Item Data

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Extra Bonuses

This table displays a range of values for various stats that can appear as extras on items. It referes to the stats' starting values. It also selects a values to upgrade according to the rarity of the items, and this values same to starting values range.


You have a legendary item with a +7 Flat HP Stat, and get the maximum upgrade value in (+5~+7 Flat HP) at all four upgrades, then you will end up with a +35 Flat HP Stat (7→14→ 21→28→35). If you always get the minimum upgrade stat, you will end up with +27 Flat HP Stat (7→12→17→22→27).

Range of Values
Stat Common Rare Epic Legendary
Value range Max. value Chance Value range Max. value Chance Value range Max. value Chance Value range Max. value Chance
Flat HP 2~4 8 7.69% 3~5 15 7.69% 4~6 24 7.69% 5~7 35 7.69%
Flat Melee DMG 2~4 8 7.69% 3~5 15 7.69% 4~6 24 7.69% 5~7 35 7.69%
Flat Ranged DMG 2~4 8 7.69% 3~5 15 7.69% 4~6 24 7.69% 5~7 35 7.69%
HP Percentage 1.5~2.5 5 7.69% 2.5~3.5 10.5 7.69% 4.5~5.5 22 7.69% 5.5~6.5 32.5 7.69%
Melee DMG % 1.5~2.5 5 3.85% 2.5~3.5 10.5 3.85% 4.5~5.5 22 3.85% 5.5~6.5 32.5 3.85%
Ranged DMG % 1.5~2.5 5 3.85% 2.5~3.5 10.5 3.85% 4.5~5.5 22 3.85% 5.5~6.5 32.5 3.85%
Flat bonus to
Crit. Chance %
0.5~1.5 3 7.69% 0.6~1.6 4.8 7.69% 0.7~1.7 6.8 7.69% 0.8~1.8 9 7.69%
Flat bonus to
Crit. DMG %
5~15 30 7.69% 6~16 48 7.69% 7~17 68 7.69% 8~18 90 7.69%
Prepare time 0.1~0.3 0.6 3.85% 0.2~0.4 1.2 3.85% 0.3~0.5 2 3.85% 0.4~0.6 3 3.85%
Agility 2~4 8 7.69% 3~5 15 7.69% 4~6 24 7.69% 5~7 35 7.69%
Charisma 8~10 20 7.69% 11~13 39 7.69% 14~16 64 7.69% 19~21 105 7.69%
Valor 11~21 42 7.69% 15~25 75 7.69% 18~28 112 7.69% 25~35 175 7.69%
Range % 1~3 6 7.69% 2~4 12 7.69% 3~5 20 7.69% 4~6 30 7.69%
Cost 1 1 3.85% 1 1 3.85% 1 2 3.85% 1 2 3.85%

Max. value shown in the table refers to the theoretical maximum that the stat can get after a complete upgrade.

Item Upgrade Requirements

This table displays how many points are required to fill up the upgrade gauge, depending on the item's tier and level.

Item Level Values
Level Common Rare Epic Legendary
1 9 14 19 23
2 11 17 22 28
3 19 26 32
4 47 63 79
5 59 79 99
6 97 121
7 115 144
8 141 176
9 237
10 316
11 416
12 -
Total 20 156 562 1671

Item Recycle Values

This table displays how much points an upgraded item provides depending on its tier and level.

Item Recycle Values
Level Common Rare Epic Legendary
1 11 17 28 39
2 19 28 43 57
3 28 41 60 79
4 57 81 105
5 95 131 168
6 142 195 247
7 272 344
8 365 459
9 447 600
10 790
11 1043
12 1376
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