Thread:Pudding Veil/@comment-33048824-20180318191839

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I just got here, but from what I observed, the pages are a total disaster despite active edits by multiple active wiki editors around here. It's not that the edits are destructive, but that nobody has really agreed upon a set of editing rules to follow with other members of the wiki, so edits keep canceling each other out, and each page looks very different although the content itself is very similar. It's time to completely revamp the wiki... Together! /( ^-^)/~\(^-^ )\ 

Why didn't I just go ahead and do edits with what I have in mind instead of calling you out? Because I don't want people to undo my edits and vice versa, and it's better to work with more active editors rather than working alone.

Page content order:
1) Description.
2) Pros.
3) Cons.
4) Stats and Unlock Requirments.

*Unit Picture at level 0 on the right alignment.
*No infobox data. It's unnecessary since it's better off displaying the numbers in the page with tables and whatnot, and it's a terrible idea to repeat same data twice or thrice in a single tiny page.
*Header titles are typed in "Sub-heading 1" format (Description, Pros, Cons, etc.)
*NO signature. This is a wiki that is edited by everyone. All edits are saved in the edit history of each page, so don't worry about not being credited for your hard work.

Please use the following tables' source code in the pages:

Unlock Requirements


"Unit name here"



Unit Prepare

Unlike what is common in this wiki's tables as it is now, the header and content cells are differentiated, all the table text is centered, and there are lines that separate the cells. It's important for the tables to be clear and readable.


Courage pros:
*Very low courage cost. (15)
*Low courage cost. (20)
*Moderate courage cost. (25)

Courage cons:
*High courage cost. (30-35)
*Very high courage cost. (+40)

Rage pros:
*Very low rage cost. (0-6)
*Low rage cost. (7-9)
*Moderate rage cost. (10-19)

Rage cons:
*High rage cost. (20-29)
*Very high rage cost. (+30)

Preparation pros:
*Shortest preparation time. (3s)
*Very short preparation time. (3-9s)
*Short preparation time. (10-19s)
*Moderate preparation time. (20-39s)

Preparation cons:
*Long preparation time. (40-49s)
*Very long preparation time. (50-59s)
*Super long preparation time. (60-89s)
*Longest preparation time. (90s)

Health cons:
*Lowest melee base health. (8)
*Lowest ranged base health. (12)
*Very low base health. (13-19)
*Low base health. (20-29)

Health pros:
*Moderate base health. (30-49)
*High base health. (50-69)
*Very high base health. (70-99)
*Super high base health. (100-129)
*Highest melee base health. (130)
*Highest ranged base health. (50)

Speed cons:
*Very slow. (0-6)
*Slow. (7-8)

Speed pros:
*Moderate speed. (9-10)
*Fast. (11-15)
*Very fast. (16)
*Super fast. (+17)

Other pros:
*Bullet resistance.
*Fire resistance.
*Infection resistance.
*Poison resistance.
*Explosion resistance.
*Can throw a grenade.
*High rate of fire.
*Spread damage.
*Long range. (e.g. Charlotte)
*Very long range. (e.g. Sniper)
*Knocks the enemy back. (e.g. Pepper)
*Knocks the enemy back on critical hits.
*Sets the enemies on fire. 
*Constantly heals close allies. 
*Upgrades all allied units on the battlefield. 
*Chance to dodge a hit.
*Ability to come back to life.
*Only attacks the enemy base.
*Charges with high speed dealing x6 damage at first hit.
*Double hit rate. (e.g. Berserker)
*x5 critical attacks in a row. (e.g. Saw)
*Doesn't require items to upgrade.
*Spawns extra courage.
*Freezes units.
*Constantly heals over an AOE.
*Supersedes x. (With a hyperlink) 

Other cons:
*Weak against melee resistant units.
*Weak against bullet resistant units.
*Slow fire rate.
*Short range. (e.g. Flamethrower)
*Can damage friendly units.
*Can freeze friendly units.
*Inspires fear in friendly units.
*Superseded by x. (With a hyperlink)
*Turns into (zombie type) upon death. (With a hyperlink)

More Notes:
*Fortune isn't evaluated as the majority of units have a very similar base fortune.
*Damage isn't evaluated as level ups always compensate low base damage. However, things that affect total DPS like "High rate of fire" or "Spread damage" are evaluated.
*I will edit pages to fix spelling and grammatical errors. I will also remove words of exaggeration and generally any out-of-context text should I find any.

VERY IMPORTANT: This set of editing rules and evaluating list is not absolute. We can (and should) discuss it and agree on what is what. And obviously, this is a wiki, any person can edit what they want whenever they want, but it's just better for us to cooperate rather than stay in this stagnated state. I'm not trying to be "bossy" here; as this is not an order, it's a request.

VERY IMPORTANT: Please check out my edits to the Redneck and Soldier pages for reference to what I'm trying to accomplish here. That's all that I wanted to say. Sorry for wasting your time. ( '>-<)

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