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Nitrogen Atlas.png
Nitrogen Activated.png
The Nitrogen Tank will freeze all enemy and friendly units within its range after it is dropped on the ground. Use wisely!
Main Stats
Rarity Common
Health-Healing.png Health
Melee.png Melee Damage
UnitPrep-Duration-Period.png Duration
Icon cost.png Rage Cost 15

DropOnBattlefield.png StunAbility.png ResistanceFire.png


  • ResistancePoison.png
  • Knockback resistance
  • Explosion resistance
Special Ability.png Special Ability Will deal 15 damage per tick to entities.
Unlock Requirements
Price 3,200 Coins.png
Player Level 8

Nitrogen is a gray labeled tank with a pair of handles, a blue lock cover, and is filled with cryogenic liquid.

It can be unlocked after reaching player level 8 and can be purchased for 3,200 coins.


It is a support item, meaning it can be used to support units on the field with direct control by players over where it's placed. It requires Rage to be deployed.

Nitrogen is a complex utility unit, with moderately low health and small melee damage combined with a long preparation time. However it has the ability to freeze enemies, slowing them down considerably.

Perks and Abilities

Nitrogen is sent from outside of the bus, able to be put almost anywhere the player chooses by being placed directly on the battlefield.

Upon deploy, a tank of nitrogen will fall on the area the player selected, dealing fairly low melee damage to units, enemies, and other rage abilities. Afterward, the tank will activate, spraying liquid nitrogen in a set area around itself and severely slowing down human units and enemies alike for the documented amount. The tank will act as an obstacle once placed on the field, stalling most enemies until it is destroyed. Should it be hit again and survives, Nitrogen will re-activate.

Its freeze effect is a variation of the stun ability. Unlike the stun caused by units like Willy or Jailer which completely stop enemies in their tracks momentarily, Nitrogen instead greatly slows down movement and attack speed over a longer period of time.

If any units are suffering from the fire debuff, it can be removed using Nitrogen.

In addition to the aforementioned properties, Nitrogen possesses the following undocumented resistances:

  • Poison resistance grants it immunity from the poison debuff that causes damage over time.
  • Full knockback resistance prevents it from being pushed back entirely.
  • Explosion resistance prevents it from taking damage caused by grenades and fiery explosions, though this does not apply to blood-based explosions(E.g. Fat Zombie, Slob).


Main Campaign

Nitrogen should be reserved to slow down dangerous enemies and/or large hordes for crowd control. It can also be used to kill very weak enemies in a pinch. Nitrogen is less effective against enemies with fast attack speed as they are still capable of breaking the tank quickly, even while stunned, and waste its potential by destroying it sooner than intended. Nitrogen can prove to be highly effective when it is activated multiple times if an enemy attacking it has low damage. A good example of this in practice is when faced off against Dark Skeleton. However, this advantage becomes gradually less prominent the further the game progresses due to enemies' damage becoming increasingly higher, especially in stage 7 and 8 (where it typically goes down in two hits), thus it should not be relied on too much.

In general though, Nitrogen is probably the worst out of all the support items, partially due to the fact it can stun your own units. It becomes a major liability with spam units such as Redneck or Private Rodriguez, as they tend to get damaged and frozen along with enemies when deployed. It has a fairly long cooldown as well as low health, so higher enemies found during the late game such as the Crank will tend to one shot Nitrogen, meaning it can't dispense as many stuns as it would on easier stages. Fire damage tends to be more useful than a temporary slowdown regardless at Location 8, meaning it is better advised just to use a Red Barrel instead, and even in the presence of fire-immune enemies, there are simply better options to work with.


While Nitrogen is unavailable in League, it can be summoned through Specops' special ability. It is by far the worst one that could be potentially spawned by Specops, as not only is it not a target for enemy units to attack (rendering it's stun ability useless on multiple hits), it also tends to be deployed in the backlines due to Specops' high range. This tends to result in crucial units such as Sniper Polina being frozen during the duration of the match, making them easy targets in what could be crucial one-on-one sniper duals.


  • In the past, Nitrogen's damage stat was not documented.
  • Strangely, Paramedic and EMT's lightning attacks can activate Nitrogen's ability, despite it being immune to their damage.
Base game
Humans Redneck Farmer Builder Mechanic Pepper Chopper Firefighter Sheriff Charlotte Glenn Policeman Diaz Grenadier Gunslinger Private Rodriguez Sniper Polina Welder Carlos Guard Medic Sonya Ranger Willy Light Soldier Carol Paramedic Nancy Builder Abby Rogue Lionheart Juggernaut
Inanimate Empty Barrel Medkit Red Barrel Molotov Generator Nitrogen Turret Drone
Plot Sheriff Bill Minor Characters
TMF Squad Flamethrower Soldier Cap Swat
Circus Saw Berserker Queen
Scientists Dr. Kane Dr. Norman Dr. Miller Drone
Other Jailer SpecOps Austin Agents
Halloween Turbo Andrea
Christmas Lester Cashier Red Hood Maria
Escort Princess