Grenade Launcher

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Grenadelauncher 2x.png

Grenade Launcher is one of the weapons available for use in Dead Ahead. It's the M79 grenade launcher, and is the eighth weapon that can be unlocked by the player.


Grenade Launcher is a weapon of the type with the same name that can be purchased in the shop for 40000 coins, starting from rank 10. It's technically the second and final grenade launcher in the game, since Betty Boomer is available for purchase from the very beginning.

Grenade Launcher can easily be considered one of the best weapons in the game. Its ability to target several enemies combined with extreme damage allow GL to be used for just about anything – from building up combos, to effortlessly killing Bosses. These advantages are partially traded up by the weapon having only one shot in its reserve. However, this can easily get circumvented by using fast reload boost. When used together with it, Grenade Launcher becomes a very powerful gun in the hands of more or less skilled players, being able to aid in completion of pretty much all objectives past rank 10 (aside from those that require using a different weapon), and for making long combo chains that decrease future grind, and nullify spendings on boosts.

It's worth mentioning that GL is also one of the few weapons in the game that can be efficiently used without ever upgrading them. While signficantly decreasing reloading time might sounds appealing, it only matters this much in the long run.


Real values
Value Basic Advanced Super
Damage 80-96 80-96 80-96
Reloading 8 s 6.5 s 5 s
1 1 1
4 frames
Shop values
Value Basic Advanced Super
Damage 10 10 10
Speed 3 4 5
Ammo 1 1 1


  • While this is a relatively insignificant thing, Grenade Launcher might be more appealing than Betty Boomer to players who use extra bonuses boost often. This is because it can spam much more explosions under the effect of infinite ammo, thanks to noticeably lesser shot delay;
  • Grenade Launcher has the lowest amount of ammo among all weapons in the game.