The Zombies

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We all know that initially "Dead Ahead" was planned with 2 game modes - Story Mode (Shooter) and Survival (Runner on a motorcycle). It was decided to leave only one - Survival. The changes affected not only the mechanics of the game, but also the design, sound design, etc.

Let's pay attention to the player. In "The Zombies" he had eyes, in the final release they are no longer there. Plus, in the final release, you can paint the player's helmet, at the same time, his tie is also painted. In "The Zombies" the player had only a standard color - Red-Gray and it was impossible to repaint to your taste. In Story Mode, there was a HUD with a player's icon displaying his health and armor (it is impossible to say for sure why the second bar on the HUD is needed, but we think that this slot was meant for armor).

How much has been lost with the removal of Story Mode. The player could freely move around the world on foot, run, shoot, hit with melee weapons. The player had unique animations such as death animation, reloading, etc.

He could also pick up ammo boxes and a first aid kit.


In "Dead Ahead" we saw 5 locations: Forest, Suburb, Metropolis, Bridge and Slums. As for "The Zombies" ... in the screenshots we can observe three locations: Suburb as the main one, the entrances of the apartment building and the duty section as internal.

In the Dead Ahead release, we never saw the interior locations, the Suburb remained, but was significantly cut in design.

A playground was cut out, some inscriptions on the fence, an empty area, a duty section, a store, a safe area, etc.

The background also underwent slight changes - the sun was removed.

Let's move on to the next one.


The game has a fairly large variety of zombies. Let's start with what was removed.



Those items that block the path of the main character have also been changed.

The MAGNET truck has been removed. In the beta version of "The Zombies", he could be seen if he traveled a large amount of distance.

FATE "The Zombies"

The shooter was never completed and was left gathering dust on the developer's computer. Developed since 2011. There are chances of an exit in the future, but they are very small.

After all, we all want to look at the game that started the story of "Dead Ahead".


  • It was thought that the game was lost until youtuber MASTER GAMES YT shared the download link.
  • the game only got to have the survival mode.
Game Info
Gameplay VehiclesWeaponsEnemiesLocationsObjectives • Shop • Achievements
Media Cutscenes • Soundtrack • Story • Changelogs
Legacy The ZombiesFlash Version