Vera the Shooter

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Veratheshooter 2x.png

Vera the Shooter is one of the weapons available for use in Dead Ahead. It's an AK-47, and is initially available for purchase. It's one of the two weapons wielded by the Girl, other being Betty Boomer.


Vera the Shooter is a nickname of a machine gun type weapon that can be purchased for 230,000 coins at any time. It's technically the first gun of its kind in the game, since it's unlocked in the shop initially.

This weapon can't be upgraded.

Vera's price, its initial stats, and the fact that this weapon is utilised by the Girl, all give this gun an image of something powerful. In reality, this is just another illusion intentionally made by developers. It must be said that Vera does has notable upsides over other end-game machine guns (Assault Rifle and Twins' gatling gun), which are higher single hit damage, and initially swift reloading time. However, unlike them it has the staple ammo count of 30. Because of that, in practice both other options are able to provide higher overall damage output, and allow for likelier survivability thanks to knockback occuring more often. In the end, the only reason to buy Vera over them is in case the player likes machine guns a lot but isn't ready to invest into super Assault Rifle, and they don't want to use Twins' bike.


Real values
Value Basic Advanced Super
Damage 10-16
Reloading 5 s
2 frames
Shop values
Value Basic Advanced Super
Damage 6
Speed 5
Ammo 7