College (Team)

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College is one of the teams present in DA:ZW. It's themed around members of an average American college campus.

Team Members

Following units are available in the College team:

Team Members
Sprite Waterboy Sprite.png 1998 Builder Sprite.png Coach Sprite.png Dale 1x1.png Bully 1x1.png Cheerleader Sprite.png
Unit Redneck Builder Cap Farmer Gunslinger Sonya
Skin Name Waterboy 1998 Coach Dale Bully Cheerleader
Unit Unlock Req. Initially Available 10Stars.png 925Cash.png (TMF Pack) 4Stars.png 170Stars.png 12,500Coins.png, Lvl. 11
Skin Unlock Req. 300Cash.png / 5000classs=pixelated 300Cash.png / 5000classs=pixelated 300Cash.png / 5000classs=pixelated 300Cash.png / 5000classs=pixelated 300Cash.png / 5000classs=pixelated 300Cash.png / 5000classs=pixelated


The College team power presents a blend of nonsequential benefits that culminate in improving team morale. While the first tier power has the most general application, the remaining tiers allow for each individual team member to contribute to the whole team on the battlefield to achieve victory.

Tier 1 (2 units)

With this synergy, none of the units on the battlefield turn into their respective zombies when they are killed. These units are still able to be revived by Paramedic Nancy. If a unit turns immediately upon death, they will quickly despawn instead after playing a few frames of their death animation.

This power doesn't stop dead units from activating their on-death abilities, with the sole exception of Paramedic Nancy's lightning discharge.

Tier 2 (3 units)

While this synergy is active, the Charisma of College units is doubled. The bonus takes effect immediately after a third unique unit comes on field, and will affect all College members that are already on field. The effect is disabled once the number of unique units drops below 3, but can always be reactivated.

This synergy can interact with Sonya's special ability, doubling the increase to damage she receives. It has no effect on Swat's power, though, since he currently doesn't have access to the College team.

Tier 3 (5 units)

With this synergy, a random College unit is spawned when another College unit kills 5 enemies. This power can only activate once per instant of a unit and also applies to free units, allowing theoretically infinite units as long as there are enemies to kill.

Any of the units available in the synergy can be sent out, including ones the player hasn't obtained or put in their current deck. Stats and abilities of the extra College unit are equal to the versions the player owns; otherwise, base values are used.


  • Before all of the team's synergies were reworked, its 5/5 power made it so enemies can't turn into anyone after dying too. Aside from an obvious interaction with Marauders, it also prevented Sergeants and Undeads from rising, and caused Prisoners to not turn into Small Insectoids. However, Putrids would still spawn Rottens.
  • Before this was changed, Paramedic Nancy could still fully transform and activate her discharge even with the 2/2 power active. Nowadays, she fades out in the middle of her death animation like intended.
Emergency logo.png Emergency Northerners logo.png Northerners College logo.png College Military logo.png Military Patriots logo.png Patriots TMF logo.png TMF Builders logo.png Builders IF logo.png Internal Forces Mechanic logo.png Mechanic Jailers logo.png Jailers Psychos logo.png Psychos Police logo.png Police Marines logo.png Marines Rednecks logo.png Rednecks Scientists logo.png Scientists Prisoners logo.png Prisoners