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This page contains information about removed features.
Main subjects of this article cannot be obtained or interacted with in the current version of the game.

Scrapped/Unused units

There's not much info about them except mentions of them in the code. There's no AI or sprites available.

  • Omon. (Possibly an OMON National Guard)
  • Sheriff.
  • Policeman. (Not to be confused with Policeman Diaz, who is called "h_cop".)

Both Omon and Sheriff share a similar journal description "Omon description.", "Sheriff description.", while Policeman lacks one.

Unused units skins

No description, official name, or Skin offer backgrounds were added for them. They were officially added to the game in the 3.2.0 update.

Unused sprites

Unused units cards

Cards for Xmas Girl, Zombie, Runner, and Cop exist but go unused.

Greeting animations

They seem to be jumping out of somewhere and landing after. They have been removed as of update 3.0.0.

Unused turning animations

Welder used to have a turning animation. It's unknown if it was ever used.

Willy dying with shield animation

Before Willy's SP points used to act as a separated hp, he was able to die with his shield on, and since now he can't die with his shield on, this animation goes unused.

Old items

A lot of previously used exploration items now go unused.


"item.item_accumulator": "Accumulator"
"item.item_bandage": "Bandage"
"item.item_bat": "Bat"
"item.item_battery": "Battery"
"item.item_binoculars": "Binoculars"
"item.item_boards": "Boards"
"item.item_bomb": "Bomb"
"item.item_book": "Book"
"item.item_bottle": "Bottle"
"item.item_brick": "Brick"
"item.item_bulb": "Bulb"
"item.item_cap": "Cap"
"item.item_chip": "Chip"
"item.item_compas": "Compas"
"item.item_cup": "Cup"
"item.item_cup2": "Paper cup"
"item.item_fizzy": "Fizzy"
"item.item_flank": "Flask"
"item.item_flashlight": "Flashlight"
"item.item_gasmask": "Gasmask"
"item.item_glue": "Glue"
"item.item_hammer": "Hammer"
"item.item_hatchet": "Hatchet"
"item.item_jackknife": "Jackknife"
"item.item_lunch": "Lunch"
"item.item_map": "Map"
"item.item_matches": "Matches"
"item.item_medkit": "Medkit"
"item.item_metal": "Metal"
"item.item_metalscrap": "Metalscrap"
"item.item_molotov": "Molotov"
"item.item_nails": "Nails"
"item.item_notebook": "Notebook"
"item.item_paint": "Paint"
"item.item_powder": "Powder"
"item.item_red_barrel": "Red barrel"
"item.item_rope": "Rope"
"item.item_scissors": "Scissors"
"item.item_souse": "Souse"
"item.item_tablets": "Pills"
"item.item_tape": "Tape"
"item.item_tomato": "Tomato"
"item.item_vest": "Vest"
"item.item_watch": "Watch"
"item.item_water": "Water"
"item.item_wokitoki": "Wokitoki"

Misc changes

  • Bill used to have a manual fire ability that cost rage points.
  • Weapons used to have a chance of causing friendly fire, which was also affected by distance.

Unused strings

Unused line from the Intro Cutscene.

"cutscene.HireNaked.replica4": "RWUAAAHH~~"

Unused daily and normal quests.

"quest.description.barrelKill_30": "Kill 30 zombies using barrel"
"quest.description.findItem_5": "Find 5 items"
"quest.description.generate_600": "Get 600 Points of Courage using Generator"
"quest.description.kill_15": "Kill any 15 zombies"
"quest.description.kill_200": "Kill 200 zombies"
"quest.description.kill_45": "Kill any 45 zombies"
"quest.description.kill_90": "Kill any 90 zombies"
"quest.description.notUseIn_13": "Break a barricade in the mission 13 without farmer"
"quest.description.takestars_18": "Collect 18 stars"
"quest.description.takestars_54": "Collect 36 stars"
"quest.description.takestars_9": "Collect 9 stars"
"quest.description.useMolotov": "Use molotov"
"quest.description.winmissions_18": "Complete any 18 missions"
"quest.description.winmissions_24": "Complete any 24 missions"
"quest.description.winmissions_3": "Complete any 3 missions"
"quest.description.winmissions_9": "Complete any 9 missions"
"quest.description.woDamage_12": "Break a barricade in the mission 12 without bus damage"

Possibly Mr. Buff and Bill's full name.

"": "Doctor White"
"quest.givername.texas": "Bill Djangov"

Ranger/DA Hero unused lines?

"replic.heroappear0": "Did you miss me?"
"replic.heroappear1": "Keep calm! I'm coming!"
"replic.heroappear2": "You can do nothing without me!"
"replic.heroappear3": "Here's Johnny!"
"replic.heroappear4": "Go! Go! Go!"

Scouting survivor names from the removed "scavenge for items" mechanic.

"scout.billymilkey": "Billymilkey"
"scout.fatherwill": "Fatherwill"
"scout.jessie": "Jessie"
"scout.lily": "Lily"
"scout.maya": "Maya"
"scout.stive": "Stive"
"scout.whitebear": "Whitebear"
"": "New scout!"

Old Locations names.

"": "Forest"
"": "Wasteland"
"": "City"

Old unused tips.

"tip.10": "Workers generate the noise the zombies rush to"
"tip.11": "Single shooters are inefficient"
"tip.12": "Each pack contains 1 fuel barrel, 1 coins safe.\nAt least 1 item will be Rare or better!"
"tip.13": "You get items from exploration as well as from missions"
"tip.14": "You can get more items in explorations, zombie-pack and quests"
"tip.16": "Try to use buffs"
"tip.17": "Try to upgrade units"
"tip.3": "Save energy to hire several units in a row"
"tip.4": "Medkit does a splash healing"
"tip.5": "Barrels serve as a nice hideout for shooters"
"tip.6": "Worker kills several naked zombies"
"tip.7": "Letting zombies hit the bus can save some units"
"tip.8": "Shooters are effective against slow targets"
"tip.9": "Groups of shooters attract zombies"
"tip.loading.1": "The noise may come running zombies"
"tip.loading.2": "Do not forget to upgrade units"

Unused grenade's description. It's possibly the grenade used in the Princess Rescue event.

"unit.description.item_bomb": "When all understood that army forces are not enough to win, general Ranay decided to just give grenade boxes for civillians. \"Explode them all!\" - was the TV voice."

This line was probably used in older game versions and it was later replaced to "Play more to find all zombies!".

"zombiepedia.gui.lastPageAllUnlockedTxt": "All zombies unlocked! More zombies in future updates."

Old Tutorial dialogue.

"balloon.tutorial_1.1": "Damn... The road is blocked!"
"balloon.tutorial_1.2_bottom": "You should clear the road\nto continue the journey."
"balloon.tutorial_1.2_top": "Break the Barricade!"
"balloon.tutorial_3.1": "We can`t drive up closer ..."
"balloon.tutorial_minigun.1_top": "Now I can use machine gun!"
"balloon.tutorial_noise.1_top": "Monitor the level of the noise!\nOtherwise, it will attract more zombies."

Unused antidote buff.

"buff.Antidote": "Antidote"
"": "Antidote"


"exploration.id1": "Exploration 1"
"exploration.id2": "Exploration 2"
"exploration.id3": "Exploration 3"
"exploration.id4": "Exploration 4"
"": "Daily Box"
"": "Accept"
"": "Claim!"
"": "Complete!"
"": "Explore"
"": "Finish now"
"": "Instant Repair"
"": "Open the first one to obtain more!"
"": "Next boxes will appear in"
"": "Exploration finished!"
"": "You can get the boxes! Remember that there can be not enough place for all of them."
"": "Recall"
"": "Search!"
"": "Search for items"
"": "Survival Chance"
"": "Search Quality"
"": "Time"
"": "Test"
"": "Facile"
"": "Common"
"": "Thorough"

Old KTPlay stuff.

"": "Dead Ahead\nDiscussion"
"gui.btn.linkHint.description.disscuss": "Discuss the walkthrough of this mission"
"gui.btn.linkHint.description.shareTips": "Share your walkthrough experience"

Unused buttons?

"gui.btn.getmore": "Get More!"
"gui.btn.gettoolkit": "Get toolkit"
"gui.btn.improve": "Improve!"


"gui.btn.rush": "Rush!"

Forced ads after playing a level?

"": "Commercial break..."

Gas barrel and Gold reserve packs?

"": "Barrel"
"": "Full Barrel"
"": "Gold Reserve"

Create/craft buffs?

"": "Create x {0}:"
"": "Insert any items to make {0} ({1})"
"": "{0} x {1} complete"
"": "{0} x {1} preparing..."
"": "Insert any items to make {0} x {1} ({2})"
"": "You have maximum amount of buffs!"

Bus defenders, now called"Team selection" from Quarantine days.

"": "Add more defenders"
"": "Apply"
"": "Choose bus defenders"
"": "Choose bus defenders"
"": "Defenders"

Upgrade vehicle and customization.

"": "Upgrade Vehicle"
"": "Complete mission {0} to unlock Vehicle Customization"

Old PvP name?

"": "Complete mission {0} to unlock Raids"
"": "Raid"
"": "Edit team"
"": "Find next!"
"": "Searching..."

Debug line to change to another level.

"": "Change level {0}"

Unused update texts.

"": "Epic Update!"
"": "The game have huge changes.\nYou've got the opportunity to freely explore the map.\nBut unfortunately we could not save your progress.\nIt will not happen again anymore."
"": "Thank you for being with us!"
"menu.CompensationMenu.MaxBusLevelDecreaseDescription": "In the new update maximum bus level has been decreased to 13.\nWe are returning everything that was used to upgrade your team and your bus above level 13. (+1 and +2 items are also combined into +3s as much as possible)"
"menu.CompensationMenu.MaxBusLevelDecreaseTitle": "Max Rank 13"

Scrapped personal sales?

"": "Personal sale"

Using wrong items on a unit type that can't use it?

"": "The item is unsuitable for the unit!"

Unit skills?

"": "- general skills for all units"

Unit with max level reached having an upcoming ability. (Used as of 2.9.2, might become unused later)

"": "You have reached the maximum level.\nThe ability will become available in future updates"

Upcoming content warning, currently unused.

"menu.SetSelect.ComingSoon": "Coming\n soon!"
"menu.SetSelect.ComingSoonWarn": "Coming soon! Wait for future updates!"