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Maria Sprite.png
Freedom is her main goal.
Inspired by Reddit user u/TheAClion
Main Stats
Type Support
Rarity Exclusive
Health-Healing.png Health 30
Bullet-Electricity.png Ranged Damage 7
Melee.png Melee Damage 4
Fortune.png Crit. Chance 10%
Crit damage.png Crit. Damage 1%
Speed.png Speed 13
UnitPrep-Duration-Period.png Prepare Time 35
Icon cost.png Courage Cost 30
Behavior Stats
Agility.png Agility 80
Agility.png Aggression 85
Radius.png Detection Range 200
Agility Penalty 50%
Aggression Penalty 50%
Morale Stats
Icon charisma.png Charisma 150
Icon valor.png Valor 600
Charisma Radius 80
Perks DoubleTarget.png Knockback.png HighAccuracy Icon.png
Special Ability.png Special Ability Increases the nearby accuracy of up to 2 nearby allies by 30% and their ranged damage by 10%
Ranged Data
Ammo Capacity 20 (2x10 bursts)
Firing Period 4.7s
Reloading Period 2.7s
Radius.png Range 150
Bullet Spread 15°
Unlock Requirements
Price Reward for opening Christmas Cases
Player Level Any

Prisoners.png Maria is an escaped convict hoping to achieve her freedom. She is armed with two Glock-17s, and is dressed in a bright orange prisoner jumpsuit, a white undershirt and a grey beanie. She has brown hair.

She can be unlocked from the Christmas Event by opening Christmas Cases.



Maria is a support unit, meaning that she provides assistance to her teammates with special abilities and/or by dealing extra damage.

She has low damage as well as a high valor stat, boasting a quick movement speed and accuracy. Her preparation time and cost are relatively high.

Maria fires two semi-automatic pistols at the same time at a decent rate. She can fire 20 shots for a total of 10 bursts before preforming a slow reload. If she is approached and forced into close quarters combat, Maria does a melee attack that knocks back enemies and can crit.

Some time after dying, Maria will turn into Girl.

Perks and Abilities

Enemies struck with Maria's backhand will be knocked back. Knockback is applied regardless of a crit or not.

Maria possesses the high accuracy perk, which signifies that she has low bullet spread. This is unusual for a unit of her class.

Maria possesses the unique double target perk. This means she works similarly to High Rate of Fire units like Carlos that fire multiple shots in an animation, where she will fire bursts of two shots a total of ten times. Each shot separately can hit two different targets if they are side by side, though this is unreliable and sometimes doesn't function correctly. If there is only one enemy or if enemies are significantly behind her target, then only that enemy will be shot at. It is important to note that individually each every shot hits only one enemy, unless the Military deck is equipped.

At level 13, Maria's special ability can be unlocked, which allows her to increase two nearby allies' accuracy by 30% and ranged damage by 10%. For instance, if Swat was boosted by her, his base level 13 damage would be 16 (without ability) and his accuracy would be 28°. This buff does not stack. This would prove in theory to be extremely beneficial to units that are around her, as inaccurate units may become much more accurate at long ranges and higher damage units will benefit nicely from her damage boost, this is not even considering items which would multiply these benefits tremendously on the damage end, especially paired with the Hunter set. However in practice, the range for the ability is so low it'll only be affecting copies of herself (which also take up one of the two units the ability can apply to), and seemingly barely affects their overall DPS, though accuracy can see a notable increase. Of course this requires at least one other specifically ranged unit to be present at the same time to get the effect, and there is the downside of it only applying to two units at a time. This, however can be negated with multiple Marias, increasing the amount of units who can receive the effects. This ability is best with HRoF units as they they are within her range and receive the most benefit from her SA. Overall this ability is decent, and should be picked up as soon as possible once she reaches level 13.


Main Campaign

As an event unit, players will not be able to obtain her through regular gameplay, and must participate in the Christmas Event to use her. Similarly to other support units, Maria is useful for adding some extra damage to a firefight. Her knockback can provide survivability against enemies such as Insectoids or any type of runner, as it doesn't require a critical hit to activate. Overall though, she will quickly become underwhelming much like Pepper, having low overall DPS and especially HP her survivability will be lackluster at best if not slightly helped by her quick knockback roundhouse kick. Her DPS is somewhat helped though by her long firing period, though it is just as much hampered by her long reload time. She will struggle to get past bullet resistant enemies as well, as her damage will not be enough to keep her alive if they appear, even with her knockback attack. Her cost is extremely high as well, making her quite impractical alongside use of other high cost units as well without the Generator.

Players might think that her SA may be her one saving grace, this in practice is only somewhat true. In practice, the range for her SA is very small, meaning that any units with a slightly different range won't be affected at all, at most she'll end up benefiting other Marias, and due to her accuracy already being high and her DPS being minimal at best she gets no use out of it. High rate of fire units will gain much use out of her accuracy increase, and shotgunners will equally enjoy the 10% damage boost that she'll provide with every pellet. This boost can add up greatly, and with the damage she'll be providing to a firefight even if minimal combined with her SA makes her one of the most actually supportive units in the game at improving the abilities of other units. Overall, she’s a decent unit, but her flaws hold her down being among the most versatile of units.


In League, Maria lacks most of the perks that makes for a viable unit, namely bullet resistance which is essential in this gamemode. This is especially true as her role as a support unit which relies on her survival to benefit the team, such as Cap or Dr. Kane who both feature bullet resistance. Her ability is also underwhelming at best in these situations, disappearing as soon as she dies which happens quite often due to her fragility. Dr. Kane preforms much better as a damaging unit, provides a larger damage buff to all types of units (50% compared to 10%), and has higher survivability. While Maria can fill niche uses in decks, she's overall not worth bringing along in a team.

Item Sets

Given Maria's high accuracy and decent range, Hunter is the best option for her overall damage, further compounded by her large firing period making her a consistent long range threat. She benefits little from Military, given that her base damage attacks are so low even her double shot can't help her.

As with most low damage ranged units, investing in +Ranged Attack substats is more useful than % increases. To assist her supportive role as well, -Courage Cost substats are useful for bringing her relatively high cost down to a more acceptable level. Players should prioritize a -%Preparation Time watch, given her long prep time and that it assists very well with her SA, as more Marias means more units benefitting from the damage and accuracy bonus. +Melee items are acceptable unlike most ranged units, given her melee attack having knockback, though preferably should be kept to a minimum. Lastly, both %Ranged Damage and %Health books are viable for Maria, each benefitting her in her own survivability one way or another, which is crucial to getting the most out of her SA.

Skins and Synergies

Maria is a part of the Prisoners team.

Name Maria
Skin Maria Sprite.png
Unlock Req. -
Team Prisoners.png Prisoners

As Maria's associated Team Powers are yet to be revealed, any synergies and interactions between them and her are unknown.

Level Stats

Base Stat Upgrades
Level Health Ranged Damage Melee Damage
0 30 7 4
1 33 8 5
2 36 9 5
3 40 10 6
4 44 11 6
5 48 12 7
6 53 13 8
7 58 14 8
8 64 16 9
9 71 17 10
10 78 19 11
11 86 20 12
12 94 22 13
13 104 24 14


  • Maria is based off of a piece of art created by Reddit user u/TheAClion.
    • Interestingly, the characters in the original piece are referred to as brothers, though Maria in-game is female.
    • It can be inferred that Maria's last name is Anglin as referred to by the original post.
  • Maria's addition to the game introduced a new Team Power, Prisoners. However, this team power was added with no information to what it does.
  • Maria is the fastest ranged unit in the game.


Base game
Humans Redneck Farmer Builder Mechanic Pepper Chopper Firefighter Sheriff Charlotte Glenn Policeman Diaz Grenadier Gunslinger Private Rodriguez Sniper Polina Welder Carlos Guard Medic Sonya Ranger Willy Light Soldier Carol Paramedic Nancy Builder Abby Rogue Lionheart Juggernaut
Inanimate Empty Barrel Medkit Red Barrel Molotov Generator Nitrogen Turret Drone
Plot Sheriff Bill Minor Characters
TMF Squad Flamethrower Soldier Cap Swat
Circus Saw Berserker Queen
Scientists Dr. Kane Dr. Norman Dr. Miller Drone
Other Jailer SpecOps Austin Agents
Halloween Turbo Andrea
Christmas Lester Cashier Red Hood Maria
Escort Princess