Corn Farm

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Screenshot of the event

Corn Farm Event is an endless battle against marauders.

The event takes place near a farm at sunset. The farm has a makeshift balcony reinforced with sandbags and a huge pile of large blue supply boxes wrapped with duct tape serves as the barricade to the entrance. Motorcycles are parked to the side of the barn. Another farm and a weather vale appear in the background.

The main goal is to destroy the barricade built by marauders as much as possible before the time limit of 6 minutes passes. Each time the barricade is destroyed, its level goes up by one, increasing its health points, the amount of marauders appearing with each wave, their level, and the quality of items dropped. A marauder armed with a light machine gun, covering the entire battlefield with a constant bullet spray, and grenades & molotovs, which he throws occasionally, defends the farm from within the balcony of a barn.

The high score is based on the amount of marauders players manage to kill during the event. Zombie kills do not count and marauders killed by zombies don't count either.

As of 3.7.5, the enemies scaling depending on how far you reached on the barricade level now remains until an entire day passed. This means that consecutive attemps will make their damage and levels be higher from the start. The items dropping on each level of barricade destroyed is also now locked per day, meaning that destroying a barricade level 10 on your first attempt would lead to getting items 10 times, but reaching this level again, on any other attempt during the same day would lead to getting no items unless you reach a higher barricade level.

Enemy Information


Barricade stats
Health Level
1000 1
1600 2
2200 3
2800 4
3400 5
4000 6
4600 7
5200 8
5800 9
6400 10
7000 11
7600 12
8200 13
8800 14
9400 15
10000 16
12000 17
15000 18
20000 19+


Enemies appear in small waves:

  1. 1 Crazy, 4 Naked;
  2. 2 Lubber;
  3. 3 Crazy;
  4. 1 Rifleman, 1 Biker;

Waves stay the same throughout the entire event.

Marauder levels
Barricade Level Unit Level
1-5 0
6 1
7 2
8 3
9 4
10 5
11 6
12 7
13 8
14 9
15+ 10

Gunner Stats

Cap value is equal to Gunner's stats at barricade's level 20.

Characteristic Base value Cap value Increase per level
Damage* 40 160 10
Firing period 4 sec. 8 sec. +0.2 sec.
Cooldown 10 sec. 0.5 sec. -0.475 sec.

* Instead of increasing with every level, damage starts to increase only from level 9.

Characteristic Base value Cap value Change per level
Damage 100 N/A Irregular
Cooldown Irregular N/A  None
Grenade damage
Damage Barricade Level
100 1-2
120 3-7
150 8-9
200 10-11
250 12-13
350 14-15
500 16+
Characteristic Base value Cap value Change per level
Damage ??? N/A Irregular
Cooldown Irregular N/A  None


  • Gunner's grenades and Molotov Cocktails can harm/kill other marauders.
  • Grenades and Molotov Cocktails have a target priority. If Medic or Turbo are on the battlefield, they will be targeted first before any other units.
  • Zombies can attack and destroy the barricade.
  • Wave intervals stay the same on all levels.
    • Enemies will come out with a delay if the player manages to destroy the barricade too fast.
  • All units in the player's deck are prepared/ready to be deployed from the beginning.
    • As if all units had the Available from start perk.


See: Corn Farm Event/Strategies.


  • Destroyed barricades drop upgrade items:
Barricade Destruction Rewards
Item reward Barricade Level
One common item. 1
Two common items. 2
One rare item. 3-5
Two rare items. 6-8
Three rare items. 9-10
One epic item. 11
Two epic items. 12
Three epic items. 13
One legendary item. 14-19+
  • Players can complete goals based on total marauder kills, which will grant extra rewards:
    • 10 kills - 100 Coins.pngCoins
    • 75 kills - 250 Coins.pngCoins + 250 Skincoins.pngTokens
    • 150 kills - 10 Cash.pngCash + 250 Power Points.pngPower Points
    • 300 kills - 500 Coins.pngCoins + 500 Power Points.pngPower Points
  • Top 100 players receive 10 blue keys by the end of the event.
  • Top 200 players receive 1,500 coins by the end of the event.
  • All other participants receive 500 coins by the end of the event.


  • Before update 2.8.2, Corn Farm Event used to be a true endless event, ending only when the bus was destroyed by marauders. Items would also not return for destroyed barricade levels reached in previous attempts.
    • As of 3.6.3 the event is endless again.
    • This was reverted later on during the 3.7.4 update.
  • In the past, there was a glitch that made the game crash after reaching level 20 barricade.
    • It was also possible to crash the game from having too many units at once, where the amount of activity occurring all at once could cause an error, losing any progress towards the leaderboard and even items.
      • It's still possible to crash the app this way, but a much greater amount of units is needed for this to happen, and the cause is not a bug but the player's smartphone/emulator's RAM being overloaded.
      • On the 3.6.3 update marauders stop spawning completely if the barricade is destroyed too quickly, which made crashing due to excessive amounts of units be less common now.
  • The description of the event refers to the marauders as "bandits."
  • Robber is the only marauder missing in this event.


Weekly Wall Mart Harvest Day Princess Rescue Corn Farm
Exclusive Halloween Event Christmas Event
Retired Halloween Event (Legacy) Christmas Event (Legacy)
Mechanics Van Tickets