Upgrade Items (Legacy)

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This page contains information about removed features.
Main subjects of this article cannot be obtained or interacted with in the current version of the game.

Old upgrade items were collectibles that could be consumed to permanently upgrade units, increasing their stats. Players had to spend coins in order to use their items for upgrades. The items varied from common (+1) to rare {+2} to legendary (+3). Upgrades increased health, damage, and fortune for units.

Players could reset each upgrade level of a unit to use better items by tapping the reset button (two arrows forming a circle) on the top-left corner of the unit UI window. Previously used items and coins spent for that upgrade level weren't refunded. It was also possible to use items of lower rarity to decrease a unit's stats if players wished to do so.

Support items did not require upgrade items in order to be leveled up. Being auto-upgradable units, Jailer and Specops were automatically receiving legendary-tier upgrades with each level, and their stats couldn't be reset.

This system was replaced with new Upgrade Items in the update 3.6.0. Players who owned any of the old items prior to the update were compensated with coins.

Item Table

Rarity Health Melee Damage Range Damage Fortune
Common (+1) Bread.png
Rare (+2) Stew.png
Legendary (+3) Blood Pack.png


Item list GUI

Military cases used to be treated as the main source of upgrade items, having them among their guaranteed drops. Regular cases could drop items of any tier, with legendary being the rarest. Legendary cases that contained items were guaranteed to drop them in the respective tier.

Common and rare items could be obtained as a drop in specific missions by either being a possible reward for destroying the barricade, or from interacting with tappable vehicles. If players opened a vehicle and fail the mission, the dropped item would not be acquired and the vehicle with the item had to be tapped again. Aside from that, they could also drop during Skirmish fights from a random defeated enemy unit, and be acquired from daily gifts 1 and 2.

Aside from respective cases, Legendary items were only accessible as guaranteed drops from 20+ levels of Corn Farm Event, and via crafting from rare items.

Supply Runs also used to contain old upgrade items as a reward. SRs in stages 1-4 only contained common and rare items in their drop pools. SRs in stages 5-7 additionally featured legendary items.

One to four upgrade items could be a part of Trader's daily stock, with one of them being available as a free gift. Very rarely, he would sell legendary items too.



  • In Dead Ahead: Quarantine, Pills used to be called Tablets.
Game Info
Main mechanics Units Status Effects Resources Enemies Locations Bus Van Daily Gifts Buffs Daily Tasks Weather Level Data Star Reward
Unit Mechanics Unit Stats Perks Team Powers
Items Upgrade Items Item Data Collectibles Skins Resources
Modes Events Skirmish Supply Runs Infected Metro
Trading Trader Special Offers Currencies
Lore Story Blue Energy Factions Minor Characters
Media Cutscenes Soundtrack Changelogs
Legacy Roulette Upgrade Items (Legacy) Military Case Old Offers