Sheriff Charlotte

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Sheriff Charlotte
Patriots (1)
Patriots (2)
Sheriff Charlotte Sprite.png
Charlotte Sprite.png
Banny Charlotte Sprite.png
Texan girls seem to have accuracy that no other girls have.
Main Stats
Type Sniper
Rarity Stars Reward
Health-Healing.png Health 18
Bullet-Electricity.png Ranged Damage 46
Melee.png Melee Damage 2
Fortune.png Crit. Chance 0%
Crit damage.png Crit. Damage 5%
Speed.png Speed 12
Icon cost.png Courage Cost 30
Behavior Stats
Agility.png Agility 80
Agility.png Aggression 100
Radius.png Detection Range 200
Morale Stats
Icon charisma.png Charisma 100
Icon valor.png Valor 200
Perks HighAccuracy Icon.png
Special Ability.png Special Ability Gets a +10% damage bonus with every successive shot.
Ranged Data
Firing Period 4.8s
Reloading Period 1.1s
Radius.png Range 200
Bullet Spread 10°
Unlock Requirements
Stars 250
Player Level Any

Police logo.png Sheriff Charlotte is a Texan deputy known for her skills in sharpshooting. She is armed with a revolver and dressed in a gray t-shirt with the collar upturned, a deputy badge, black pants, brown leather boots, a white slouch hat with a thin brown band, and a brown leather belt with a yellow buckle and holster.

Patriots logo.png Charlotte is Sheriff Charlotte's first exclusive skin. She is armed with a revolver and dressed in a sleeveless American flag print high neck crop top, a white miniskirt with a holster, white gloves, white boots, and a white slouch hat with a thin red and blue band.

Patriots logo.png Bunny Charlotte is Sheriff Charlotte's second exclusive skin. She is armed with a pink revolver and dressed in a blue tube dress with a pink and white striped miniskirt, a gray collar, a pair of French cuffs, pink and white boots, and a black headband with white bunny ears.

She is a Star Reward, obtained for free when players collect 250 stars and is the last unit reward to be earned.


Charlotte is a Sniper, and has average damage and health for her class. Her courage cost is rather high for a sniper unit, which is compensated by her faster-than-average preparation time.

Charlotte fires six rounds from a revolver, before doing a quick reload of the full chamber. In close quarters, she fires from her hip. She doesn't have a proper melee attack, and will continue to fire this way even after reloading.

Charlotte's accuracy is near perfect. Some time after dying, she turns into a Girl.


Charlotte's special ability grants her a 10% multiplicative damage increase with every successful consecutive shot. If she misses, the bonus resets back to zero. The ability only checks whether if it connected with something, and the target doesn't have to take damage. The resulting damage of each shot is rounded down after calculation.

The actual formula used by Charlotte's SA is damage * 1.1 ^ successfulHits, which allows the bonus to stack exponentially.

Considering Charlotte's near-flawless accuracy, this SA will guarantee her a massive increase to damage, allowing to deal with most threats even easier than before. There's still a chance Charlie might miss though, making the damage bonus virtually temporary. However, it still proves consistently useful, even if it's not always massive. This issue can also be negated by using Charlotte in levels full of swarms where she has a chance to hit a stray when she misses her initial target. This ability is also very handy in levels with threats like Paramedic and Eggs, as she can still boost her damage by using them as targets before unleashing devastation on normally durable threats.


Main Campaign

Charlotte is useful for picking off weak enemies one by one or dealing with armed marauders before they get a chance to close in. She can provide long-range support for melee units and close-range support for other ranged units. Her high damage also makes her very effective at slowly chipping away at the health of stronger, tougher enemies from afar.

Charlotte's only, yet detrimental problem, however, is her unlock requirement, a whopping 250 stars. Not long after she becomes available, her role starts steadily degrading to a plain damage support, as shotgunners like Policeman Diaz and shooters like Carlos tend to deal with mid-to-late game enemy waves better. Combined with her fragility, it may be better to replace her with these units to maintain your overall effectiveness in combat.

Compared to Sniper Polina, Sheriff is a much better option in regular missions, as she has higher movement speed and lower preparation time. In addition, she is notably more accurate and less likely to miss compared to her. Her hip firing also improves her defense, as she is able to use her massive damage output even at close quarters, though this may not be as true when dealing with bullet-resistant enemies.


In League, Sheriff's high damage makes her a solid ranged unit, easily picking off vulnerable enemies with the advantage of a greater range. While she fights very similarly to Sniper, she also runs into the same problem of dealing with bullet-resistant enemy units. Unlike Polina, however, Charlotte is typically seen as the inferior sniper in Skirmish due to lack of access to bullet-resistance penetration. While Charlotte does have her place within low-to-mid levels of Skirmish, eventually she may need to be switched out for Sniper as players reach the higher ranks since Sniper proves to fare much better in a fight. Additionally, Sniper has a lesser cost than Sheriff, an aspect crucial for team composition.

Item Sets

Because of her design as a single target eliminator that fights from extreme range, Charlotte benefits most from the Hunter set, which will guarantee that she'll deal over 170% damage on average. All other ranged unit-oriented options are largely subpar, with SwissMade being the only serviceable option.

In context of Skirmish, Tactical is also a valid option for Charlotte, since she doesn't have natural access to bullet resistance penetration, unlike Sniper Polina.

Like the majority of ranged units, she benefits most from preparation time watches. She is also one of the few units for whom ranged damage books are significantly better than any other options. Charlotte can also get great use out of +% ranged damage bonuses thanks to her high base ranged damage, making them more preferable than flat boosts. Cost reduction can also prove extremely useful for Charlotte, since it greatly improves her playability.

Skins and Synergies

Charlotte, along with her respective skins, is a part of several teams: Police, and Patriots.

Name Sheriff
Charlotte Bunny
Skin Sheriff Charlotte Sprite.png Charlotte Sprite.png Banny Charlotte Sprite.png
Unlock Req. - 300 money Obtain via gacha during
Halloween Event
Team Police logo.png Police Patriots logo.png Patriots

In both of those teams, Charlotte is usually a good option. She finds best use in the Police team, being able to get meaningful benefits from all their powers, be it extended firing times, shield points or a simple damage boost. She is especially notable for being the second cop available on budget alongside Policeman Diaz, giving easy access to the 2/2 team power that greatly improves the performance of ranged units and Turret. In Patriots, Charlotte is merely a better option for activating the 3/3 power when compared to units like Carol and Gunslinger.


  • Charlotte's SA grants her a single increase to damage on her first shot, before she lands any hits. However, the ability will start properly checking the number of consecutive shots starting from the second one. This means that she deals 101% damage twice, and can never make a shot equal to her real damage while having the SA unlocked.


  • Sheriff Charlotte is the only unit to have two skins on the same team.
  • Charlotte's hip fire is technically her melee attack – on the code level, it's performed by the same function that handles universal melee attack logic.
  • According to Charlotte's deleted backstory:
    • Her niece is Sniper Polina. Additionally, she went with her to the police academy. Polina's father is Charlotte's brother.
    • Her name is Madeleine Madrigal and is also known as "Ma-ma." This is a reference to the main antagonist of the 2012 science fiction action movie Dredd.
  • Charlotte is the only female unit who shares a death animation similar to the majority of female zombies.
    • Twins can be compared to her for this as her death animation resembles closely to that of the majority of female human units.
  • Before update 1.4.4, Charlotte used to turn into Tipsy upon death.
  • Before update 2.4.0, Charlotte used to load only one bullet into the chamber before firing, meaning she had to reload after every shot. It was confirmed by the developers in a Q&A session that such way of firing was not intentional and must have been a bug[1].
    • After the above issue was patched, it was revealed that Charlotte had always been intended to fire six shots, and then reload six bullets one by one. In one of the later updates, this method of reloading was changed to her using a speedloader.
  • Before update 2.7.0, Charlotte had to be purchased with coins. The bus had to be level 5, and her price was 850 coins.
  • Charlotte used to have a different sprite in Dead Ahead: Quarantine.
  • While difficult to pinpoint exactly what model revolver she uses, the speed at which she fires implies it is in fact double-action. Promotional art features a smaller, blued revolver with a dark (likely rubberized) grip. This implies it is likely chambered in .357 magnum as opposed to .44, as a .44 would have a larger profile. Her reload animation also implies she uses a speed-loader as opposed to loading each cartridge into the cylinder separately.



Base game
Humans Redneck Farmer Builder Mechanic Pepper Chopper Firefighter Sheriff Charlotte Glenn Policeman Diaz Grenadier Gunslinger Private Rodriguez Sniper Polina Welder Carlos Guard Medic Sonya Ranger Willy Light Soldier Carol Paramedic Nancy Builder Abby Rogue Lionheart Juggernaut
Inanimate Empty Barrel Medkit Red Barrel Molotov Generator Nitrogen Turret Drone
Plot Sheriff Bill Minor Characters
TMF Squad Flamethrower Soldier Cap Swat
Circus Saw Berserker Queen
Scientists Dr. Kane Dr. Norman Dr. Miller Drone
Other Jailer SpecOps Austin Agents
Halloween Turbo Andrea
Christmas Lester Cashier Red Hood Maria
Escort Princess