Old Offers

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This page contains information about removed features.
Main subjects of this article cannot be obtained or interacted with in the current version of the game.

This page lists old offers that were available in Military Kit Shop but have been removed due to irrelevancy or for some unspecified reasons.

Skin Offers

Before skins were overhauled to be part of a special system, they were available for purchase as vanity cosmetics inside of MKS.

Skin Name Description Banner
Hillbilly An exclusive skin for Redneck.
Cost: 20 money.
An exclusive skin for Pepper.
Cost: 120 money.
Officer Pepper.png
An exclusive skin for Builder.
Cost: 120 money.
An exclusive skin for Grenadier.
Cost: 300 money.
Modern Grenader.png

*Grenadier was spelled as "Grenader"
until update 3.6.0.

An exclusive skin for Gunslinger.
Cost: 300 money.
Rebel Skin.png
An exclusive skin for Policeman Diaz.
Cost: 300 money.
Policeman Diego-0.png
An exclusive skin for Carol.
Cost: 300 money.
Carol Flannel Skin.png

Old Coin Packs

Old coin packs used to be commonly advertised bundles, which offered more coins than regular packs in Military Kit Shop.

1st Coin Pack Has a cover of a safe and a few sacks full of coins that give the player 1,350 coins if purchased. 1525690550080.png
2nd Coin Pack Has a cover of more safes and more sacks full of coins that give the player 4,150 coins if purchased. 1525690855654.png
3rd Coin Pack Has a cover of an armored bank van full of coins that give the player 15,000 coins if purchased. Untitled 2.jpg

Old Value Bundles

In the past, value bundles were special packs that contained both coins and legendary cases in them. They had a different, consistent number of aforementioned resources in them.

Unlike their modern day version, value bundles weren't getting removed from offers rotation after being purchased and weren't tied to player's level.

Unit Sales

Unit sales were 50% discounts for player units that could be purchased with coins. These offers only lasted for one hour after appearing. It's unknown how these offers were becoming available.

Before getting removed, unit sales would eventually stop being offered. It's unknown why exactly that happened.

Game Info
Main mechanics Units Status Effects Resources Enemies Locations Bus Van Daily Gifts Buffs Daily Tasks Weather Level Data Star Reward
Unit Mechanics Unit Stats Perks Team Powers
Items Upgrade Items Item Data Collectibles Skins Resources
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Media Cutscenes Soundtrack Changelogs
Legacy Roulette Upgrade Items (Legacy) Military Case Old Offers