Supply Runs

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Supply Runs are a type of stage where players fight waves of enemies over supplies. They do not require any fuel and can be completed as many times as possible, but only yield meaningful rewards if a key is available to claim them.


Screenshot of a Supply Run

Players are given 100 courage at the start and are allowed to place any units in their deck on a 3x3 grid. They have to fight through three waves of zombies, with the last one containing a supply drop that must be destroyed to complete the stage. If the all human units on the field are destroyed during any of the wave, the run is lost and it must be restarted.

After every wave, the player receives 25 bonus courage and any units who survived will move on to the next wave in their current condition. Additionally, there is a chance to add or reposition units before starting the next wave. Courage will not regenerate passively like in regular stages, however rage can still be obtained normally by killing zombies.

Team Powers work differently in Supply Runs and only activate when the team's units are on the field when the wave starts. Also, Carol and Private Rodriguez get a buff similar to the one they have on Skirmish, with their abilities gaining infinite starting range.

The supply drop found at the third wave functions similarly to the barricade in regular levels, but can be targeted and damaged by ranged units. However, the supply drop has a 50% ranged damage resistance to balance it out.

The final wave of a Supply Run also features an additional mechanic. Whenever a ranged unit fires their weapon or the supply drop takes damage, a 1-minute timer for a horde will appear and zombies will start spawning from the left. When the timer reaches zero, a never-ending horde of witches and armored skeletons will appear from the left, which typically results in a loss unless the supply drop is close to being destroyed.

Once the supply drop has been destroyed, the player can claim rewards using a Blue Key or Red Key, the latter providing double rewards. After claiming the rewards, they can retry the mission and obtain more supplies provided they have keys left.

List of Supply Runs

Each Location has 2 Supply Runs. One will always yield random Upgrade Items of a predetermined set and rarity, and has three difficulties that are unlocked typically by stars. The other will give fixed amounts of either Power Points.pngPower Points or Coins.pngCoins.

Supply Runs are incredibly valuable as they are so far the only consistent source of upgrade items for newer players, so it is of utmost priority to save up keys for them only. Due to the extreme difficulty spikes in terms of enemy level and composition, players should study the enemy composition for proper strategy so they can easily obtain desirable items.

Location 1

Supply Run 1:

Difficulty Sets Available Unlock
Hard.png Legendary: Legendary military cup.pngMilitary, Legendary firefighter cup.pngFirefighter

Epic: Legendary hunter cup.pngHunter, Epic ranger cup.pngRanger

Rare: Epic chef cup.pngChef, Epic ranger cup.pngRanger, Rare butcher cup.pngButcher, Rare startup cup.pngStartup

Common: Common junk cup.pngJunk, Rare startup cup.pngStartup

200 stars
Normal.png Epic: Legendary luckyguy cup.pngLucky Guy, Epic ranger cup.pngRanger

Rare: Epic ranger cup.pngRanger, Rare butcher cup.pngButcher, Rare startup cup.pngStartup

Common: Rare startup cup.pngStartup, Rare butcher cup.pngButcher

85 stars
Easy.png Rare: Epic ranger cup.pngRanger, Rare butcher cup.pngButcher, Rare startup cup.pngStartup

Common: Common adventurer cup.pngAdventurer, Common junk cup.pngJunk


Supply Run 2:

  • Easy.png - 25 Power Points.pngPower Points

Location 2

Supply Run 1:

Difficulty Sets Available Unlock
Hard.png Legendary: Legendary scout cup.pngScout, Legendary gambling cup.pngGambling

Epic: Legendary icebreaker cup.pngIcebreaker, Epic chef cup.pngChef

Rare: Epic fastfood cup.pngFast Food, Epic tactical cup.pngTactical, Rare butcher cup.pngButcher, Rare startup cup.pngStartup

Common: Common adventurer cup.pngAdventurer, Common junk cup.pngJunk

200 stars
Normal.png Epic: Legendary fitness cup.pngFitness, Epic chef cup.pngChef

Rare: Epic chef cup.pngChef, Rare butcher cup.pngButcher, Rare startup cup.pngStartup

Common: Rare startup cup.pngStartup, Rare butcher cup.pngButcher

90 stars
Easy.png Rare: Epic chef cup.pngChef, Rare butcher cup.pngButcher, Rare startup cup.pngStartup

Common: Common adventurer cup.pngAdventurer, Common junk cup.pngJunk


Supply Run 2:

  • Easy.png - 39 Coins.pngCoins

Location 3

Difficulty Sets Available Unlock
Hard.png Legendary: Legendary fitness cup.pngFitness, Legendary boss cup.pngBoss

Epic: Legendary lonewolf cup.pngLone Wolf, Epic tactical cup.pngTactical

Rare: Epic chef cup.pngChef, Epic ranger cup.pngRanger, Rare butcher cup.pngButcher, Rare startup cup.pngStartup

Common: Common junk cup.pngJunk, Rare butcher cup.pngButcher

210 stars
Normal.png Epic: Legendary scout cup.pngScout, Epic tactical cup.pngTactical

Rare: Epic tactical cup.pngTactical, Rare butcher cup.pngButcher, Rare startup cup.pngStartup

Common: Rare startup cup.pngStartup, Rare butcher cup.pngButcher

95 stars
Easy.png Rare: Epic tactical cup.pngTactical, Rare butcher cup.pngButcher, Rare startup cup.pngStartup

Common: Common adventurer cup.pngAdventurer, Common junk cup.pngJunk


Supply Run 2:

  • Normal.png - 55 Power Points.pngPower Points

Location 4

Difficulty Sets Available Unlock
Hard.png Legendary: Legendary gentleman cup.pngGentleman, Legendary patriot cup.pngPatriot

Epic: Legendary boss cup.pngBoss, Epic fastfood cup.pngFast Food

Rare: Epic fastfood cup.pngFast Food, Epic tactical cup.pngTactical, Rare butcher cup.pngButcher, Rare startup cup.pngStartup

Common: Common adventurer cup.pngAdventurer, Rare startup cup.pngStartup

220 stars
Normal.png Epic: Legendary gambling cup.pngGambling, Epic fastfood cup.pngFast Food

Rare: Epic fastfood cup.pngFast Food, Rare butcher cup.pngButcher, Rare startup cup.pngStartup

Common: Rare startup cup.pngStartup, Rare butcher cup.pngButcher

135 stars
Easy.png Rare: Epic fastfood cup.pngFast Food, Rare butcher cup.pngButcher, Rare startup cup.pngStartup

Common: Common adventurer cup.pngAdventurer, Common junk cup.pngJunk


Supply Run 2:

  • Normal.png - 94 Coins.pngCoins

Location 5

Difficulty Sets Available Unlock
Hard.png Legendary: Legendary surgery cup.pngSurgery, Legendary icebreaker cup.pngIcebreaker

Epic: Legendary military cup.pngMilitary, Epic builder cup.pngBuilder

Rare: Epic teenager cup.pngTeenager, Epic builder cup.pngBuilder, Rare butcher cup.pngButcher, Rare startup cup.pngStartup

Common: Common junk cup.pngJunk, Rare startup cup.pngStartup

250 stars
Normal.png Epic: Legendary firefighter cup.pngFirefighter, Epic builder cup.pngBuilder

Rare: Epic builder cup.pngBuilder, Rare butcher cup.pngButcher, Rare startup cup.pngStartup

Common: Rare startup cup.pngStartup, Rare butcher cup.pngButcher

177 stars
Easy.png Rare: Epic builder cup.pngBuilder, Rare butcher cup.pngButcher, Rare startup cup.pngStartup

Common: Common adventurer cup.pngAdventurer, Common junk cup.pngJunk


Supply Run 2:

  • Normal.png - 125 Power Points.pngPower Points

Location 6

Difficulty Sets Available Unlock
Hard.png Legendary: Legendary swissmade cup.pngSwissMade, Legendary luckyguy cup.pngLucky Guy

Epic: Legendary patriot cup.pngPatriot, Epic teenager cup.pngTeenager

Rare: Epic chef cup.pngChef, Epic ranger cup.pngRanger, Rare butcher cup.pngButcher, Rare startup cup.pngStartup

Common: Common adventurer cup.pngAdventurer, Rare butcher cup.pngButcher

250 stars
Normal.png Epic: Legendary gentleman cup.pngGentleman, Epic teenager cup.pngTeenager

Rare: Epic teenager cup.pngTeenager, Rare butcher cup.pngButcher, Rare startup cup.pngStartup

Common: Rare startup cup.pngStartup, Rare butcher cup.pngButcher

222 stars
Easy.png Rare: Epic teenager cup.pngTeenager, Rare butcher cup.pngButcher, Rare startup cup.pngStartup

Common: Common adventurer cup.pngAdventurer, Common junk cup.pngJunk


Supply Run 2:

  • Normal.png - 248 Coins.pngCoins

Location 7

Difficulty Sets Available Unlock
Hard.png Legendary: Legendary hitman cup.pngHitman, Legendary bigboy cup.pngBig Boy

Epic: Legendary surgery cup.pngSurgery, Epic builder cup.pngBuilder

Rare: Epic fastfood cup.pngFast Food, Epic tactical cup.pngTactical, Rare butcher cup.pngButcher, Rare startup cup.pngStartup

Common: Common junk cup.pngJunk, Rare butcher cup.pngButcher

332 stars
Normal.png Epic: Legendary swissmade cup.pngSwissMade, Epic builder cup.pngBuilder

Rare: Epic builder cup.pngBuilder, Rare butcher cup.pngButcher, Rare startup cup.pngStartup

Common: Rare startup cup.pngStartup, Rare butcher cup.pngButcher

246 stars
Easy.png Rare: Epic builder cup.pngBuilder, Rare butcher cup.pngButcher, Rare startup cup.pngStartup

Common: Common adventurer cup.pngAdventurer, Common junk cup.pngJunk


Supply Run 2:

  • Normal.png - 300 Power Points.pngPower Points

Location 8

Difficulty Sets Available Unlock
Hard.png Legendary: Legendary lonewolf cup.pngLone Wolf, Legendary hunter cup.pngHunter

Epic: Legendary hitman cup.pngHitman, Epic teenager cup.pngTeenager

Rare: Epic builder cup.pngBuilder, Rare butcher cup.pngButcher, Rare startup cup.pngStartup

Common: Common adventurer cup.pngAdventurer, Rare startup cup.pngStartup

350 stars
Normal.png Epic: Legendary bigboy cup.pngBig Boy, Epic teenager cup.pngTeenager

Rare: Epic teenager cup.pngTeenager, Rare butcher cup.pngButcher, Rare startup cup.pngStartup

Common: Rare startup cup.pngStartup, Rare butcher cup.pngButcher

297 stars
Easy.png Rare: Epic teenager cup.pngTeenager, Rare butcher cup.pngButcher, Rare startup cup.pngStartup

Common: Common adventurer cup.pngAdventurer, Common junk cup.pngJunk


Supply Run 2:

  • Hard.png - 306 Coins.pngCoins


Due to how limited courage is in Supply Runs, it is not recommended to use most melee units as they are susceptible to being defeated especially in the earlier waves. The main strategy is to use plenty of ranged units, preferably shotgunners and shooters with the high rate of fire perk. Keeping them all near the back will give them plenty of time to deal with incoming dangers before it reaches them.

Some Supply Runs may need different strategies due to the enemies in them. For example, Location 3 features a large number of bulletproof enemies. In this case, equipping one of the ranged units with a Tactical item set or making use of a melee unit may be necessary.

Rage items can also provide invaluable assistance whenever needed. Medkit can heal up any damaged units, and red barrel or molotov can be used to deal with bulletproof enemies or other dangers.

The final wave can pose a threat to ranged units due to the presence of fast enemies coming in from the left. However, this issue can be somewhat mitigated if you have a lot of ranged units as they can gun down the dangers before they get too close. Alternatively, having Diaz or any other high health shooter will also solve the problem in most cases.

Even though the supply drop has 50% ranged damage resistance, its large hitbox typically guarantees that ranged units, regardless of their bullet spread, will hit it. This results in the supply drop taking rapid damage from shotgunners in particular when all their pellets land.

All in all, the most reliable way to clear a supply run is to use a group of shooters and shotgunners. With the right item sets, a group of ranged units are capable of clearing all Supply Runs with ease.


  • This is the first non-event mission to use the Van.
  • On difficulties beyond easy, Supply Runs can often feature late-game enemies early on, such as Crank in location 1, and Big Blue in location 4. Since Supply Runs don't use up fuel, they can be a good choice for killing certain zombies.
Game Info
Main mechanics Units Status Effects Resources Enemies Locations Bus Van Daily Gifts Buffs Daily Tasks Weather Level Data Star Reward
Unit Mechanics Unit Stats Perks Team Powers
Items Upgrade Items Item Data Collectibles Skins Resources
Modes Events Skirmish Supply Runs Infected Metro
Trading Trader Special Offers Currencies
Lore Story Blue Energy Factions Minor Characters
Media Cutscenes Soundtrack Changelogs
Legacy Roulette Upgrade Items (Legacy) Military Case Old Offers