Christmas Event/Strategies

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This page is used for explaining the strategy for Christmas Event in details.

General Info

Every playthrough of the Christmas event will be different from the previous one as you are guaranteed to meet a different setup of enemy units every time. Because of this, it's impossible to come up with an exact strategy for this event.

However, certain tactics can still work as general rules for pretty much every or any situation:

  • In order to participate in as many fights as possible, you need to have almost all human units in the game.
  • Having proper upgrades for both human units and rage abilities is very important.
  • You shouldn't quit the event even when losing, otherwise you throw away your kill count. Having some kills is better than none.

Units and Their Tactics

Some units can provide a major advantage. It should be noted that the best picks for Christmas event are not the same as in Skirmish due to difference of ways these game modes works.

  • Medic can help extend the lifespan of all units on her team, so you won't need to heavily rely on the Medkit rage ability while she's on the battlefield. Since her Medkits' level scale with herself, it is recommended to upgrade her as much as possible, and provide her with health bonuses so she can survive at least one grenade from Grenadier (160 damage).
  • Virtually every shotgunner is very useful in this event, as they provide amazingly wide crowd control. Especially Ranger with his special unlocked, as he becomes a major nuisance for your opponent's bullet resistant melee units.
    • However, Ranger's ability can result in stalemates if he is the only unit on the field that can attack Turbo, as he will only stall her forever.
  • Speaking of Turbo, her full bullet resistance is as relevant as ever, since she can solo teams that can't get around her bullet immunity.
    • And yet again, just like with Ranger, you have to take knockbacking shotgunners into account, otherwise your run will become a game of rock-paper-scissors in which ties lead to softlocks.
  • Both Cap and level 13 Pepper with her special unlocked can inspire other units, improving their performance in battle with the inspiration buff.
  • Spammable units might survive longer than usual in this event thanks to the presence of rage abilities. Even if they die in a battle, they still provide some aid one way or another so their use shouldn't be discounted.
  • Bullet-resistant damagers and heavyweights are important for protecting your own ranged units and dealing with some less threatening shooters.
  • Polina and Charlotte can both snipe from a distance and pick off enemies. Sniper, in particular, can be devastating with her special ability unlocked as it helps dealing with bullet resistant threats.
  • Firefighter can be annoying to deal with thanks to his explosion on death, if it occurs.
  • Grenadier and Queen can potentially wipe out teams that have too many members or have inconvenient positioning, while the former being able to also work as a tanky unit that explodes on death and the latter being able to fire multiple grenades with decent positioning by the opposing team. While Grenadier can be dealt with by dropping barrels on him, Queen can fire at least one grenade before going down to barrels.
  • Willy is surprisingly useful if properly upgraded, as his ranged attack ignores bullet resistance and can easily stun-lock strong melee threats like Juggernaut. His own resistance to ranged damage means he's also pretty useful against such units, but must be supported or he can't get to them.

Rage abilities require perhaps the most careful approach as they can carry entire fights and lead to certain victory.

  • Molotov is one of the best abilities in this event, as it can quickly eliminate swarms of enemy teams in seconds, especially against groups of dangerous ranged units since many of them tend not to be fire immune.
  • Nitrogen is important in certain situations where simply controlling the enemy team's movement is a higher priority than trying to outright kill them.
  • Red Barrel can be used as a cheaper substitute/alternative to Molotov for doing heavy damage to a single tanky threat or dealing with several closely located shooters.
  • Empty Barrel is useful for being dropped directly onto dangerous yet frail ranged units, like Sniper and the majority of units with a high rate of fire, to usually kill them outright. Some enemies may require more than one to be taken down swiftly.
  • Generator can be used as a bait for virtually anyone since every nearby enemy unit prioritizes in targeting it. Placing them near any ranged or melee units will yield favorably explosive results. In a different strategy, using it in tandem with Nitrogen to slow down both the player and enemy teams can give it just enough time to produce a courage pack before transitioning to the next stage to give the player an additional courage to spend on more units for the team.
  • Turret can easily shred through enemy teams even with a bullet-resistant unit (that isn't Turbo) if given proper cover from enemy ranged units trying to shoot it down. It can also be put in front of opposing range units to absorb some damage and likely lure and kill units that goes in its exploding radius, being more efficient than Generator since it has lower health.

Team Powers

Just like in Skirmish, Team Powers don't play too big of a role since majority of them are either irrelevant, or unable to get activated. Military team power is disabled on purpose.

  • Cops are as strong as ever with all their Skirmish upsides carrying over to this event. The only problem is that they are best used in a team of four, because their on-death Fury effect gets removed in the following battle. Shields can also be put on the same unit only once, meaning when you put a 5th Cop on field, those who already lost it won't regain it with ability reactivation.
  • Northerns' synergy is fairly notable, as it can help their melee units go on outright killing sprees.
  • Another more or less usable synergy is Internal Forces, thanks to a chance of them getting some extra healing at the end of a fight.
  • Patriots can prove to be efficient in combination with units who can set enemies on fire, such as Carlos with his special unlocked, or Swat. Obviously, their direct boost of Red Barrel's and Molotov's strengths is the real dealbreaker.
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