Princess Rescue/Strategies

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This page is used for sharing strategies for Princess Rescue event.

General Info

Because there's no way to change the deck you can use during the event, there's, consequently, no variation in tactics you can apply.



The most necessary rule is that you must have every offensive rage ability presented in the event. Otherwise, it's simply not worth the effort, as lacking even one of them makes things that much more difficult.

Minimal levels for every ability are as follows:


The main strategy is to place barrels in such a way that they block zombies' path. In early stages, all abilities can be used to directly damage enemies, however, as soon as Witches begin to appear, barrels and turrets should be placed closer to the bus to protect it. Nitrogen should be dropped from time to time to slow down larger swarms, Molotov – to eliminate them. It's advised against using Bill's grenade as it makes him stop using his rifle, which is notably more effective.

Certain enemies are much harder to kill than the others, mostly because they can't be easily killed by Bill's rifle. It's advised to always have at least one Molotov on ready to deal with bullet-resistant enemies, and at least one Turret to deal with some of the last enemies, Swat and Big Blue in particular.

Since Princesses are "neutral" entity, they get attacked by zombies and take damage from players' abilities. Their very low health of 9 makes them succumb to basically everything in one hit. Obviously, players should try to target their enemies in such a way that princesses won't get hit. Most of the time it's simply impossible to save princesses, because zombie's push is overwhelmingly strong. In particular, it's pointless trying to save them at the point when Charged Zombies begin to arrive in huge numbers.
In the best case, the player should be able to save 10-15 princesses before the push becomes unbeatable.

Unless the player has all abilities unlocked and leveled up to very high levels, it's unlikely that they'll be able to continue fighting after the first full set of waves ends, as their bus is bound to take great amount of damage.

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