Corn Farm/Strategies

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This page is used for sharing strategies for Corn Farm.

General Info

Precious upgrade items are the main reason why Corn Farm Event should be played. Players must act quick, but careful, in order to be able to earn at least a few collectibles.

Players should always have a decent amount of every buff item at the ready if they want to be safe during the pre-farming portion.

Grenade Meta

Current viability: The best option.


If you don't own Turbo for any reason, maxed out Guard can be used as a substitute.


Due to Turbo's full bullet resistance, she will never die from any ranged source of damage, making her the perfect unit for use in the event.

Turbo should be upgraded with +3 items for maximum effectiveness. In the beginning, send out Turbo immediately as she is available. If necessary, use Extra Courage buff. Some marauders may damage the bus a bit at the beginning. If Turbo is attacked, heal her with Medkit as soon as possible. Begin setting up rage ability objects near the bus as a makeshift barricade to allow Bill to pick off any Crazies who manage to slip past.

Later on, use Red Barrel, Empty Barrel, and Nitrogen on the enemies repeatedly. At some point, Marauder's grenades will inevitably do enough damage to kill a full health Turbo right off the bat (grenades do 100 damage by default, which Turbo can survive with enough health upgrades). At this point, patching her up with Medkit should instead be prioritized for situations when she gets attacked by too many marauders at once.

Because of how tremendously powerful the marauders' grenades are, farming the barricade proves to be impossible in the long run, with the highest achievable level being 9-14. Because of that, you should aim for killing marauders instead when you get closer to these numbers during every attempt.

Current Viability: the best option.

With the Team Power being a thing, the TMF gains an explosion resist, and Rogue with his special ability unlocked converts 90% of his agility to bullet resistance, greatly reducing damage he recieves from enemy bullets. With a medkit to counter enemy melee attacks he can become very effective at achieving great progress.

Wiki links
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