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This page provides explanations and details on numerical stats that determine the functionality of units and enemies.

On the code level, units and enemies are the exact same entities: they use the same parameters, and share core actions. The main difference between entities is whether they are classified as a usable unit, or an enemy. Depending on that, they will have differences in behavioral logic.

Entities' stats can be increased by leveling. For humans and zombies, only their damage and health are changed. Aside from leveling, human units' stats can be improved with equippable items. Support items usually have their own improvable parameters.


Health-Healing.png Health, also known as HP (Hit Points), represents an entity's potential to keep fighting after taking damage.


Various types of damage represent units' and enemies' offensive output. It determines how much health an entity can take away from its opponent in a single hit.

Certain abilities have fixed damage that can't be changed in any way.


Melee.png Melee is a form of damage that is done mainly by melee units and some inanimate ones when they are dropped onto enemies.

Every zombie in the game relies on melee damage as a primary attack type, with the exception of Fat Zombie. Apart from Policeman Diaz, Sheriff Charlotte, and Dr. Kane, all ranged units and marauders are capable of delivering physical damage as well.


Bullet-Electricity.png Bullet, commonly referred to as "ranged", is a form of damage that is done by the majority of ranged units, and all ranged marauders.

Currently, marauders' ranged attacks are unaffected by levelling, due to a coding oversight.


Fire.png Fire is a special form of damage that, aside from dealing direct damage, also applies a respective debuff.

Bodies of entities killed by fire dissolve into ashes. Additionally, pools of fire can be used to burn corpses. If an entity is immune to fire, its body can't be burned down.


Explosive.png Explosion is a special form of damage that determines the strength of an explosion an entity can create.

In the game's current state, explosion damage tends to be fixed. Red Barrel is the only unit that has modifiable explosion damage.

True Damage

Bullet-Electricity.png True damage is an unofficial name given to a special form of damage that uniquely ignores all types of enemy resistances.

"True" damage is not a traditional damage type. Instead, the damage is considered "true" if its source doesn't have an existing type assigned to it.


Critical hits increase damage of attacks by a certain multiplier. It has two relevant stats: crit. chance and crit. multiplier.

Most melee attacks have a different animation when a critical hit is performed. These attacks can also gain other effects, such as knockback or stun, depending on the entity. By comparison, ranged critical hits don't involve anything different, aside from a few exceptions.

Ranged crits are determined at the moment the gun is fired, not when the bullet hits. Attacks that fire multiple bullets in one shot will have all bullets deal critical damage when a critical hit is successful.

Support items don't have a crit. multiplier, nor crit. chance. Additionally, support items and barricades are immune to critical hits, taking only the regular damage regardless if a critical attack was successful or not. Welder is unable to trigger critical hits and deal crit. damage, rendering both stats irrelevant on him.

Crit. Multiplier

Crit damage.png Crit. Multiplier determines the damage multiplier when a critical attack triggers. The number is displayed in percentages.

All enemies' that can land critical hits have their multiplier set to 10%.

Crit. Chance

Fortune.png Crit. Chance determines the chance that a unit will execute a critical hit. The number is displayed in percentages.

Ranged entities have two separate crit. chance stats – one for ranged damage, and second for melee. The latter is not displayed in-game. Crit. chance buffs from upgrade items apply to both stats at once on human units.

Preparation Time

UnitPrep-Duration-Period.png Preparation time determines the cooldown of a unit before it can be used again. The number is displayed in seconds.

At the start of a mission, each unit gets a 10 seconds preparation time decrease.

On some units it's possible to bring preparation time to zero if you use multiple upgrade items with prep. time decrease as a bonus.


Agility.png Agility is a value that signifies a chance of an entity to continue moving towards their target. In case of human units and marauders, it also affects whether they will get confused when detecting a new target. The higher the value, the lower the chance of pausing is. At 100% an entity will never pause while moving.

Because of being treated as a chance determinator, agility caps at 100 and can't be raised higher than that.

When an entity is spawned, a number between -5 and 5 is added to their agility stat. This means that after appearing they can have lower or higher agility than they actually do.


Aggression.png Aggression is a stat that functions similar to agility. It signifies the chance for a unit to continue attacking while they are in front of their target. The higher the value, the lower the chance of pausing during a fight with an opponent is. At 100% an entity will never pause when attacking.

When an entity is spawned, a number between -5 and 5 is added to their aggression stat. This means that after appearing they can have lower or higher aggression than they actually do.

Guard's special ability, the Fitness item set, and Marines' team powers can change aggression by locking it at 100. Otherwise, aggression can't be improved in any way. Upgrading agility does not affect aggression.

Fear Penalties

Agility Penalty and Aggression Penalty are hidden stats that signify how strongly the Fear debuff affects units' and marauders' agility and aggression values. The values are represented in form of percentages that are substracted from an affected entity's agility and aggression values.


Icon valor.png Valor determines a unit's level of fear resistance. Enemies affect this value by decreasing it. Once Valor drops below 0, the fear debuff is applied.


Icon charisma.png Charisma is a stat that determines how much valor a unit adds to their teammates' stats. Conversely, it also substracts the same level of valor from marauders, and opposing units in PvP modes.

Zombies' charisma can only affect humans' level of valor.

Charisma Radius

Charisma Radius determines the size of the area surrounding an entity in which their charisma takes effect. A single point of charisma radius is equal to one in-game pixel.


Speed.png Speed determines how fast an entity can move. It represents the amount of in-game pixels an entity can cross in a 1/6th of a second.


Radius.png Range determines the distance from which a ranged entity is capable of initiating attacks on targets. A single point of range is equal to one in-game pixel.

Increasing a unit's range stat also impacts its spread angles. As the unit's range increases, its spread angle diminishes. This results in comparable accuracy to its default range at higher distances, while also tightening the spread when the unit is up close.

Range is also used to determine the area of effect for stationary items whose abilities rely on it. Such derivative of range is fixed and can't be modified or upgraded.

All melee attacks have a range of around 18. This value will not show up on units' stats screen, and can't be modified.

Detection Range

Detection Range determines the distance from which units and marauders are capable of finding targets and starting to move towards them. A single point of detection range is equal to one in-game pixel.

This stat is hidden, and can't be modified in any way. Both melee and ranged units utilize it.


Icon cost.png Cost determines how much courage/rage points a unit requires to be used.

Upgrade items with cost reduction buffs allow to bring this stat to lower numbers, capping the minimum unit cost at 1. However, it's impossible to reach this number in-game. TMF's 5/5 team power ignores this cap, and allows to bring units down to a cost of 0.


Icon bullet resist.png Resistances are a form of protection against specific types of damage. The percentage displays how much value of an incoming attack will be ignored. For example, a 50 damage bullet shot will deal only 5 damage to an entity with 90% bullet resistance.

Despite being listed in stat tables, resistances are usually highlighted as Perks, and typically share the same values across all units who have them with some exceptions.

Aside from resistances to damage, there also exists resistance to knockback. It functions the same as its traditional counterparts, and affects the knockback strength stat.

Perk Stats

Some of in-game perks rely on special parameters that determine how much they benefit their users.

Knockback Strength

Knockback Strength determines how far an entity's opponent will be pushed back, should they be struck with an attack that causes the respective effect. A single point of knockback strength is equal to one in-game pixel.

Stun Duration

Stun Duration is a parameter that describes how long the stun debuff applied by some entity can last. It's measured in seconds.

Shield Points

This parameter describes the amount of shield points an entity has when they spawn.

Aside from this parameter, there also exists multiple internal variables that determine how much SP entities receive from other sources, like team powers and item sets.


Certain units have special characteristics that are unique to them and similarly working units.


UnitPrep-Duration-Period.png Duration is a time during which some unit's ability keeps working. Duration is measured in seconds.


UnitPrep-Duration-Period.png Period is an unofficial stat used instead of duration on units whose abilities can get activated several times but with a delay. Period is measured in seconds.

Fire Duration

UnitPrep-Duration-Period.png Fire duration is a measurement of how long it takes for an entity to spend the entire clip of their ranged attack. Fire duration is measured in seconds.

Spawn Speed

UnitPrep-Duration-Period.png Spawn speed is a rate of how long it takes for an entity to create something. Spawn speed is measured in seconds.


Health-Healing.png Healing is a rate of how much health an entity can recover for themselves, their teammates, or support items.


Some enemies have a special attribute that allows them to be gibbed on death. Gibbing is presented in form of a secondary death animation that comes with a massive blood splatter. This is purely a visual effect, and it has no effect on gameplay.

A susceptible enemy gets gibbed if the following criteria are met:

  • It was killed by a melee, bullet, or explosion attack;
  • The killing blow was a critical hit, or it dealt damage that's three times higher than the target's remaining health.

Boss's crane attack can also gib enemies.


  • Stationary units that do ranged or melee damage use an electric bolt icon (InanimateDamage.png) instead of their proper respective icons.
  • No matter what type of damage any ranged unit does, they all use the standard bow and arrow icon.
  • Since support items are based off the same template as all other entities, they have agility, aggression, and critical values listed for them, despite never being able to utilize them.
  • Internally, charisma radius is split into two separate stats that feature labels "Forward" and "Back". They always share the same value, making the reason behind such separation unclear.
Game Info
Main mechanics Units Status Effects Resources Enemies Locations Bus Van Daily Gifts Buffs Daily Tasks Weather Level Data Star Reward
Unit Mechanics Unit Stats Perks Team Powers
Items Upgrade Items Item Data Collectibles Skins Resources
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Lore Story Blue Energy Factions Minor Characters
Media Cutscenes Soundtrack Changelogs
Legacy Roulette Upgrade Items (Legacy) Military Case Old Offers