Military Case

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This page contains information about removed features.
Main subjects of this article cannot be obtained or interacted with in the current version of the game.
Military Case 270.png
Legendary Case 270.png

Military and legendary cases were crates that contained various items usable by players for progression. They could be acquired by completing certain feats in-game. Obtained cases would have been stored and could be opened anytime at Trader's shop.

Military cases were removed with the introduction of new Upgrade Items in the update 3.6.0. Players who owned any military cases prior to the update were compensated with green cash.


Military case

  • Sold by Trader:
    • For 15 money, always available.
    • For 500 coins, up to three can randomly appear in stock under Daily Deals. It will be opened immediately after buying.
    • For free, if it appears as the gift item under Daily Deals. It will be opened immediately after collecting.
  • Rewarded whenever the player collects seven Time Points. Time Points are gained by claiming the Daily Gifts rewards, one Time Point each.
  • Rewarded upon fully completing a stage by 3-starring all of its missions (including challenges).
  • Rewarded upon finishing in the top half of the Skirmish leaderboards when it ends. More military cases can be earned from winning in the 6th League onwards.
  • Rewarded whenever the player completes their personal goal during an event.
    • 10 military cases are rewarded if placed in the top 100 of a weekly event when it ends.
  • Can be found on map tiles on stages.
  • Various rewards from the Star Reward system.

Legendary case

  • Sold by Trader:
    • For 30 money, always available.
  • Rewarded whenever the player collects 14 Time Points. Time Points are gained by claiming the Daily Gifts rewards, one Time Point each.
  • Rewarded whenever the player completes their personal goal for the day during the Halloween Event.


  • Military case
  • Legendary case
    • 3 legendary upgrade items (100%).
    • Two random items which may contain:
      • 1 common, rare, and legendary upgrade items (30%).
      • 2-4 moneys (30%).
      • 3-5 event tickets (30%).
      • 1 bus parts (5%).
      • 1 paint (5%).


  • All cases stop dropping paints after all of them have been collected by players.
  • Legendary cases do not give out 1 common, rare, and legendary upgrade items as stated.


  • In the past, military cases could also give players buff items.
  • Since update 2.7.0, legendary cases now grant a total of five items as opposed to only four. However, the info for the legendary case has not been updated to reflect this, remaining outdated.
  • Before the animation of opening the cases was changed, it was possible to reveal one of the rewards prematurely by tapping fast enough, causing it to be positioned in the wrong place.


Game Info
Main mechanics Units Status Effects Resources Enemies Locations Bus Van Daily Gifts Buffs Daily Tasks Weather Level Data Star Reward
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Legacy Roulette Upgrade Items (Legacy) Military Case Old Offers