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Quotes are lines of dialogue that can be uttered by units and some enemies through text bubbles during a mission. Though most of these lines appear randomly throughout the game, most of these lines are contextually triggered depending on what is happening during battle.

Quote List


Lines used whenever Bill, marauders, or units spot an enemy:

  • ???

Lines used by ranged units after shooting:

  • Damn!
  • Good lord!
  • Oh s**t.
  • Come on!
  • You one ugly m...
  • Eat this!!!

Lines used by ranged units while reloading:

  • Oh no!
  • Come on!
  • Need assistance!
  • Need backup!
  • Cover me!
  • I'm reloading!

Lines used after units defeat an enemy with a melee attack:

  • Hasta la vista, baby!
  • Hell Yeah!
  • Take that!
  • Die!
  • Enemy down!

Lines used after units get hit by a melee attack:

  • Aaaaaargh...!
  • Holy s**t!
  • Why you...
  • Oh heck...
  • Stay away from me!
  • Damn...
  • Ouch!
  • What?!
  • Crap!
  • That's gotta hurt.
  • Arrgh!

Lines used while units are dying:

  • Dammit!
  • Oh, God...
  • I'll be back.
  • ****
  • Kill me!
  • Nooo...
  • Come on...
  • Please...No!
  • It cannot end now
  • ?!
  • ...
  • All... is... lost...
  • S**t.

Lines used by a random unit on either team before a Skirmish round starts:

  • I didn't plan on killing anyone
  • You'll give up everything you have
  • You'd have been better off not showing up...
  • And it was such a good day...
  • See you on the other side
  • Say goodbye to each other
  • I hope you have something to live off...
  • I really love blood...
  • Could you tell me what time it is?
  • Not a bad place for a graveyard
  • I'll come visit your graves
  • Just don't hit the face...
  • This day will be your last
  • I'm sick and tired of all this...
  • I don't hit first...
  • Let's see what you're made of
  • Ha ha, you look more like tramps...
  • Maybe I should help you with something...
  • You asked for it
  • Let's play a game...
  • A little more and I'd have been scared
  • I'm late for dinner, let's hurry up...
  • Hmm, very interesting...
  • Great, a full set!
  • Something reeks
  • Time to give you a lesson!
  • Ready to chicken out?
  • I don't like it when my people are killed
  • You'll be sorry you crossed paths with me
  • You didn't expect to get out of here alive, did you?
  • Ha ha, don't make me laugh!
  • Didn't get enough last time?

Character Specific

Line used when Cap uses his inspiration perk:

  • Go go go!

Lines used when Dr. Kane uses his mark perk:

  • A weak spot...
  • Open wounds...
  • So fast...
  • Fire...
  • Aim for the head...
  • Vulnerability...
  • Fragile bones...
  • Thick skin...
  • Now, that's power...
  • Blind spot...
  • Reacts to movement...

Line used by Marauder Vehicle:

  • Go go go!

Line used by Robber during Mission 31:

  • You shall not pass!


  • Policeman Diaz used to say "!@!#?" while his special ability was active before his ability became passive in update 4.0.0.
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