Lucky Guy (Item Set)

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Lucky Guy is a early-to-late game item set. It consists of gold-accented items surrounding fortune and prosperity.


Lucky Guy items are available in Epic and Legendary quality. The set includes following items:

Cup Knife Watch Book
Sprite Legendary luckyguy cup.png Legendary luckyguy knife.png Legendary luckyguy watch.png Legendary luckyguy book.png
Name Wealth Jar Fortuity Knife Destiny Watch Tarot Book

Set Bonus

This set allows any unique instance of a unit to survive one lethal strike. After enduring a would-be-lethal blow, the wearer's health is set to 1 point. If the wearer gets revived, the set's bonus becomes available again.

Lucky Guy cannot negate special instakills such as Cephalopods's laser beam or Energy Sphere's transformation attack. However, it will trigger off regular attacks with massive damage, such as Nancy and Paramedic's electric discharge, lightning from rain, and Boss' crane attack.


Since Lucky Guy affects resurrected units (i.e. Glenn, and those revived by Nancy), it allows each of them to survive more than just one lethal strike, effectively becoming better meat shields. However, this is as far as this set's application in main game goes, since Glenn is the only unit who can properly capitalize on its bonus thanks to his revival ability: LG allows him to survive 3 lethal strikes, and even bumps the number to 5 if he has his special unlocked. For all other units, even if LG allows someone expensive with a long cooldown to survive much longer, it's rarely a worthy bonus, since there are much better means to conserve resources.

Inversely, Lucky Guy's status is different in Skirmish, since it's a place riddled with one-shot attacks, and constant resource management doesn't play a role there. In a way, LG can be seen as a superior alternative to Builder's chance-based damage ignore buff. It's a primarily useful option for units like Queen, who are powerful but have little protection.

Thanks to very early availability of this set's epic version, it serves as a tolerable throwaway option for melee units during early stages of progression.


The table below displays which Supply Runs have the Lucky Guy set in their reward pool.

Easy Normal Hard
Location 1 Button x.png Button v.png Button x.png
Location 2 Button x.png Button x.png Button x.png
Location 3 Button x.png Button x.png Button x.png
Location 4 Button x.png Button x.png Button x.png
Location 5 Button x.png Button x.png Button x.png
Location 6 Button x.png Button x.png Button x.png
Location 7 Button x.png Button x.png Button x.png
Location 8 Button x.png Button x.png Button x.png
Easy Normal Hard
Location 1 Button x.png Button x.png Button x.png
Location 2 Button x.png Button x.png Button x.png
Location 3 Button x.png Button x.png Button x.png
Location 4 Button x.png Button x.png Button x.png
Location 5 Button x.png Button x.png Button x.png
Location 6 Button x.png Button x.png Button v.png
Location 7 Button x.png Button x.png Button x.png
Location 8 Button x.png Button x.png Button x.png
Item Sets
Common Common junk cup.png Junk Common adventurer cup.png Adventurer
Rare Rare startup cup.png Startup Rare butcher cup.png Butcher
Epic Epic builder cup.png Builder Epic fastfood cup.png Fast Food Epic tactical cup.png Tactical Epic ranger cup.png Ranger Epic teenager cup.png Teenager Epic chef cup.png Chef
Legendary Legendary hitman cup.png Hitman Legendary surgery cup.png Surgery Legendary boss cup.png Boss Legendary fitness cup.png Fitness Legendary gentleman cup.png Gentleman Legendary hunter cup.png Hunter Legendary swissmade cup.png SwissMade Legendary military cup.png Military Legendary firefighter cup.png Firefighter Legendary scout cup.png Scout Legendary gambling cup.png Gambling Legendary patriot cup.png Patriot Legendary luckyguy cup.png Lucky Guy Legendary bigboy cup.png Big Boy Legendary lonewolf cup.png Lone Wolf Legendary icebreaker cup.png Ice Breaker