Template:Support Item

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Support Item
Main Stats
|Ranged Damage=
|Melee Damage=
|Fire Damage=
|Explosive Damage=
|Life Time=
|Static Duration=
|Prepare Time=
|Rage Cost=

|Firing Period=
|Reloading Period=
|Bullet Spread=
|Player Level=

This template is used for support items only. It was made because respective units usually rely on predetermined values instead of scaling formulas to determine their offensive stats.

Stats Display

Following fields are included in the stat display:

  • Health
  • Healing
  • Melee Damage
  • Ranged Damage
  • Fire Damage
  • Explosive Damage
  • Duration
  • Life Time

Here's an example of how to fill in fields used by the stat display. This example is based on Red Barrel's stats.

|Melee Damage=18,20,22,24,26,29,32,35,39,42,47,51,56,62
|Explosive Damage=30,33,36,40,44,48,53,58,64,71,78,86,94,104
|Fire Damage=5,6,7,9,10,12,15,18,21,26,31,37,45,53

Each number should be separated by a comma, with no spaces around them. There must be at least 14 numbers present in the submitted string, otherwise an error value will be shown for all levels that weren't covered. The function allows to submit more than 14 numbers in a single string, but everything past the 14th won't be possible to view in the display.

Note that there are two fields for the duration stat: |Duration= and |Static Duration=. The latter is used for items which have a duration attribute that can't be upgraded. For example, Molotov's fire pool always lasts 3 seconds. Therefore, the stat should be listed in the |Static Duration= field.


To add several images, use a special structure with the |images= field; like this:

  Image1.png:Caption 1;
  Image2.png:Caption 2;
  A Third Image.png:Caption 3

Unit Perks

Perks section should include templates of perk icons separated by spacings. Perk description is shown via hover over text of an icon, so you don't need to write it in the table.

List of templates:

  • FireDamage.png {{FireDamage}}
  • HighFireRate.png {{HighFireRate}}
  • Knockback.png {{Knockback}}
  • StunAbility.png {{Stun}}
  • HighAccuracy Icon.png {{HighAccuracy}}
  • MeleeResistance.png {{MeleeResist}}
  • NoZombieChance.png {{NoZombieChance}}
  • ResistanceBullets.png {{BulletResist}}
  • ResistanceFire.png {{FireResist}}
  • ResistancePoison.png {{PoisonResist}}
  • ExplosionResist.png {{ExplosionResist}}
  • AdditionalDamage.png {{AdditionalDamage}}
  • AlliesBuff.png {{AlliesBuff}}
  • AlliesHealing.png {{AlliesHeal}}
  • DodgeChance.png {{Dodge}}
  • DropOnBattlefield.png {{DropOnBattlefield}}
  • ExtraHealth.png {{ExtraDefense}}
  • ExtraMoneyLoot.png {{ExtraMoneyDrops}}
  • FearInspiration.png {{FearInspiration}}
  • ManualAbility.png {{ManualAbility}}
  • Revival.png {{Revival}}
  • TargetBlockadeOnly.png {{BlockadeTarget}}
  • SuperFastMelee.png {{SuperFastMelee}}
  • TwoAtOnce.png {{TwoAtOnce}}
  • Silent.png {{Silence}}
  • AvailableFromStart.png {{Stopwatch}}
  • Repairs.png {{Repair}}
  • Revive.png {{ReviveOthers}}
  • Transform.png {{Transform}}
  • Mine.png {{Mine}}
  • Mark.png {{Mark}}
  • Taunt.png {{Taunt}}
  • DoubleTarget.png {{DoubleTarget}}