Quests (Legacy)

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Quest menu.

In order to speed up progress, players can do daily quests.

Each day, the player can receive one of four tasks from Bill. Completing said task rewards the player with some coins and experience points. The quality of a reward depends on the player's level.


There are four types of quests available:

Kill # zombies

The player must kill a certain amount of zombies.

Mission 53 is the best for completing this quest, as no other enemies but Sergeants and Undead are presented there.

Complete # missions

The player has to complete a set amount of levels. Any mission is suitable for this, and replaying the same level also counts towards the count.

This task can get tedious, depending on how many missions the player has to complete. If one wants to complete the quest as soon as possible, constantly replaying the first level is a way to go. If time is not a problem, this quest can be used as an opportunity to make some extra coins and experience by replaying some mission that awards high amount of coins. Currently, stage 6 challenges provide the biggest replay reward in the game.

Spend 20 fuel

The player must spend fuel either by playing or replaying missions, or explored unopened map tiles.

This task can be cheesed by starting any mission and immediately restarting it several times. Just like levels completion quest, it can be combined with coins farming by replaying missions with high post-completion rewards.

Collect # stars

The player has to play through several levels and collect a set amount of stars in the process. Any mission is suitable for this, and replaying the same level also counts towards the count.

This objective is quite similar to the missions quest, however this one is slightly harder than it, as the player has to complete levels on three stars in order to get the quest done the fastest way. Just like with missions quest, replaying Mission 1 is a very easy way to cheese this task. It's advised against combining it with coins farming, as some missions with high replay rewards are hard to complete on three stars.

Unlike all the previous quests, this one will stop being put within the rotation of possible tasks Bill can give the players once they have completed every mission in the game. Each day, the player can only receive one of three tasks from Bill from that point forward.


Level Required Amount Coins Experience
Zombies Missions Fuel Stars Zombies Missions Fuel Stars Zombies Missions Fuel Stars
2 N/A N/A 20 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 90 N/A
4 15 N/A 20 N/A 90 N/A N/A N/A 90 N/A N/A N/A
13+ 120 24 20 N/A 315 315 60 N/A 450 450 180 N/A
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