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Main Stats
Health-Healing.png Health
|Is a Unit=
|Base Health=
|Ranged Damage=
|Melee Damage=
|Melee Crit.=
|Extra Multiplier=
|Special Attacks=
|Fire Damage=
|Explosive Damage=
|Crit. Damage=
|Crit. Chance=
|Prepare Time=
|Courage Cost=
|Rage Cost=
|Detection Range=
|Agility Penalty=
|Aggression Penalty=
|Charisma Radius=
|Ammo Capacity=
|Firing Period=
|Reloading Period=
|Bullet Spread=
|Player Level=


To clarify, this page translation follows wiki.gg's Translation Guidelines, and as such, does not break this wiki's "English Only" rule, please do not remove.
Trying to find a way to translate the labels without changing the variables in the source code itself. For example, you would type "Base Health=" in the source code, but it would show as "Vida base" (Base Health in portuguese) on the actual page.

Visão Geral

This template is used for both unit and zombie articles. Depending on the entity, certain sections should be left empty. For instance: if a unit's price is valued in courage, "rage cost" shouldn't contain any information. That also applies to perks.

To list stats of a support item, use Template:Support Item. To list stats of a boss enemy, use Template:Boss.

Calculator and Stats

Here's an example of how to fill in fields used by the stat calculator. This example is based on Ram's stats.

|Is a Unit=no
|Base Health=500
|Melee Damage=7
|Melee Crit.=8

The |Is a Unit= field is used to specify which scaling formulas the calculator should use. Writing yes will use formulas for units. no will use zombie formulas.

The |Melee Crit.= field is used for enemies who can do critical damage that scales with their level. For example, Ram can do critical hits, therefore the |Melee Crit.= field lists his base damage affected by his crit. multiplier. This field mustn't be used for units, as their critical multiplier can be altered. Additionally, it can only be used for enemies who can deal critical damage on their regular attacks.

The |Extra Multiplier= field is used for enemies that have additional special attacks that can scale with their level. The example is Foreman's charge attack, which deals double his regular damage. Therefore, he would have the respective field filled in like this: |Extra Multiplier=2. The field can also be used on pages of units with the Additional Damage perk. In that case, the extra attack crit. section will be hidden.

If an enemy has an extra attack that deals the same damage at all levels then it should be listed in the |Special Attacks= field, or any of the fields tied to a specific damage type, i.e. |Explosive Damage=. For example, the damage done by Insectoid's landing is always equal to 10. Therefore, it would be listed in the |Special Attacks= field.

The |Special= section is reserved for support items with unique and/or unscalable characteristics. Perks should be listed in their own section.


To add several images, use a special structure with the |images= field; like this:

  Image1.png:Caption 1;
  Image2.png:Caption 2;
  A Third Image.png:Caption 3

Unit Perks

Perks section should include templates of perk icons separated by spacings. Perk description is shown via hover over text of an icon, so you don't need to write it in the table.

List of templates:

  • FireDamage.png {{FireDamage}}
  • HighFireRate.png {{HighFireRate}}
  • Knockback.png {{Knockback}}
  • StunAbility.png {{Stun}}
  • HighAccuracy Icon.png {{HighAccuracy}}
  • MeleeResistance.png {{MeleeResist}}
  • NoZombieChance.png {{NoZombieChance}}
  • ResistanceBullets.png {{BulletResist}}
  • ResistanceFire.png {{FireResist}}
  • ResistancePoison.png {{PoisonResist}}
  • ExplosionResist.png {{ExplosionResist}}
  • AdditionalDamage.png {{AdditionalDamage}}
  • AlliesBuff.png {{AlliesBuff}}
  • AlliesHealing.png {{AlliesHeal}}
  • DodgeChance.png {{Dodge}}
  • DropOnBattlefield.png {{DropOnBattlefield}}
  • ExtraHealth.png {{ExtraDefense}}
  • ExtraMoneyLoot.png {{ExtraMoneyDrops}}
  • FearInspiration.png {{FearInspiration}}
  • ManualAbility.png {{ManualAbility}}
  • Revival.png {{Revival}}
  • TargetBlockadeOnly.png {{BlockadeTarget}}
  • SuperFastMelee.png {{SuperFastMelee}}
  • TwoAtOnce.png {{TwoAtOnce}}
  • Silent.png {{Silence}}
  • AvailableFromStart.png {{Stopwatch}}
  • Repairs.png {{Repair}}
  • Revive.png {{ReviveOthers}}
  • Transform.png {{Transform}}
  • Mine.png {{Mine}}
  • Mark.png {{Mark}}
  • Taunt.png {{Taunt}}
  • DoubleTarget.png {{DoubleTarget}}