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Cap Sprite.png
Coach Sprite.png
The fast and unerringly accurate captain of the special unit easily raises morale.
Main Stats
Type Support
Rarity Exclusive
Health-Healing.png Health 22
Bullet-Electricity.png Ranged Damage 4
Melee.png Melee Damage 6
Fortune.png Crit. Chance 1%
Crit damage.png Crit. Damage 10%
Speed.png Speed 10
UnitPrep-Duration-Period.png Prepare Time 40
Icon cost.png Courage Cost 30
Behavior Stats
Agility.png Agility 80
Agility.png Aggression 100
Radius.png Detection Range 200
Agility Penalty 30%
Aggression Penalty 50%
Morale Stats
Icon charisma.png Charisma 550
Icon valor.png Valor 600
Charisma Radius 120
Perks AlliesBuff.png ResistanceBullets.png ResistancePoison.png NoZombieChance.png
Special Ability.png Special Ability Grants all TMF units a 25% reload speed reduction bonus.
Ranged Data
Ammo Capacity 10
Firing Period 3.0s
Reloading Period
  • 0.7s (base)
  • 0.5s (Cap's ability)
Radius.png Range 140
Bullet Spread 20°
Icon bullet resist.png Bullet 90%
Poison resist.png Poison 100%
Knockback 20%
Unlock Requirements
Price 925 Cash.png (TMF Pack)
Player Level Any

TMF logo.png Cap is a TMF captain specializing in command, leadership, and morale. He is armed with a handgun and a combat knife and dressed in a black full-body, bulletproof armor suit, a black gas mask with red lenses, and a red beret with a yellow trim.

College logo.png Coach is Cap's first exclusive skin. He is armed with a handgun and a combat knife, and dressed in a gray T-shirt with a maroon emblem, maroon pants, a brown duty belt, a clear full-face gas mask, and a maroon baseball cap with a yellow letter H logo.

Coach has different shooting and moving animations.

He can be obtained by purchasing the TMF Pack alongside Flamethrower, Soldier and Swat for 925 money.


Cap is a ranged Support, who is mainly used for his utility abilities. He has average stats for ranged supports, with the exception of moderately long preparation time, and extremely high courage cost.

Cap fires his pistol at a fast rate up to 10 times before performing a very fast reload. If approached suddenly or without ammo, he does a quick melee attack.

Upon detection of an uninspired unit, Cap will apply the respective buff to them and all other unaffected units present on the field. He is unable to attack while using this ability, and can't inspire himself, only granting the buff to other units. Cap will not use his ability if there are no possible targets around or if all other units are inspired. He will also stop using it after the mission's countdown ends.

Cap is immune to poison, and has 90% resistance to bullet damage, along with light resistance to knockback. Cap will not turn into a zombie when killed.

Special Ability

Cap's special ability decreases reload time by 25% for himself, Swat, and Flamethrower while he is on the battlefield. The ability says that he grants this bonus to all ranged TMFs, but other unmentioned units in the respective team don't actually receive it.

This perk is of little use, since the only unit that meaningfully benefits from it is Flamethrower, who has a very long reload period. Cap and Swat change their magazines naturally swiftly, making the bonus marginal for them. Meanwhile, TMF Ranger could greatly benefit from it but is unable to get the bonus. In its current state, this special ability is not worth buying.


Main Campaign

Cap is a great support thanks to his Inspiration perk, which he uses limitlessly. Because of how beneficial the buff is, he can potentially fix, or at least alleviate some units' detrimental issues, the most noticeable ones being Private Rodriguez's poor reaction time, and Flamethrower's abysmal movement speed. Cap also has a decent defense, thanks to his relatively fast fire rate, quick reload, and resistances.

However, as Cap is a support unit, he does not work on his own. As such, Cap will find himself fairly vulnerable to dangerous and fast enemies if he is alone, especially if he was sent out first without any more courage left to use on other units. This issue only becomes more prominent in the late game progress due to the presence of Insectoid. As such, having a good setup of other units is essential to maximizing Cap's value, as he will be able to boost them consistently and enjoy their protection.

Cap is very non-versatile though, even for a support unit. He has no knockback or self protection, such as Pepper or Medic, his preparation time is lackluster at best, and the units he actually benefits don't entirely need his support in the first place, and many units are still lackluster even when put in combination with Cap. Still, in certain team combinations, he can excel tremendously in the midgame.


In League, on paper, Cap is a very good choice thanks to his bullet resistance and inspiration perk which he uses at the very beginning of the fight. Since he must go through the whole animation of him boosting his team, it's recommended that he's placed somewhere safe, preferably in the tiles furthest from enemy units, for him to apply the buff without being cut off short. Although he gives all his teammates a great advantage in combat and has decent DPS himself, he remains vulnerable against bullet-resistant enemy melee units. His very high courage cost can seriously hinder team compositions. It should be mentioned that most widely used units in this mode can perform just as well without the buff, while most mediocre units fail to get the most out of it, making his perk just an additional bonus at best in some cases. He gets most use out of decks centering around a TMF 3/3 synergy, as it can partially make up for his high cost for adding a random TMF to the roster.

At level 13, Pepper can unlock her special ability which is very similar to Cap's perk, as it also allows her to inspire everyone on the field. However, she can only use it once as opposed to Cap who can use it an unlimited amount of times as needed. Despite this, Pepper can be used in the same situations where Cap would be in, be it the main game or other game modes, mainly Skirmish.

Item Sets

Thanks to Cap's moderately fast firerate, offensive sets are a good choice for him. Since he is a pistol user, Hunter proves to be the best option. In case you want to focus on his supportive role, Chef is one of the better options, as it accentuates Cap's role as a whole team buffer.

Like the majority of ranged units, Cap benefits most from flat buffs to health and damage, with +% health books as the best option. Prep. time watches benefit him most, with agility best pursued through extra buffs. Pursuing cost reduction is always appreciated for him, but in the long run it only makes a small difference even if you manage to provide him with -7 to -8 reduction, so it's not recommended to sacrifice other stats in its favor.

Skins and Synergies

Cap, along with his respective skins, is a part of several teams: TMF and College.

Name Cap Coach
Skin Cap Sprite.png Coach Sprite.png
Unlock Req. - 300 money
Team TMF logo.png TMF College logo.png College

In all of the above teams, Cap is a mediocre option.

In TMF he mainly sees use in synergy with Rogue or Soldier, since inspiration boosts agility and aggression, which are crucial for melee units. With his SA he also acts as a good tag-along for Flamethrower, since his reload time is very long. Meanwhile, Swat and Ranger generally don't care about Cap's buffs, and therefore work better without him. In general, Cap is best used in 3/3 builds that try to tech specific missions. He is also one of the better picks for the 5/5 rotation.

As for College, Cap doesn't sees much application in it, as he is one of the worse units in the already questionable rotation. He only synergizes with the team through its 3/3 power, since his base charisma is very high. This can prove useful for Sonya if she has her SA unlocked. Otherwise, it's not recommended to use him in that team.


  • According to Cap's deleted backstory:
    • His name is Hannibal, which is a reference to the character John "Hannibal" Smith from the action-adventure TV series The A-Team.
    • Cap is a part of the A-Team along with Soldier and Flamethrower.
  • Like the rest of the TMF Squad members, Cap was once available for purchase with coins, costing 9000 and unlocked at level 11.
  • Cap is the only bulletproof unit who doesn't wear a helmet in the game.
  • The Coach skin is likely a reference to the character of the same name from the game Left 4 Dead 2.
  • Cap and Dr. Kane are the only units who have unique speech bubble dialog in-game. Cap will shout "Go go go!" when giving his allies the inspiration buff.
  • Cap and Agents are the only ranged units to pull out separate melee weapons for their melee attack, all of them using knives.


Base game
Humans Redneck Farmer Builder Mechanic Pepper Chopper Firefighter Sheriff Charlotte Glenn Policeman Diaz Grenadier Gunslinger Private Rodriguez Sniper Polina Welder Carlos Guard Medic Sonya Ranger Willy Light Soldier Carol Paramedic Nancy Builder Abby Rogue Lionheart Juggernaut
Inanimate Empty Barrel Medkit Red Barrel Molotov Generator Nitrogen Turret Drone
Plot Sheriff Bill Minor Characters
TMF Squad Flamethrower Soldier Cap Swat
Circus Saw Berserker Queen
Scientists Dr. Kane Dr. Norman Dr. Miller Drone
Other Jailer SpecOps Austin Agents
Halloween Turbo Andrea
Christmas Lester Cashier Red Hood Maria
Escort Princess