Sidecar Bike

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Sidecar 2x.png

Sidecar Bike is one of the vehicles available for use in Dead Ahead. It's an Ural sidebike, and is the third vehicle that can be unlocked by the player.


Sidecar Bike is a motorcycle that can be purchased in the shop for 4,000 coins starting from rank 3. It's the third bike-like vehicle that appears in the game.

It's believed that Sidecar's purpose is to showcase players an option of mass-oriented vehicles, the accented stat of which helps to compensate for low speed. While its super version sort of does that job well, all of its previous levels are simply not efficient enough for consistent use due to slow controls. So unless the player is able to pull 10,000 coins out of nowhere and invest them into Sidecar it can be safely skipped.

It must be pointed out that the player will inevitably get forced to use this bike in order to finish an objective of rank 17. What this means is that the purchase of Sidecar is best left till this late into the game, since by that time there will be no problem with getting enough coins to both buy and max out this motorcycle.


Shop values
Value Basic Advanced Super
Speed 1 3 5
Mass 6 7 10
Control 2 3 5


  • Twins ride a bike that matches super Sidecar in stats, and only differs from it in looks;
  • The Girl will prefer sitting on the back of the cradle rather than inside it.