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Rogue Sprite.png
Riot Policeman Sprite.png
A soldier who stuns any opponent
Main Stats
Type Fighter
Rarity Common
Health-Healing.png Health 52
Melee.png Melee Damage 42
Fortune.png Crit. Chance 15%
Crit damage.png Crit. Damage 10%
Speed.png Speed 15
UnitPrep-Duration-Period.png Prepare Time 15
Icon cost.png Courage Cost 20
Behavior Stats
Agility.png Agility 45
Agility.png Aggression 80
Radius.png Detection Range 80
Agility Penalty 50%
Aggression Penalty 50%
Morale Stats
Icon charisma.png Charisma 500
Icon valor.png Valor 600
Charisma Radius 80
Perks StunAbility.png NoZombieChance.png
Special Ability.png Special Ability Gains Bullet Resistance equal to 90% of the unit's Agility
Unlock Requirements
Price 35000Coins.png
Player Level 13

TMF logo.png Rogue is a TMF scout specializing in close-range combat. He is armed with a stun baton and dressed in a black full-body armor suit, a black gas mask with red lenses, a brown-green cape, and a black combat helmet. His armor has two strips of blue tape forming an X on his shoulder pad.

Police logo.png Riot Policeman is Rogue's exclusive skin. He is armed with a stun baton and dressed in a dark blue full-body riot suit with a black Kevlar vest sporting shoulder pads and kneepads placed over, a police tool belt, a black balaclava, and a black riot helmet with a clear face shield.

He can be unlocked for 35,000 coins after reaching player level 13.



Rogue is a fighter, meaning he will attack enemies and the barricade at close range.

Rogue is an expendable unit, having fairly high base health among units in the fighter class, only surpassed by Cashier. He also has good movement speed for a low courage cost with only a moderate preparation time. His attack speed is decent, although it is noticeably slower compared to other units within the same class, and he has very low agility. His base damage is the highest among all the fighter units. He also has a significant amount of Charisma and Valor, equal to Specops.

Perks and Abilities

Rogue's critical hits stun enemies, freezing them briefly.

As a TMF unit, Rogue will not turn into a zombie when killed, though he lacks their standard bullet/poison resistance by default.

At level 13, Rogue unlocks his special ability which grants him bullet resistance equal to 90% of his agility stat. With his base agility at an unusually low 45, his value starts at 40.5% and goes up to 90% at 100 agility. This ability sees more use in Skirmish and events than the main campaign due to how late Rogue usually is unlocked.


Main Campaign

Despite his classification and cost, Rogue's stats are more in line with Damagers, and even that is an understatement since he exceeds them in almost all aspects. Primarily held back by his very high unlock cost, he easily compensates with his stunning critical hits that deliver equally extreme impact, sometimes bashing enemies into oblivion well before they could retaliate or at the very least inflict severe damage. Unlike most fighter units, Rogue has a longer preparation time, but does not offer suffer from the fear debuff significantly due to his high Valor and can support other units through his great Charisma value. He most certainly won't work alone, but does enjoy the company of ranged units that help him batter down threats from afar if he doesn't manage to stun threats in time. Rogue's lack of poison immunity is at best a minor weakness and doesn't hinder his utility much since by the point he is avaliable, poison threats are generally out of the picture.

Rogue is often compared to Jailer, and in general proves to be superior as he doesn't require real currency to purchase and achieves better consistency with his brute strength, whereas Jailer's higher critical chance and lower cost makes him more of a supportive fighter.


In League, Rogue actually finds great success despite being a Fighter unit due to his special ability, making him the cheapest unit with it and one of the fastest and bulkiest on units with similar roles such as Guard. In fact, aside from poor agility and a different team synergy that does not matter, Rogue is better than Guard and Builder (similar roles but mostly used for the synergy) in every aspect. Even Turbo, who is fast and fully resistant to bullets, is outshined by Rogue due to how cheap and how offensive he is, and the prevalence of Tactical Set items allowing ranged units to shred bulletproof units anyways. His high damage allows him to kill many enemy units on a single hit if given the opportunity, even with a non-critical hit. Should he perform a critical hit, even the heaviest of units such as Soldier can be crippled, allowing any ranged unit to quickly finish them even if the team's firepower is lacking. This can make him a bulletproof unit destroyer for teams, capable of dispatching Turbo easily thanks to his faster critical hit speed. In addition, his stun perk will leave the enemy unit helpless, essentially waiting to be finished off by a friendly unit. His speed also makes him a menace to deal with. While not necessarily the highest out of all of the units, compared to the many heavy hitting melee units it can be downright terrifying and can easily cause a sweep if the other team doesn't have a wall such as Policeman Diaz to properly counter a melee push. Rogue is a fantastic unit in almost every deck, and can greatly hurt the enemy if they get unlucky or a proper counter is not ran in their deck.

Item Sets

Rogue works quite clearly best with Gentleman set which is easy to obtain early on, as the damage provided after a critical hit will become extremely helpful for the unit as the main goal of it will always be to gain critical hits to stun enemies as much as possible, and with the extreme damage output of the unit he can demolish anything if a single crit lands. Fitness is great for getting around his agility issues, but bear in mind his special ability does not work with the set bonus due to it only accounting for base values, preventing him from gaining additional bullet resistance. Boss would also be suitable and it’s less demanding for skirmish uses, since it benefits the team as whole and Rogue’s damage is already high enough damage to dispatch any unit that’s not designed to counter him.

+ Agility watches are almost essential for success of the unit given his very low base agility, which would otherwise have the unit standing still for so long that anything can get past him or kill him with eases. +% Crit Chance books can also prove extremely useful for him, as high amounts of crits will lead to higher stun time likely benefiting the team more often and increasing his survivability. Likewise +%Crit Damage items can amazing towards his overall DPS, otherwise +% Melee Damage works well for Rogue should the player decide to rely on pure damage instead of critical hits. Prep Time decreasing substats also work well for him given his longer preparation time, allowing him to become a somewhat more spammable unit, and can work well if Rogue obtains enough agility bonuses through subsets. It is recommended to avoid + Valor, as it is ultimately negligible in practice.

Skins and Synergies

Rogue, along with his respective skins, is a part of two teams: TMF and Police.

Name Rogue Riot Policeman
Skin Rogue Sprite.png Riot Policeman Sprite.png
Unlock Req. - 300 money
Team TMF logo.png TMF Police logo.png Police

In both teams, Rogue is an excellent option. He is the core unit of the both teams thanks to his versatility, able to make the most out of various synergies and successfully supplements his team. For TMF, Rogue benefits significantly from the 2/2 and 5/5 synergies in particular, able to take great advantage of occasional explosion immunity and cost reduction. In the Police team, he can act as filler for the 2/2 power to assist ranged units supporting him, survive longer to deal even more damage with the shield points provided by 3/3, or boost his damage directly through 5/5, destroying tough foes like Crank with terrifying ease.


  • Rogue is one of the five members of the Toxic Military Lab Forces, the others being Cap, Flamethrower, Soldier, and Swat.
    • Unlike them, he is the only one out of the five who can be purchased with coins, with the highest price tag out of all coin units in the game at 35,000. He also lacks poison/bullet resist by default.
  • Rogue possesses the highest base melee attack in the game among all units.
  • Rogue has the lowest base agility among all units in the game.
  • When it was first added, Rogue's special ability granted him 1% of bullet resistance, meaning that 100 agility would grant him full immunity. This was patched on November 18th, 2022, when Corn Farm event came back in rotation for the first time after the special's introduction.
  • Internally, Rogue is referred to as "Shocker".


Base game
Humans Redneck Farmer Builder Mechanic Pepper Chopper Firefighter Sheriff Charlotte Glenn Policeman Diaz Grenadier Gunslinger Private Rodriguez Sniper Polina Welder Carlos Guard Medic Sonya Ranger Willy Light Soldier Carol Paramedic Nancy Builder Abby Rogue Lionheart Juggernaut
Inanimate Empty Barrel Medkit Red Barrel Molotov Generator Nitrogen Turret Drone
Plot Sheriff Bill Minor Characters
TMF Squad Flamethrower Soldier Cap Swat
Circus Saw Berserker Queen
Scientists Dr. Kane Dr. Norman Dr. Miller Drone
Other Jailer SpecOps Austin Agents
Halloween Turbo Andrea
Christmas Lester Cashier Red Hood Maria
Escort Princess