Marauder Vehicle/Strategies

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This page is used for sharing strategies against Marauder Vehicle.

General Tips

Marauder Vehicle can be a fairly difficult boss to fight against if underprepared as the mission mainly contains Marauders. There won’t be much variety of strategies to use against it.

General notes:

  • Because of Robber, Rifleman and the vehicle's HMG, you must have bullet-resistant units in your deck.
  • All units should be at least Level 4+ (with 2+ items)
  • While it isn’t necessary to use buffs such as Energy Drinks or Fury. If players have a trouble fighting against Marauder Vehicle, it is still recommended to use some.

List of necessary units:

In the beginning, it is likely that your units won’t be prepared enough, so you shouldn’t send out melee units as Gunner‘s LMG can easily pick them off and can kill any melee units easily by driving the Vehicle forward, instead, wait for the Vehicle to drive back and send out the waves of Marauders. When the Vehicle send out Naked, begin sending out melee units to fight the waves of them. It is also essential to send out Farmer or Pepper/Farmer and Policeman Diaz to support melee units when fighting against them. Pepper can stand for herself due to her knockback and dodge perks, however, she still suffers from her low DPS. Farmer and Policeman will provide good DPS and decent crowd control against the waves of Marauders, but Farmer will be more vulnerable overall due to his lack of any resistance. Although Policeman can absorb Lubber’s melee damage for decently long amount of time, his shotgun won’t deal enough damage to Lubber, so he should be supported by melee units. Lubber shouldn’t be too much of the problem for melee units as he still has average damage and modest speed. Since the vehicle will send him out one by one, he can still be taken down fairly easily. When the Vehicle drives forward, send out your available bullet resistant melee unit to damage Marauder Vehicle while resisting damage from Gunner’s LMG. When Rifleman and Robber are being sent out, players should prioritize them as Rifleman can sometime harm ranged units that are behind melee units, while Robber can easily pick off units who lacks bullet resistance due to his high ranged damage and long attack range. Dropping Empty Barrel or Red Barrel at them will kill them swiftly. In the some cases, both Farmer’s and Policeman’s spread damage can severely damage or kill Rifleman or Robber or both, even if they’re behind their melee allies.

If players happen to unlocked Grenadier, who is the best unit to fight against Marauders, he can make the entire fight easy as his grenade ability can be used to eliminate small groups. His stats and bullet resist also make him good to use in general, but make sure to back him with other units.

Marauder Vehicle can’t be affected by explosions, Nitrogen's stun, ranged attacks or fire. In this case, you should save your rage abilities to support your units and get rid of the Marauders rather than throwing Empty Barrel or Red Barrel at the truck.

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