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Gunslinger Sprite.png
Rebel Gunslinger Sprite.png
Bully Sprite.png
Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons.
Main Stats
Type Shooter
Rarity Stars Reward
Health-Healing.png Health 18
Bullet-Electricity.png Ranged Damage 3
Melee.png Melee Damage 2
Fortune.png Crit. Chance 1%
Crit damage.png Crit. Damage 5%
Speed.png Speed 6
UnitPrep-Duration-Period.png Prepare Time 45
Icon cost.png Courage Cost 15
Behavior Stats
Agility.png Agility 80
Agility.png Aggression 85
Radius.png Detection Range 200
Agility Penalty 50%
Aggression Penalty 50%
Morale Stats
Icon charisma.png Charisma 250
Icon valor.png Valor 300
Charisma Radius 80
Perks HighFireRate.png
Special Ability.png Special Ability Weapon fires twice as many bullets.
Ranged Data
Ammo Capacity
  • 20 (4x5 bursts, base)
  • 40 (4x10 bursts, ability)
Firing Period
  • 5s (base)
  • 10s (ability)
Reloading Period 1.2s
Radius.png Range 145
Bullet Spread 25°
Knockback 20%
Unlock Requirements
Stars 170
Player Level Any

Jailers logo.png Gunslinger is a prison guard specializing in mid-range combat. He is armed with a stockless MP5 and dressed in a khaki long sleeve prison guard uniform with a black tie, black pants, brown belt with a yellow buckle, and a black prison guard's cap. He sports some gray stubble.

Patriots logo.png Rebel is Gunslinger's first exclusive skin. He is armed with a stockless MP5 and dressed in a sleeveless yellow shirt, black body armor, light green gloves, kneepads, an American flag print bandana mask, and a red and white hat.

Rebel has different shooting and moving animations.

College logo.png Bully is Gunslinger's second exclusive skin. He is armed with a stockless MP5 and dressed in a maroon varsity jacket with white sleeves, a white undershirt, a maroon baseball cap with a logo depicting an "H", and black pants. He sports some gray stubble.

He is a Star Reward, obtained for free when players collect 170 stars.


Gunslinger is a Shooter. He has slightly below-average stats for his class, along with slow movement speed.

Gunslinger fires his gun at a moderate pace in five bursts with four rounds before doing a quick reload. If approached suddenly or without ammo, he does a quick melee attack.

Gunslinger has a high-rate of fire perk, which is just a label of his design as a unit. Otherwise, he has no other abilities. Some time after dying, he turns into a Tipsy.

Special Ability

Gunslinger's special ability grants him doubled magazine size, allowing to fire his gun up to ten times instead of five with the same reload speed.

While this perk has potential to improve Gunslinger's support capabilities, it will rarely see full use, as in order for Gunslinger to fire his gun empty he must be targeting a very tanky enemy, without interruptions from other enemies to pull his focus away. There's generally no reason to buy this perk, even if you actively use Gunslinger in any of his teams.


Main Campaign

Gunslinger finds himself in a less-than-desirable situation as the second-last stars reward unit available to the player. The amount of stars required to unlock him guarantees that he will only be available upon reaching early-mid game. At this point, many early levels might have already been completed, making Gunslinger's services unneeded. Players will have the option to unlock Carlos (Gunslinger's direct upgrade) as a choice of a high rate of fire unit. However, Gunslinger could prove to serve a purpose during mid-game given proper items and upgrades.

Compared to almost all other HRoF units available in the game, Gunslinger is by far the most outclassed due to his stats and lack of notable abilities. His slow movement speed and inability to protect himself in close quarters prove him to be ineffective in quickly-paced missions. However, being a unit that's given for free means there's less of an initial investment required to unlock him. Assuming, Carlos or another HRoF unit has not been acquired already, Gunslinger can be made into a serviceable unit up until late-mid to endgame.

While his DPS remains moderate at best, it still surpasses other available ranged units such as Pepper or Farmer, at least without proper investment in one-on-one encounters. However in larger groups, Gunslinger's crowd control abilities are minimal, compared with any other HRoF unit or shotgunner, due to his poor fire rate and accuracy. With enough damage upgrades, he can prove to be a formidable shooter when dealing with tankier non-resistant enemies. This can prove useful in 3-starring earlier missions or completing later missions. Supporting Gunslinger with other ranged units and rage abilities are typically crucial to this success however, as his own meager stats and shortcomings make it impossible for him to remain solo.

Gunslinger can bring limited but meaningful success during the middle of a player's campaign if given the opportunity and means to achieve it. However, he will prove inefficient once he is brought to faster-paced missions. This typically makes him underpowered for the late stages of the game where his lack of speed truly begin to show. Improving Gunslinger and his items to perform better in this part of the game will prove to be a large use of player resources when hiring another unit to replace him on the team may fare better in the long term. If Carlos was not hired yet, Sonya will serve as an excellent replacement going forward, and the items used for him can be transferred to her.


In League, Gunslinger is heavily unviable in almost all levels of Skirmish due to his poor health, very slow movement speed, lack of resistances, and moderate-at-best DPS. Although he has a low courage cost, the same is also true for Carlos, and since he has much better DPS and slightly better stats, players are better off using him instead. At best, he will serve as someone to use in early low-level skirmishes if no other options are available.

Item Sets

Like any shooter, Gunslinger benefits most from the Hunter set, as it allows him to deal massive consistent damage. Military is a viable alternative in case crowd control capabilities are preferred. Most other sets are usually not recommended, with the only other relevant option being Tactical, as it's already available by the time Gunslinger is unlocked.

Gunslinger benefits most from flat boosts rather percentages, with damage and health being the most improtant ones. Being a ranged unit, a prep. time watch is the best option for him. Among books, +% crit. chance proves to be the best option, as it compliments the damage support playstyle. However, it also requires pursuing +% crit. damage through extra buffs. In case this is too resource intensive for you, using a +% health book is an acceptable alternative. +% Ranged dmg. books don't provide a significant enough buff to be considered.

Skins and Synergies

Gunslinger, along with his respective skins, is a part of several teams: Jailers, Patriots, and College.

Name Gunslinger Rebel Bully
Skin Gunslinger Sprite.png Rebel Gunslinger Sprite.png Bully Sprite.png
Unlock Req. 300Cash.png 300Cash.png
Team Jailers logo.png Jailers Patriots logo.png Patriots College logo.png College

When it comes to Gunslinger being a team member, his performance tends to be mixed. He is far from the best option for both Jailers and College, although still an acceptable one: Gunslinger is one of the few college members who can get use out of their 5/5 power with proper support, and he is a good choice for enabling Jailers' 2/2, not to mention being probably the only unit who can get meaningful use out of their 3/3 power. Meanwhile, he is pretty bad in Patriots, simply because he doesn't synergize with neither the powers, nor his teammates.


  • Gunslinger's description is a quote by Douglas MacArthur.
  • Before update 2.7.0, Gunslinger had to be purchased with coins. The bus had to be level 7, and his price was 1,750 coins.
  • Gunslinger's firing pattern does not match any known MP5: most weapons have single-fire, three-shot burst or fully-automatic fire, though this could simply be explained by the idea that Gunslinger is on full-auto and tap-firing his weapon.
  • Gunslinger is the cheapest ranged unit in the game.


Base game
Humans Redneck Farmer Builder Mechanic Pepper Chopper Firefighter Sheriff Charlotte Glenn Policeman Diaz Grenadier Gunslinger Private Rodriguez Sniper Polina Welder Carlos Guard Medic Sonya Ranger Willy Light Soldier Carol Paramedic Nancy Builder Abby Rogue Lionheart Juggernaut
Inanimate Empty Barrel Medkit Red Barrel Molotov Generator Nitrogen Turret Drone
Plot Sheriff Bill Minor Characters
TMF Squad Flamethrower Soldier Cap Swat
Circus Saw Berserker Queen
Scientists Dr. Kane Dr. Norman Dr. Miller Drone
Other Jailer SpecOps Austin Agents
Halloween Turbo Andrea
Christmas Lester Cashier Red Hood Maria
Escort Princess