Teenager (Item Set)

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Teenager is a mid-to-late game item set. It consists of items geared towards young adolescents.


Teenager items are available in Rare and Epic quality. The set includes the following items:

Cup Knife Watch Book
Sprite Epic teenager cup.png Epic teenager knife.png Epic teenager watch.png Epic teenager book.png
Name Energy Drink Paper Cutter Smart Bracelet Comic Book

Set Bonus

This set provides a 10% main damage bonus to its wearer.


This set leans towards uselessness due to its small percentage bonus. The only units who can get any advantage out of Teenager at its intended point in progression are Sheriff Charlotte and Sniper Polina. For everyone else, the bonus will range between 1-4 damage, which is as good as nothing. If you decide to max out an epic version of Teenager, then the bonus will range between 5-8 damage, which isn't any better.

In general, it's better to aim for more specialized or less "selfish" options. There's also no point in trying to use this set as a temporary option, since it becomes available only relatively late into the game, right when SwissMade becomes accessible too. Chef also acts as a superior alternative to Teenager through a technicality – even though its buff is even lower, it's at least applied to the wearer's teammates too.


The table below displays which Supply Runs have the Teenager set in their reward pool.

Easy Normal Hard
Location 1 Button x.png Button x.png Button x.png
Location 2 Button x.png Button x.png Button x.png
Location 3 Button x.png Button x.png Button x.png
Location 4 Button x.png Button x.png Button x.png
Location 5 Button x.png Button x.png Button v.png
Location 6 Button v.png Button v.png Button x.png
Location 7 Button x.png Button x.png Button x.png
Location 8 Button v.png Button v.png Button x.png
Easy Normal Hard
Location 1 Button x.png Button x.png Button x.png
Location 2 Button x.png Button x.png Button x.png
Location 3 Button x.png Button x.png Button x.png
Location 4 Button x.png Button x.png Button x.png
Location 5 Button x.png Button x.png Button x.png
Location 6 Button x.png Button v.png Button v.png
Location 7 Button x.png Button x.png Button x.png
Location 8 Button x.png Button v.png Button v.png
Item Sets
Common Common junk cup.png Junk Common adventurer cup.png Adventurer
Rare Rare startup cup.png Startup Rare butcher cup.png Butcher
Epic Epic builder cup.png Builder Epic fastfood cup.png Fast Food Epic tactical cup.png Tactical Epic ranger cup.png Ranger Epic teenager cup.png Teenager Epic chef cup.png Chef
Legendary Legendary hitman cup.png Hitman Legendary surgery cup.png Surgery Legendary boss cup.png Boss Legendary fitness cup.png Fitness Legendary gentleman cup.png Gentleman Legendary hunter cup.png Hunter Legendary swissmade cup.png SwissMade Legendary military cup.png Military Legendary firefighter cup.png Firefighter Legendary scout cup.png Scout Legendary gambling cup.png Gambling Legendary patriot cup.png Patriot Legendary luckyguy cup.png Lucky Guy Legendary bigboy cup.png Big Boy Legendary lonewolf cup.png Lone Wolf Legendary icebreaker cup.png Ice Breaker