Harvest Day

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Harvest Day is the latest event to be added to the game.

The event takes place in a seemingly abandoned farm. The bus is parked near an entrance to a barn, surrounded by hay, sandbags, crates, tires and abandoned vehicles. A window on the barn is open with Radio Guy hiding inside, a wire mechanism is running from it to past the bus. Welder has come along for the ride.

The main goal is to support a generator with 180 health which will continually degrade in quality by 2 health points every second until it turns off, in which it will need to be repaired. It may also be damaged by Zombies, which will also result in a shutdown. To repair it, Welder will be given to the player, even if the player doesn't own Welder, or even if he is not in the player's deck. Welder's stats are based on the player's upgrades towards him, if none are applied he will be sent at level 0. When sent out, he will repair the Generator as much as possible, only stopping if he dies or if the generator becomes fully repaired.

When the generator is active, Radio Guy will periodically appear every 6 seconds to send down a small grain bag on the wire, which acts as the collectable for the event. The bag will arrive at the bus down the wire in 10 seconds, at which point it will count towards the score. If the generator is not active, the wire will stop and all bags on it will be frozen in place. Periodically a lightning strike will come down, targeting units, items, zombies or the generator.

Screenshot from @Hex

As the screenshot on the right shows that the strike will always count for 99 points of melee damage(ignores shield), plus 300 additional fire damage in center area. If the generator is hit, it will take damage, potentially malfunctioning and requiring repairs. If the player successfully survives the mission, the bus will pull out unharmed.

Any melee units deployed will attempt to run past the barn, in turn despawning, ranged units will not go past the entrance.

One run of Harvest day may only last for a maximum of 6 minutes.


Enemies will appear in small waves, with each wave containing higher level enemies. The level of the enemies will increase on the number of attempts put into the event. Below is a table containing all of the enemies present, for each difficulty. The difficulty dynamically increases with each goal post reached, staying at the same wave.

Easy <5 Bags

Wave Repeats Enemies
1 0 Zombie.png x2 Cop.png x1
2 0 Fast Zombie.png x2
3 0 Tipsy.png x2 Cop.png x1
4 1 Zombie.png x3 Builder Zombie.png x2 Fast Zombie.png x5
5 1 Witch.png x1 Cop.png x1 Tipsy.png x4 Firefighter.png x3 Fast Zombie.png x6
6 2 Firefighter.png x3 Witch.png x1
7 1 Fast Zombie.png x5 Tipsy.png x3 Firefighter.png x3
8 2 Fast Zombie.png x4 Cop.png x4 SoldierZombie.png x4
9 2 Charged Zombie.png x3 Cop.png x4 Firefighter.png x2 Witch.png x1
10 2 Zombie.png x4 Fast Zombie.png x4 Builder Zombie.png x2
11 2 Firefighter.png x4 Cop.png x2 Witch.png x2
12 1 SoldierZombie.png x5 Tipsy.png x4 Firefighter.png x5
13 1 Witch.png x3 Fast Zombie.png x7 Charged Zombie.png x1
14 0 Witch.png x3 Fast Zombie.png x7 Charged Zombie.png x1
15 0 Witch.png x3 Fast Zombie.png x7 Charged Zombie.png x1
16 0 Witch.png x3 Fast Zombie.png x7 Charged Zombie.png x1
17 0 Witch.png x3 Fast Zombie.png x7 Charged Zombie.png x1
18 0 Witch.png x3 Fast Zombie.png x7 Charged Zombie.png x1
19 9 Witch.png x3 Fast Zombie.png x7 Charged Zombie.png x1

Normal <30 Bags

Wave Repeats Enemies
1 0 Zombie.png Icon level 2.png x2 Builder Zombie.png Icon level 2.png x2 Fast Zombie.png Icon level 2.png x1
2 0 Zombie.png Icon level 2.png x2 Builder Zombie.png Icon level 2.png x2 Fast Zombie.png Icon level 2.png x1
3 0 Witch.png Icon level 2.png x4 Paramedic.png Icon level 2.png x2 Tipsy.png Icon level 2.png x4 Firefighter.png Icon level 2.png x3 Fast Zombie.png Icon level 2.png x6
4 0 Witch.png Icon level 2.png x4 Paramedic.png Icon level 1.png x1 Tipsy.png Icon level 2.png x4 Firefighter.png Icon level 2.png x3 Fast Zombie.png Icon level 2.png x6
5 0 Runner.png Icon level 3.png x2 Witch.png Icon level 2.png x2
6 1 Runner.png Icon level 3.png x2 Witch.png Icon level 2.png x2
7 1 Insectoid.png Icon level 3.png x2 Witch.png Icon level 3.png x3 Firefighter.png Icon level 4.png x3 Insectoid.png Icon level 4.png x1
8 2 Fast Zombie.png Icon level 4.png x4 Cop.png Icon level 4.png x3 SoldierZombie.png Icon level 4.png x3
9 2 Witch.png Icon level 4.png x6 Crooked.png Icon level 4.png x3 Bulletproof.png Icon level 4.png x2
10 2 Epidemiologist.png Icon level 4.png x3 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 4.png x4 Paramedic.png Icon level 4.png x1
11 2 Runner.png Icon level 4.png x3 Slob.png Icon level 4.png x2
12 1 SoldierZombie.png Icon level 5.png x3 Epidemiologist.png Icon level 5.png x4 Armored Skeleton.png Icon level 5.png x5 Undead.png Icon level 5.png x5
13 1 Girl.png Icon level 5.png x4 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 5.png x3 Runner.png Icon level 5.png x3 Insectoid.png Icon level 5.png x1
14 2 Prisoner.png Icon level 5.png x7 Armored Skeleton.png Icon level 5.png x8 Demon.png Icon level 5.png x1
15 1 Girl.png Icon level 5.png x3 SWAT Zombie.png Icon level 5.png x2 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 5.png x4
16 2 Demon.png Icon level 5.png x2 Bulletproof.png Icon level 5.png x4 OneArmed Soldier.png Icon level 5.png x2 Armored Skeleton.png Icon level 5.png x4
17 2 Girl.png Icon level 5.png x5 Blue Runner.png Icon level 5.png x5
18 3 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 5.png x4 Insectoid.png Icon level 5.png x3
19 9 Armored Skeleton.png Icon level 5.png x6 Witch.png Icon level 5.png x7 Big Blue.png Icon level 5.png x8 Undead.png Icon level 5.png x5 Demon.png Icon level 5.png x4

Hard <50 Bags

Wave Repeats Enemies
1 0 Zombie.png Icon level 5.png x3 Cop.png Icon level 5.png x2
2 0 Fast Zombie.png Icon level 5.png x5
3 0 Zombie.png Icon level 5.png x3 Cop.png Icon level 5.png x2
4 1 Zombie.png Icon level 6.png x3 Builder Zombie.png Icon level 6.png x2 Fast Zombie.png Icon level 5.png x1
5 1 Witch.png Icon level 5.png x4 Paramedic.png Icon level 6.png x1 Tipsy.png Icon level 6.png x4 Firefighter.png Icon level 6.png x3 Fast Zombie.png Icon level 6.png x6
6 2 Runner.png Icon level 6.png x3 Witch.png Icon level 7.png x2
7 1 Insectoid.png Icon level 7.png x3 Witch.png Icon level 7.png x3 Firefighter.png Icon level 7.png x3 Insectoid.png Icon level 8.png x3
8 2 Fast Zombie.png Icon level 8.png x4 Cop.png Icon level 9.png x4 SoldierZombie.png Icon level 8.png x4
9 2 Witch.png Icon level 9.png x6 Crooked.png Icon level 9.png x4 Bulletproof.png Icon level 9.png x2 Abby.png Icon level 9.png x1
10 2 Epidemiologist.png Icon level 8.png x4 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 8.png x4 Paramedic.png Icon level 9.png x1
11 2 Runner.png Icon level 10.png x4 Slob.png Icon level 10.png x2 Abby.png Icon level 9.png x2
12 1 SoldierZombie.png Icon level 10.png x5 Epidemiologist.png Icon level 10.png x4 Armored Skeleton.png Icon level 10.png x5 Undead.png Icon level 10.png x5
13 1 Girl.png Icon level 11.png x4 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 11.png x3 Runner.png Icon level 11.png x4 Insectoid.png Icon level 11.png x1
14 2 Prisoner.png Icon level 11.png x3 Armored Skeleton.png Icon level 11.png x5 Demon.png Icon level 12.png x1
15 1 Girl.png Icon level 12.png x3 SWAT Zombie.png Icon level 12.png x2 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 12.png x4 Locust.png Icon level 12.png x3
16 1 Demon.png Icon level 12.png x2 Bulletproof.png Icon level 13.png x4 Twins.png Icon level 13.png x2 OneArmed Soldier.png Icon level 13.png x2 Armored Skeleton.png Icon level 13.png x4
17 2 Girl.png Icon level 12.png x5 Blue Runner.png Icon level 12.png x5
18 3 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 12.png x4 Abby.png Icon level 13.png x2 Insectoid.png Icon level 13.png x2
19 9 Armored Skeleton.png Icon level 13.png x6 Witch.png Icon level 13.png x7 Big Blue.png Icon level 13.png x8 Undead.png Icon level 13.png x5 Demon.png Icon level 13.png x4

Nightmare >50 Bags

Wave Repeats Enemies
1 0 Zombie.png Icon level 11.png x3 Cop.png Icon level 11.png x2
2 0 Runner.png Icon level 11.png x3 Witch.png Icon level 11.png x1
3 0 Runner.png Icon level 11.png x3 Witch.png Icon level 11.png x1
4 0 Insectoid.png Icon level 12.png x5 Witch.png Icon level 12.png x2 Firefighter.png Icon level 12.png x3
5 1 Insectoid.png Icon level 12.png x5 Witch.png Icon level 12.png x2 Firefighter.png Icon level 12.png x3
6 0 Fast Zombie.png Icon level 13.png x4 Cop.png Icon level 13.png x4 SoldierZombie.png Icon level 13.png x4
7 0 Fast Zombie.png Icon level 13.png x4 Cop.png Icon level 10.png x4 SoldierZombie.png Icon level 13.png x4
8 1 Fast Zombie.png Icon level 13.png x4 Cop.png Icon level 13.png x4 SoldierZombie.png Icon level 13.png x4
9 2 Witch.png Icon level 14.png x6 Crooked.png Icon level 14.png x4 Bulletproof.png Icon level 14.png x2 Abby.png Icon level 14.png x1
10 2 Epidemiologist.png Icon level 14.png x4 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 14.png x4 Paramedic.png Icon level 14.png x1
11 3 Runner.png Icon level 15.png x4 Slob.png Icon level 15.png x2 Abby.png Icon level 15.png x2
12 1 SoldierZombie.png Icon level 15.png x5 Epidemiologist.png Icon level 15.png x4 Abby.png Icon level 15.png x2 Armored Skeleton.png Icon level 15.png x5 Undead.png Icon level 15.png x5
13 1 Girl.png Icon level 15.png x4 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 15.png x3 Runner.png Icon level 15.png x4 Insectoid.png Icon level 12.png x1
14 2 Prisoner.png Icon level 15.png x3 Armored Skeleton.png Icon level 15.png x5 Demon.png Icon level 16.png x1
15 1 Girl.png Icon level 16.png x3 SWAT Zombie.png Icon level 16.png x1 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 16.png x2 Locust.png Icon level 17.png x3 SWAT Zombie.png Icon level 17.png x1 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 17.png x2
16 2 Demon.png Icon level 16.png x2 Bulletproof.png Icon level 16.png x4 Twins.png Icon level 16.png x2 OneArmed Soldier.png Icon level 18.png x2 Armored Skeleton.png Icon level 17.png x4
17 3 Girl.png Icon level 17.png x5 Blue Runner.png Icon level 17.png x5
18 3 Charged Zombie.png Icon level 18.png x4 Abby.png Icon level 18.png x2 Insectoid.png Icon level 18.png x2
19 9 Armored Skeleton.png Icon level 18.png x6 Witch.png Icon level 18.png x7 Big Blue.png Icon level 18.png x8 Undead.png Icon level 18.png x5 Demon.png Icon level 18.png x4


See: Harvest Day event/Strategies.


  • Players can complete goals based on total bags collected, which will grant extra rewards:
    • 5 bags - 100 Coins.png Coins
    • 30 bags - 250 Coins.png Coins + 250 Skincoins.png Tokens
    • 50 bags - 10 Cash.png Cash + 250 Power Points.png Power Points
    • 80 bags - 1000 Coins.png Coins + 1000 Power Points.png Power Points
  • Top 100 players receive 10 Blue keys.png Blue Keys by the end of the event.
  • Top 200 players receive 2,000 Coins.png Coins by the end of the event.
  • All other participants receive 500 Coins.png Coins by the end of the event


  • Harvest Day and Supply Runs are the only times Radio Guy can be seen.
  • The Lucky Guy set can prevent Welder from getting killed by the Lightning Strike.