Locations (DA:ZW)

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Locations, also commonly referred to as stages, are presented as a flat map of tiles. Along with missions, there are some resource caches containing loot. Loot that frequently appears on each stage are power points, upgrade items, and fuel barrels.

Missions in each location can be unlocked by either completing previous missions or using one fuel point on undiscovered tiles. When completing a mission, the player will not only get a reward for completing the mission but also get a star rating. The number of stars earned depends on the remaining durability of the bus as the player finishes a mission:

  • 0-30% bus health grants a 1-star rating;
  • 30-99% bus health grants a 2-star rating;
  • 100% bus health grants a 3-star rating;
  • Boss missions that state "The boss has been defeated!" upon completion grant a 3-star rating, unless the bus health falls under 1%.

It's essential to collect stars as it will not only unlock new stages, but also grant extra rewards via the Star Reward system, which can grant players free units, coins, blue keys, and unlock other game modes. If players complete all the levels of one location with 3-star ratings, they will receive one or two blue keys as a reward.

Some missions contain items that can be found when interacting with a vehicle in that mission. This can only be done once and it usually also spawns a zombie

Time Limit

Mission are required to be completed before an invisible timer ends its countdown. Every level lasts for 3 minutes and 30 seconds, what is equal to the length of every mission's main theme. If the player takes too long to complete some mission and the barricade hasn't been destroyed yet, the timer will become visible at 37 seconds left till the end.

When that timer reaches zero, a large wave of Witches will always appear alongside another large wave of zombies depending on the stage and mission. This will always occur on every regular and challenge mission excluding Mission 1 and Mission 142, the final boss mission where it's replaced with a unique timer towards the end of the battle instead.

For detailed information on what enemies appear during the final wave, see: Enemies.

Location 1

Has a total of 48 stars.

Unlock Requirements
Stage Unlock Initially available
Challenge 1 N/A
Challenge 2 39 stars
Challenge 3 45 stars
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First Clear Rewards Subsequent Clear Rewards Hidden items
Gold Survival Points Power Points Gold Survival Points
Mission 1 Easy 9 27 10 -
Mission 2 Easy 9 27 10 -
Mission 3 Easy 9 27 10 -
Mission 4 Easy 11 32 10 -
Mission 5 Easy 11 32 10 -
Mission 6 Easy 13 32 10 YES
Mission 7 Easy 13 37 13 YES
Mission 8 Easy 13 37 13 -
Mission 9 Easy 13 37 13 -
Mission 10 Easy 13 37 13 YES
Mission 11 Easy 15 43 13 -
Mission 12 Easy 15 43 13 -
Mission 13 Easy 15 43 13 -
Challenge 1 Easy 30 43 26 -
Challenge 2 Nightmare 30 43 26 YES
Challenge 3 Normal 30 43 26 -

Location 2

Has a total of 57 stars.

Unlock Requirements
Stage Unlock 30 stars
Challenge 1 90 stars
Challenge 2 97 stars
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First Clear Rewards Subsequent Clear Rewards Hidden items
Gold Survival Points Power Points Gold Survival Points
Mission 14 Easy 15 43 20 YES
Mission 15 Easy 15 43 20 -
Mission 16 Easy 15 43 20 -
Mission 17 Hard 20 49 20 -
Mission 18 Easy 20 49 20 -
Mission 19 Easy 20 49 20 -
Mission 20 Hard 20 49 20 YES
Mission 21 Hard 20 49 20 YES
Mission 22 Easy 20 49 20 -
Mission 23 Easy 20 49 20 -
Mission 24 Easy 24 57 20 -
Mission 25 Hard 24 57 20 -
Mission 26 Hard 24 57 20 -
Mission 27 Easy 24 57 20 -
Mission 28 Easy 24 57 20 -
Mission 29 Normal 24 57 20 -
Mission 30 Normal 24 57 20 -
Challenge 1 Normal 48 57 39 YES
Challenge 2 Easy 48 57 39 -

Location 3

Has a total of 69 stars.

Unlock Requirements
Stage Unlock 60 stars
Challenge 1 160 stars
Challenge 2 168 stars
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First Clear Rewards Subsequent Clear Rewards Hidden items
Gold Survival Points Power Points Gold Survival Points
Mission 31 Normal 24 57 30 YES
Mission 32 Normal 24 57 30 YES
Mission 33 Nightmare 30 67 30 -
Mission 34 Normal 30 67 30 -
Mission 35 Easy 30 67 30 -
Mission 36 Normal 30 67 30 -
Mission 37 Easy 30 67 30 -
Mission 38 Easy 30 67 30 -
Mission 39 Normal 30 67 30 -
Mission 40 Normal 30 67 30 -
Mission 41 Normal 30 67 30 -
Mission 42 Easy 30 67 30 -
Mission 43 Normal 30 67 30 -
Mission 44 Normal 30 67 30 -
Mission 45 Easy 38 77 30 -
Mission 46 Easy 38 77 30 -
Mission 47 Normal 38 77 30 -
Mission 48 Normal 38 77 30 -
Mission 49 Easy 38 77 30 -
Mission 50 Normal 38 77 30 -
Mission 51 Normal 38 77 30 -
Challenge 1 Hard 76 77 60 -
Challenge 2 Nightmare 76 77 60 -

Location 4

Has a total of 63 rating stars.

Unlock Requirements
Stage Unlock 110 stars
Challenge 1 220 stars
Challenge 2 225 stars
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First Clear Rewards Subsequent Clear Rewards Hidden items
Gold Survival Points Power Points Gold Survival Points
Mission 52 Easy 38 77 45 YES
Mission 53 Normal 38 77 45 -
Mission 54 Easy 38 77 45 -
Mission 55 Easy 38 77 45 -
Mission 56 Hard 38 77 45 YES
Mission 57 Normal 38 77 45 -
Mission 58 Nightmare 38 77 45 -
Mission 59 Nightmare 38 77 45 -
Mission 60 Normal 38 77 45 -
Mission 61 Hard 47 90 45 -
Mission 62 Normal 47 90 45 -
Mission 63 Easy 47 90 45 -
Mission 64 Easy 47 90 45 YES
Mission 65 Easy 47 90 45 -
Mission 66 Easy 47 90 45 -
Mission 67 Normal 47 90 45 YES
Mission 68 Normal 47 90 45 -
Mission 69 Easy 47 90 45 -
Mission 70 Hard 47 90 45 -
Challenge 1 Nightmare 93 90 75
Challenge 2 Nightmare 93 90 75

Location 5

Has a total of 69 rating stars.

Unlock Requirements
Stage Unlock 150 stars
Challenge 1 290 stars
Challenge 2 297 stars
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First Clear Rewards Subsequent Clear Rewards Hidden items
Gold Survival Points Power Points Gold Survival Points
Mission 71 Easy 50 90 60 -
Mission 72 Normal 50 90 60 -
Mission 73 Normal 50 90 60 -
Mission 74 Normal 50 90 60 -
Mission 75 Easy 50 90 60 YES
Mission 76 Normal 50 90 60 -
Mission 77 Normal 50 90 60 YES
Mission 78 Normal 50 90 60 -
Mission 79 Hard 50 90 60 -
Mission 80 Normal 50 90 60 -
Mission 81 Easy 61 105 60 -
Mission 82 Easy 61 105 60 -
Mission 83 Nightmare 61 105 60
Mission 84 Easy 61 105 60 YES
Mission 85 Easy 61 105 60 -
Mission 86 Normal 61 105 60 -
Mission 87 Normal 61 105 60 -
Mission 88 Normal 61 105 60 -
Mission 89 Easy 61 105 60 -
Mission 90 Easy 61 105 60 YES
Mission 91 Normal 61 105 60 -
Challenge 1 Hard 122 105 120 -
Challenge 2 Nightmare 122 105 120

Location 6

Has a total of 72 rating stars.

Unlock Requirements
Stage Unlock 190 stars
Challenge 1 351 stars
Challenge 2 356 stars
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First Clear Rewards Subsequent Clear Rewards Hidden items
Gold Survival Points Power Points Gold Survival Points
Mission 92 Normal 61 105 75 -
Mission 93 Easy 61 105 75 -
Mission 94 Easy 61 105 75 YES
Mission 95 Normal 61 105 75 YES
Mission 96 Easy 61 105 75 -
Mission 97 Nightmare 61 105 75 -
Mission 98 Hard 61 105 75 -
Mission 99 Easy 61 105 75 -
Mission 100 Normal 61 105 75 YES
Mission 101 Easy 61 105 75 YES
Mission 102 Easy 61 105 75 YES
Mission 103 Easy 61 105 75 -
Mission 104 Easy 61 105 75 -
Mission 105 Normal 77 122 75 -
Mission 106 Hard 77 122 75 YES
Mission 107 Easy 77 122 75 YES
Mission 108 Easy 77 122 75 -
Mission 109 Easy 77 122 75 YES
Misiion 110 Hard 77 122 75 -
Mission 111 Hard 77 122 75 -
Mission 112 Easy 77 122 75 YES
Mission 113 Hard 77 122 75 YES
Challenge 1 Normal 155 122 150 -
Challenge 2 Normal 155 122 150

Location 7


Has a total of 63 rating stars.

Unlock Requirements
Stage Unlock 230 stars
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First Clear Rewards Subsequent Clear Rewards Hidden items
Gold Survival Points Power Points Gold Survival Points
Mission 114 Nightmare 77 122 90 -
Mission 115 Nightmare 77 122 90 -
Mission 116 Nightmare 77 122 90 -
Mission 117 Hard 77 122 90 -
Mission 118 Nightmare 77 122 90 YES
Mission 119 Nightmare 77 122 90 -
Mission 120 Nightmare 77 122 90 -
Mission 121 Normal 77 122 90 -
Mission 122 Normal 77 122 90 YES
Mission 123 Hard 77 122 90 -
Mission 124 Normal 77 122 90 -
Mission 125 Normal 77 122 90 -
Mission 126 Hard 106 168 90 -
Mission 127 Normal 106 168 90 -
Mission 128 Nightmare 106 168 90 -
Mission 129 Normal 106 168 90 -
Mission 130 Normal 106 168 90
Mission 131 Hard 106 168 90
Mission 132 Normal 106 168 90
Mission 133 Easy 106 168 90
Mission 134 Hard 106 168 90

Location 8


Has a total of 24 rating stars.

Unlock Requirements
Stage Unlock 280 stars
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Missions Difficulty First Clear Rewards Subsequent Clear Rewards Hidden items
Gold Survival Points Power Points Gold Survival Points
Mission 135 Nightmare 153 168 105 -
Mission 136 Nightmare 153 168 105 YES
Mission 137 Hard 153 168 105 -
Mission 138 Nightmare 153 168 105 -
Mission 139 Hard 153 168 105 -
Mission 140 Normal 153 168 105 YES
Mission 141 Normal 153 168 210 -
Mission 142 Nightmare
Game Info
Main mechanics Units Status Effects Resources Enemies Locations Bus Van Daily Gifts Buffs Daily Tasks Weather Level Data Star Reward
Unit Mechanics Unit Stats Perks Team Powers
Items Upgrade Items Item Data Collectibles Skins Resources
Modes Events Skirmish Supply Runs Infected Metro
Trading Trader Special Offers Currencies
Lore Story Blue Energy Factions Minor Characters
Media Cutscenes Soundtrack Changelogs
Legacy Roulette Upgrade Items (Legacy) Military Case Old Offers