Butcher (Item Set)

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Butcher is an early-to-mid game item set. It consists of items that can be associated with "pass time" of low-class workers.


Butcher items are available in Common and Rare quality. The set includes following items:

Cup Knife Watch Book
Sprite Rare butcher cup.png Rare butcher knife.png Rare butcher watch.png Rare butcher book.png
Name Beer Mug Butcher Knife Wall Clock Magazine

Set Bonus

This set provides a bonus to the coin reward earned when finishing a mission or specific Supply Runs, equal to 10% of the usual reward. The resulting bonus is rounded up. The extra coin reward is provided only if the set's wearer was sent out at least once before the barricade's destruction. It doesn't matter if they die before the barricade is destroyed.

The effect is not stackable with multiple instance of the same unit, but it will stack with multiple Butcher bonuses from each unique unit. For example, if a deck has four units with the set but only two of them were ever sent out on the battlefield, the bonus will only be equal to 20%. Due to deck limitations, the maximum coin bonus achievable is equal to 60%.

Agents do not receive a 20% bonus for being two units in one. They are treated as one unit and have the same 10% bonus as every other unit does.


This set is made for an obvious purpose of making it slightly easier to grind coins. It should only be used during challenge levels, which offer a slightly better reward compared to most other regular missions. Butcher should be safe to use on at least three members of a team, but only if its enabled with rare-tier cups, watches, and books, while using properly leveled epic/legendary-tier knives. This will ensure that units won't be too weak. In the early game however, it should be okay to use whatever tiers available, as enemies in these levels aren't too dangerous. It's also possible to use Butcher during first time mission completions, but that's a risky tactic that loses viability way too quickly.

Location 6 challenges provide 36 coins on repeat playthroughs. Playing it safe with a few units with the set could reliably net players between 44 and 51 gold. However, going all in with 6 Butcher set units can provide the maximum reward of 58, a considerable boost for only 2 fuel. A deck of four ranged units, Grenadier, and any fighter is the likeliest to achieve success.

Supply Runs that offer coins as a reward are affected by the Butcher set. Using several units with the set can prove profitable once a well-leveled team can be established. This is furthered with the use of red keys or the double reward weekend bonuses, doubling the potential earnings in both cases.

It's important to mention that this set becomes obsolete once Austin is purchased, since he allows to grind for coins much more effectively, usually providing hundreds of coins in a single playthrough in the right missions/challenges. Austin's coin generation ability has no interactions with Butcher's bonus, so the set can be safely ditched once he's in the player's deck.


The table below displays which Supply Runs have the Butcher set in their reward pool.

Easy Normal Hard
Location 1 Button x.png Button v.png Button x.png
Location 2 Button x.png Button v.png Button v.png
Location 3 Button x.png Button v.png Button v.png
Location 4 Button x.png Button v.png Button x.png
Location 5 Button x.png Button v.png Button x.png
Location 6 Button x.png Button v.png Button v.png
Location 7 Button x.png Button v.png Button v.png
Location 8 Button x.png Button v.png Button x.png
Easy Normal Hard
Location 1 Button v.png Button v.png Button v.png
Location 2 Button v.png Button v.png Button v.png
Location 3 Button v.png Button v.png Button v.png
Location 4 Button v.png Button v.png Button v.png
Location 5 Button v.png Button v.png Button v.png
Location 6 Button v.png Button v.png Button v.png
Location 7 Button v.png Button v.png Button v.png
Location 8 Button v.png Button v.png Button v.png
Item Sets
Common Common junk cup.png Junk Common adventurer cup.png Adventurer
Rare Rare startup cup.png Startup Rare butcher cup.png Butcher
Epic Epic builder cup.png Builder Epic fastfood cup.png Fast Food Epic tactical cup.png Tactical Epic ranger cup.png Ranger Epic teenager cup.png Teenager Epic chef cup.png Chef
Legendary Legendary hitman cup.png Hitman Legendary surgery cup.png Surgery Legendary boss cup.png Boss Legendary fitness cup.png Fitness Legendary gentleman cup.png Gentleman Legendary hunter cup.png Hunter Legendary swissmade cup.png SwissMade Legendary military cup.png Military Legendary firefighter cup.png Firefighter Legendary scout cup.png Scout Legendary gambling cup.png Gambling Legendary patriot cup.png Patriot Legendary luckyguy cup.png Lucky Guy Legendary bigboy cup.png Big Boy Legendary lonewolf cup.png Lone Wolf Legendary icebreaker cup.png Ice Breaker