. With the introduction of Paramedic Nancy as well, she becomes all but outclassed in standard healing, as while Nancy may not be able to group heal allies, she can revive them and follow behind them ensuring her own safety, and will not be targeted by Insectoids, not to mention she is far more effective if one is reliant on using tanky units. The only real use Medic gets is in events, where her healing abilities for groups and her resistances to certain debuffs makes her an essential pick. All in all, Medic can only be suggested for use during regular missions as a member of her teams (read below for more).


In League, ever since melee rushdowns became a part of its meta, Medic became completely useless. Not only does she cripple formations with her massive cost, she is unable to reliably heal anyone because of how fast paced the mode is, being very vulnerable to all the chaos and cheap deaths herself, not to mention that she isn't even useful as an attacker. To add insult to injury, she is also susceptible to most enemy ranged units' returning fire due to her combination of low health and short firing range in spite of her bullet resistance, especially to Snipers and those with high rate of fire.

Item Sets

Because of Medic's struggle with just about everything, she's unable to get a good use out of most sets. The only one that somewhat compliments her is Chef, as it allows her to provide at least a little extra support. Fast Food is another good option, as it provides Medic with an extra layer of survivability. Hunter is also acceptable, but it's only really useful because of having access to legendary-tier items.

If you decided to go for either of the epic sets, then it's important to aim specifically for a knife, a watch, and a book, meanwhile a cup should be legendary (from any other set). This way you'll provide Medic with the most health at majority of her levels. However, once she's maxed out, it's acceptable to pursue an epic cup and a legendary book instead, since these will provide Medic a roughly equal amount of health at level 13.

Medic is one of the few units for whom cost reduction buffs are a necessity, due to her extreme default price. Flat buffs to health are also important, with +% health books being the best option. Her massive preparation time means a watch that decreases it is a must, but there's no need to boost her damage output.

Skins and Synergies

Medic, along with her respective skins, is a part of several teams: Emergency, Internal Forces and Northerners.

Name Medic Surgeon Lt
Nurse Hirsch
Skin Medic Sprite.png Surgeon Lt Sprite.png Nurse Hirsch Sprite.png
Unlock Req. - 300 money Obtain via gacha during
Halloween Event
Team Emergency logo.png Emergency IF logo.png IF Northerners logo.png Northerners

In all of the above teams, Medic is a below-average option, and is mostly relevant because of her medkit spawning ability.

In Emergency, Medic can be used in 3/3 power builds to provide a major damage buff. She sees most use there with her special unlocked, and used in tandem with Paramedic Nancy, since she can revive units. However, she will also slow down the deck's pace, limiting missions where such builds are viable. Instead, she works better in 5/5 decks, thanks to the health buff provided by the power. She doesn't crutch on her SA as much in those builds, and can be resorted strictly to situations where the 3/3 buff is needed, since it's likely there will be many emergency units on field as is.

For IF, Medic doesn't work nearly as well, since their unit rotation is already very poor. She can be used to some extent with the 2/2 or 3/3 powers, but the latter requires also using the standalone Medkit that often yields more consistent results without her. Additionally, as Medkit's healing values aren't high, she won't be able to exploit the 5/5 either.

With Northerners, Medic is again not useful. Because her offensive performance is lacking, the 2/2 and 3/3 powers are practically irrelevant. Although, she can still be used to backup other ranged units like Lester and Sonya and keep their damage-based powers active. Meanwhile, the 5/5 power is completely useless, as it does not compensate her massive cost properly.


  • Before update 3.0.0, there existed a bug that made level 0 Medic copy the healing power of the standalone Medkit, instead of healing only 3 HP like intended.
  • Since the International Red Cross emblem (red cross on white background) is protected by international treaties under the Geneva Conventions, Medic uses a reversed coloration. However, this makes it resemble the flag of Switzerland instead.
    • Surgeon Lt breaks this, as it has the standard coloration for the Red Cross symbol, meaning it breaks the Geneva Convention.
  • The "Nurse Hirsh" skin itself parodies Mabel Pines from Gravity Falls, while the name is inspired from Alex Hirsh, the creator of Gravity Falls.

Base game
Humans Redneck Farmer Builder Mechanic Pepper Chopper Firefighter Sheriff Charlotte Glenn Policeman Diaz Grenadier Gunslinger Private Rodriguez Sniper Polina Welder Carlos Guard Medic Sonya Ranger Willy Light Soldier Carol Paramedic Nancy Builder Abby Rogue Lionheart Juggernaut
Inanimate Empty Barrel Medkit Red Barrel Molotov Generator Nitrogen Turret Drone
Plot Sheriff Bill Minor Characters
TMF Squad Flamethrower Soldier Cap Swat
Circus Saw Berserker Queen
Scientists Dr. Kane Dr. Norman Dr. Miller Drone
Other Jailer SpecOps Austin Agents
Halloween Turbo Andrea
Christmas Lester Cashier Red Hood Maria
Escort Princess