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Queen Sprite.png
Explosions put a smile on her face!
Main Stats
Type Psycho
Rarity Exclusive
Health-Healing.png Health 22
Melee.png Melee Damage 9
Fire.png Fire Damage 43-62 (SA)
Explosive.png Explosive Damage 160 (grenade)
Fortune.png Crit. Chance 1%
Crit damage.png Crit. Damage 10%
Speed.png Speed 10
UnitPrep-Duration-Period.png Prepare Time 35
Icon cost.png Rage Cost 25
  • Grenade range: 400
  • Fire pool duration: 8s (SA)
Behavior Stats
Agility.png Agility 90
Agility.png Aggression 100
Radius.png Detection Range 400
Agility Penalty 50%
Aggression Penalty 50%
Morale Stats
Icon charisma.png Charisma -300
Icon valor.png Valor 9999
Charisma Radius 80
Perks ManualAbility.png FearInspiration.png
Ability Cooldown 4s
Special Ability.png Special Ability Grenades create fire pools.
Unlock Requirements
Price 925Cash.png (Circus Pack)
Player Level Any

Psychos logo.png Queen is a deranged carnival jester armed with an M79 grenade launcher with the leaf sight unfolded and dressed in a cropped red tank top, a black skirt with red lining, white gloves, white stockings, black shoes, and a black and red fool's cap with a yellow bell on both prongs. She wears red lipstick.

To unlock Queen, players must purchase the Circus Pack for 925 money.


Queen is a Psycho that functions similar to a Damager. She has very low stats for the latter class, and fairly slow attack speed.

Queen's negative charisma causes her to inspire fear into her teammates. Simulataneously, she has extremely high valor, making her technically immune to the debuff.

Queen has a manual ability to fire a grenade that always inflicts 160 damage on hit in a small area. It has a fixed flight arc and range. When used, she stops briefly to fire her grenade launcher and reload it, and then immediately continues whatever she was doing.

Some time after dying, she turns into a Girl.

Special Ability

Queen's special ability causes her grenades to generate fire pools.

This ability allows Queen to act as a powerful option against tanky enemies that aren't resistant to fire, by making her grenades actually useful against them. Their accessibility also makes it easy to litter the field with fire, making Queen's launcher a more intuitive crowd control option. The problem is that this perk only improves Queen's launcher, while she herself stays a barely usable unit, making the ability border on being a winmore. It's recommended to save it for last, should you wish to max out every unit.


Main Campaign

Queen can prove to be a powerful unit much like Grenadier, in contrast though since her ability has an incredibly short cooldown in comparison and can also come with fire pools, it allows her to preform better in certain cases. This is especially useful in the mid-game since most of the threats come as a form of running horde. In addition, Queen doesn't explode on death, making her much less of a risk to friendly units.

While Queen's fear perk makes her an excellent pick for clearing out large weak hordes of enemies, it's somewhat advised against using Queen on missions that require having a large number of units on the battlefield at once since the fear debuff can actually hinder other units' total DPS. It's important to understand that Queen can't be the only melee unit brought along for a mission since rage can only be replenished by killing enemies. This is problematic since rage units always take a long time to prepare until other units are already out and dealing with the enemies, and that she has an already high rage cost. She can not be used as a main melee fighter however due to these reasons and her pitiful DPS in comparison, and acts best as a supporting role for horde clearing. Additionally (given that the player has accumulated enough rage points), Queen works well with fellow units with the Psycho trait such as Saw and Berserker given that they will be immune to fear, though making room for rage deployables such as the Turret can prove necessary in the late-game making the combination less useful.

Despite her much stronger grenade and psycho perk, Queen quickly becomes unviable due to a multitude of reasons. Her low health, damage, and attack speed mean she cannot stand for herself in melee combat. Her manual ability to throw a grenade is largely inefficient in the late game progress much like Grenadier's, since all enemies are simply very sturdy and most possess full fire resistance. A particularly harsh example is Blue Runners. Finally, Her rage cost, and preparation time are both high, making it not worth the resource to send her out. As such, replacing Grenadier with Queen will prove to be counterproductive.


In League, Queen is a very strong choice much like Grenadier thanks to her powerful grenade, which is further complimented by a much shorter ability cool down and creating a fire pool, meaning she can fire off multiple grenades in one round, and enemy units who manage to survive the explosion will eventually get burned to death. However, her overall strength is severely less than that of Grenadier's due to her lackluster performance as a melee unit, low health, and the lack of bullet resistance. She will die to any enemy ranged unit easily as well as any enemy melee unit, especially those with faster attack speed and/or higher damage. Since her cost is identical to Grenadier's, there are not many reasons to use Queen if his damage is enough to kill the grenade targeted unit. Bringing both in combination is rather pointless as most of the time one grenade is sufficient enough to take out an enemy.

Item Sets

Because of Queen's slow attack speed, and the fact that none of the sets can affect explosion damage, she is one of the few units who is unable to find any combo that can meaningfully benefit her. Builder is the only set that has no major downsides while still offering a somewhat meaningful bonus for her, given that you want to focus strictly on her grenades. In case you are desperate to make a use out of her as a Psycho member, then Gentleman can be used to buff her overall damage output. Gambling is generally not recommended, because Queen's health is too low. SwissMade is a reasonable alternative, in case you don't want to use crit. builds on her.

Prep. time watches are the best option for Queen, considering her near maximum agility and long cooldown. She receives most benefit from flat buffs, since her base stats are very low. However, it might be a good idea to not focus on them too much, and instead pursue as much cost reduction as possible, as it helps resolving Queen's issue with playability at least a little bit. Full reduction is recommended, but -5 to -7 is also acceptable.

As mentioned earlier, if you want to focus on Queen as a member of Psychos, then giving her +crit. chance books is the way to go. In that case, giving her some crit. damage buffs is also advised. If you only want to focus on her greanades, then +% health is a better choice.

Skins and Synergies

Queen is a part of the Psychos team.

Name Queen
Skin Queen 1x1.png
Unlock Req. 925 money
Team Psychos logo.png Psychos

In general, Queen is never a good option for Psychos. Her lackluster performance as a melee unit makes her unable to aid the team in any way, causing her to be more of a liability. Matter of fact, Psychos' 2/2 power acts more as a crutch to make Queen actually accessible, meaning that you shouldn't use Queen as a member of that team, but rather use the synergy itself to make her playable. Otherwise, there's no reason to bother with her.


  • Queen's overall design is a reference to the DC Comics character Harley Quinn.
  • Queen was released as part of an expansion for the Circus Pack, alongside Berserker. She was awarded to everyone who purchased the pack prior to the 2.6.0 update.
  • Queen's special ability behaves exactly as Grenadier's grenades did in the past, before their ability to create fire pools was removed.


Base game
Humans Redneck Farmer Builder Mechanic Pepper Chopper Firefighter Sheriff Charlotte Glenn Policeman Diaz Grenadier Gunslinger Private Rodriguez Sniper Polina Welder Carlos Guard Medic Sonya Ranger Willy Light Soldier Carol Paramedic Nancy Builder Abby Rogue Lionheart Juggernaut
Inanimate Empty Barrel Medkit Red Barrel Molotov Generator Nitrogen Turret Drone
Plot Sheriff Bill Minor Characters
TMF Squad Flamethrower Soldier Cap Swat
Circus Saw Berserker Queen
Scientists Dr. Kane Dr. Norman Dr. Miller Drone
Other Jailer SpecOps Austin Agents
Halloween Turbo Andrea
Christmas Lester Cashier Red Hood Maria
Escort Princess